Obama's true color and Rev. Wright


New member
I had some small respect for Obama, as opposed to Clinton, until the last week. There are plenty of stories covering what this Rev. Wright has said, complete with audio and video clips. Google them and you will get plenty.

They are indefensible hate speech. Racist nut job ramblings. Disgusting and disturbing rants of a "community leader" who is looking to have his flock follow him is ideology of hatred. Anyone who cannot agree to that might as well hit the back button because there is no way we can then continue the debate to my coming point.

Obama has just denounced this hate speech. Where though was the denouncement 20 years ago? Where was the denouncement when he rose through politics? Where was the denouncement when he won a US Senate seat?

Only once he ran for president did he begin to distance himself. Wright was not at his announcement of his candidacy only because he saw a problem with such an appearance together at the last minute. He let this story boil for weeks before being force to denounce the statements.

In the past he has likened Wright to a crazy uncle. You don't pick your uncle but you pick your preacher! He picked Wright to marry he and his wife. He picked Wright to act as his consultant on all serious issues BY HIS OWN ADMISSION. He chose Wright's words to use in his book, for the tittle no less! He had no problem appearing with Wright for years and sitting in his church for 20 years.

Any person who can claim Obama knew nothing of these disgusting statements while at the same time having been an attendant of the Church for 20 years is a moron.

and that is my problem.

At the absolute minimum Obama has used Wrights voice of hatred to get out the vote for Obama in as open a white vs. black manner as you can image. At the minimum this man who has been by Obama's own accounts one of his most trusted advisors and spiratual leader was a tool of convenience that Obama has cast aside now that he is no longer politically advantageous. At the minimum Obama has no problem using hatred and racism to win political office but knowing that will not carry him to the Presidency he now has abandoned this tool for the time being. He may not hold the views but he will certainly use them when they benefit him.

At the worst Obama agrees with Wright. He follows every word and depends on the man to give him advice in all matters. He is the political arm of Wright's church and would use whatever power is granted to further their goals. He his disowned Wright's statements only to gain the power he needs to further Wright's and Obama's views. Suddenly Obama's wife's statement about being proud to be an American for the first time in her life makes sense...


So we have two Socialists running for the Democratic nomination. One is a liar and manipulator who will carry out vendettas against her enemies, unjustly using her gov't power to do so. The other is either an opportunistic liar who will align himself with racists and America haters to further his political goal or he is an America hating racist who is putting on a pleasant face to gain popular electability. It has to be one of those two because logic says there is no third option for Obama.

Why can't the Democrats find a candidate who doesn't stink like a turd left in the August sun?

There were plenty of guilt by association claims made about Paul. Pretty much those come down to someone who wrote an article in a Paul newsletter or posed for a photo with him at a political meet and greet. This though is Obama's "spiritual adviser." There is a close and long term relationship between the two.
A description of the principles of Black Liberation Theology:


The peculiar theology of black liberation
By Spengler

Senator Barack Obama is not a Muslim, contrary to invidious rumors. But he belongs to a Christian church whose doctrine casts Jesus Christ as a "black messiah" and blacks as "the chosen people". At best, this is a radically different kind of Christianity than most Americans acknowledge; at worst it is an ethnocentric heresy.

What played out last week on America's television screens was a clash of two irreconcilable cultures, the posture of "black liberation theology" and the mainstream American understanding of Christianity. Obama, who presented himself as a unifying figure, now seems rather the living embodiment of the clash.
I completely agree. The Democratic party keeps putting up candidates that are so far to the left of what the majority of the American people agree with and this year is no different.

Only now that there is a major backlash about Wrights views, will Obama denounce him. This pretty much tells you who Obama is and what his views are. Not someone I want as our President!
Denounce Wright or don't denounce him the damage to Obama should be done. The time to denounce and walk away from Wright was when he first learned of such speeches.

As far as I am concerned this has been going on for a long time and Obama has only been bothered by it when it could cost him something. If people can't see through that I don't know what can help them. If his opponents refuse to hold him to this then I don't think they deserve to win.
It's simply not the slightest bit credible that Obama could be associated with this pastor for 20 years and not have any inkling of his point of view on such issues.

I occasionally hear a sermon from the rabbi of my in-laws' synagogue, and it's quite obvious, though never said outright, how she feels about guns in the hands of Jews in the State of Israel, for example. It's easy to discern, from her tone, meter, emphasis, and choice of words that as much as she abhors violence, she understands the Talmudic exhortation that "if someone comes to kill you, arise quickly and kill him first."

For Obama to claim that he couldn't make the same deductions about the attitudes of this pastor over the course of 20 years, insults our intelligence.
Some of the talking heads on radio, TV, the press, and the blogs have put forward the argument that a person does not always agree with what his or her pastor says. However, the immediate issue is not whether Obama agrees or disagrees with his pastor. The immediate issue is that he claims to have been completely unaware of any of the controversial sermons.

In a statement to the Christian Broadcasting Network, Obama asserted, "Most importantly, Rev. Wright preached the gospel of Jesus, a gospel on which I base my life. In other words, he has never been my political adviser; he's been my pastor. And the sermons I heard him preach always related to our obligation to love God and one another, to work on behalf of the poor, and to seek justice at every turn."

So Obama missed every controversial sermon given by Wright since 1988? And no one came up to Obama, who was a state senator starting in 1996, and said, "Hey, Barack, did you hear what Pastor Wright said about the CIA and drugs/the government HIV conspiracy/the 9-11 attacks?" Obama had no friends who attended the same church and had enough concern for his political welfare to warn him about any of this? Over all those years?

That's all rather remarkable. Remarkably convenient that he never attended any controversial sermons. Remarkably out of touch that he was completely unaware of these controversies for so many years, especially in light of the fact that in a matter of a few months, other people outside his church discovered these things.
And the woman that stands beside him and will represent our country in the event of their election says ... "I have never had pride in my country until..."
He's obviously lying about not knowing his pastor's views. Not many folks are going to buy that. I think he made a big misstep. The Oprah went there for awhile but quit because it was too radical. Hillary must be giddy about the whole thing and she didn't have to do a thing. Unless, of course, she posted the videos on Youtube. Nah, she wouldn't do a thing like that...
That's all rather remarkable. Remarkably convenient that he never attended any controversial sermons. Remarkably out of touch that he was completely unaware of these controversies for so many years, especially in light of the fact that in a matter of a few months, other people outside his church discovered these things.

If Hillary wins perhaps she can put Obama in charge of the CIA. He can begin an indepth observation and infiltration of Iceland!
I try to be consistent. Dr. Paul's association with looneys and rascists and the rascist and anti semitic worldview of members of his movement disqualified him from being President.

Sad to see, the Great Hope, Barack, is now the same. He is not qualified to be President.

Here is the best take on it I have seen yet.

Uncle Jeremiah
Barack Obama and his cookie-cutter race huckster.

By Mark Steyn

The Reverend Jeremiah Wright thinks that, given their treatment by white America, black Americans have no reason to sing “God Bless America.” “The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing ‘God Bless America.’ No, no, no, God damn America,” he told his congregation. “God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human.”

I’m not a believer in guilt by association, or the campaign vaudeville of rival politicians insisting this or that candidate disassociate himself from remarks by some fellow he had a 30-second grip’n’greet with a decade ago. But Jeremiah Wright is not exactly peripheral to Barack Obama’s life. He married the Obamas and baptized their children. Those of us who made the mistake of buying the senator’s last book, The Audacity of Hope, and assumed the title was an ingeniously parodic distillation of the great sonorous banality of an entire genre of blandly uplifting political writing discovered circa page 127 that in fact the phrase comes from one of the Reverend Wright’s sermons. Jeremiah Wright has been Barack Obama’s pastor for 20 years — in other words, pretty much the senator’s entire adult life. Did Obama consider God Damn America as a title for his book but it didn’t focus-group so well?

Ah, well, no, the senator told ABC News. The Reverend Wright is like “an old uncle who says things I don’t always agree with.” So did he agree with goofy old Uncle Jeremiah on September 16th 2001? That Sunday morning, Uncle told his congregation that the United States brought the death and destruction of 9/11 on itself. “We nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye,” said the Reverend Wright. “We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back to our own front yards.”

Is that one of those “things I don’t always agree with”? Well, Senator Obama isn’t saying, responding merely that he wasn’t in church that morning. Okay, fair enough, but what would he have done had he happened to have shown up on September 16th? Cried “Shame on you!” and stormed out? Or, if that’s a little dramatic, whispered to Michelle that he didn’t want their daughters hearing this kind of drivel while rescue workers were still sifting through the rubble and risen from his pew in a dignified manner and led his family to the exit? Or would he have just sat there with an inscrutable look on his face as those around him nodded?

All Senator Obama will say is that “I don’t think my church is actually particularly controversial.” And in that he may be correct. There are many preachers who would be happy to tell their congregations “God damn America.” But Barack Obama is not supposed to be the candidate of the America-damners: He’s not the Reverend Al Sharpton or the Reverend Jesse Jackson or the rest of the racial-grievance mongers. Obama is meant to be the man who transcends the divisions of race, the candidate who doesn’t damn America but “heals” it — if you believe, as many Democrats do, that America needs healing.

Yet since his early twenties he’s sat week after week listening to the ravings of just another cookie-cutter race huckster.

What is Barack Obama for? It’s not his “policies,” such as they are. Rather, Senator Obama embodies an idea: He’s a symbol of redemption and renewal, and a lot of other airy-fairy abstractions that don’t boil down to much except making upscale white liberals feel good about themselves and get even more of a frisson out of white liberal guilt than they usually do. I assume that’s what Geraldine Ferraro was getting at when she said Obama wouldn’t be where he was today (i.e., leading the race for the Democratic nomination) if he was white. For her infelicity, the first woman on a presidential ticket got bounced from the Clinton campaign and denounced by MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann for her “insidious racism” indistinguishable from “the vocabulary of David Duke.”

Oh, for cryin’ out loud. Enjoyable as it is to watch previously expert wielders of identity-politics hand-grenades blow their own fingers off, if Geraldine Ferraro’s an “insidious racist,” who isn’t?

The song the Reverend Wright won’t sing is by Irving Berlin, a contemporary of Cole Porter, Ira Gershwin and Lorenz Hart, all the sophisticated rhymesters. But only Berlin could have written without embarrassment “God Bless America.” He said it directly, unaffectedly, unashamedly — in seven words:

God Bless America
Land that I love.

Berlin was a Jew and he suffered slights: He grew up in the poverty of New York’s Lower East Side. When he made his name and fortune, his marriage to a Park Avenue heiress resulted in her expulsion from the Social Register. In the Thirties, her sister moved in with a Nazi diplomat and proudly flaunted her diamond swastika to Irving. But Berlin spent his infancy in Temun, Siberia (until the Cossacks rode in and razed his village) and he understood the great gift he’d been given:

God Bless America
Land that I love.

The Reverend Wright can’t say those words. His shtick is:

God damn America
Land that I loathe.

I understand the Ellis Island experience of Russian Jews was denied to blacks. But not to Obama. His experience surely isn’t so different to Berlin’s — except that Barack got to go to Harvard. Obama’s father was a Kenyan, he spent his childhood in Indonesia, and he ought to thank his lucky stars that he’s running for office in Washington rather than Nairobi or Jakarta. Instead, his whiney wife Michelle says that her husband’s election as president would be the first reason to have “pride” in America, and complains that this country is “downright mean” and that she’s having difficulty finding money for their daughters’ piano lessons and summer camp. Between them, Mr. and Mrs. Obama earn $480,000 a year (not including book royalties from The Audacity of Hype), but they’re whining about how tough they have it to couples who earn 48 grand — or less. Yes, we can. But not on a lousy half-million bucks a year.

God has blessed America, and blessed the Obamas in America, and even blessed the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, whose bashing of his own country would be far less lucrative anywhere else on the planet. The “racist” here is not Geraldine Ferraro but the Reverend Wright, whose appeals to racial bitterness are supposed to be everything President Obama will transcend. Right now, it sounds more like the same-old same-old.

God Bless America
Land that I love.

Take it away, Michelle.

WildhillaryvsmccainAlaska TM
If anything give Hillary the "Moral Authority" to retain and gain additional super delegates it is the Obama / Wright mess. Before if she had done it she would be seen as "stealing the election from a black man." Now she can do it while trying to "save the party from a tragic mistake which was not revealed until too late."

Two weeks ago I would have said Hillary was done for. Now I am not so certain.
"...his whiney wife Michelle says that her husband’s election as president would be the first reason to have “pride” in America, and complains that this country is “downright mean”

The revelation of the (so-called) Reverend Wrights bigoted, anti-American rants certainly put Mrs. Obama's comment in a whole new context.

She seems to have heard Wright's message of perpetual bigotry and anti-American resentment. And her husband somehow didn't? That's not believable.
Perhaps Obama kept falling asleep in church, as I did as a child, and his wife had to constantly elbow him to keep him awake.

He may have been asleep for every negative statement Wright made!
Who cares?

If John McCain's preacher gives sermons saying gay marriage is a sin and should be illegal and John McCain says he believes it should be legal and is not a sin (I don't know what his stance is. This is just an example.) I'm going to believe what John McCain says, not base my judgments about McCain on what his preacher says.

And I can see why a black woman in America might have a hard time being proud of the country. Even so, I imagine she was speaking in hyperbole when she said that. There are probably times she has been proud of the country. Furthermore, she is not running for president. Her husband is.
In my opinion Obama's campaign ship may have just hit the proverbial ice-berg:D, by allowing the media to expose videos of his pastor's, racist and hateful speeches. Consedering that Obama has followed the teachings of Jeremiah wright for 20 plus years, it is safe to say he will more than likely follow Mr. Wrights's philosophies if he is ever able to become president. On a side note I hope never to see this man in a postion of political of authority ever agian.
The Obama excuses begin...

First HAS McCain's preacher, if he even has one, said anything of the sort? Has McCain followed him for 20 years? Has he written a book using his phrase for the title? Has McCain put him in charge of one of his largest committees? Has McCain claimed to call him to discuss important issues and gain advice?

Do you see the difference yet?

And I can see why a black woman in America might have a hard time being proud of the country.

Princeton University and Harvard Law School... I can hear the oppressed outrage of her screaming out for recognition. Funny, Condi Rice never expressed the similar sentiment about never having been proud of America. That's right, she is not a Liberal and therefore is an Uncle (Aunt?) Tom sellout as are all blacks who are not Liberals.

No need to freak out. I specifically said it was just an example.

I believe that you can admire someone and respect their opinions and still disagree with them on certain issues. So (for example) IF McCain had a close relationship with this preacher and disagreed with him on an issue or two, I would listen to what McCain has to say on the issue and not his preacher. If you want to infer what someone believes based on what someone they are close to believes, then go right ahead. I won't stop you.

Perhaps Michelle Obama has a sense of empathy and feels for the generations of blacks and women who were unfairly treated in and by the United States because of their race and gender. You are allowed to get angry about something that happens to someone else. It doesn't have to happen to you for you to feel that it was unjust. I have not said anything about Ms. Rice, so please don't assume that I feel that way about her.
If it was simply a matter of a preacher at the church Obama having gone to being a racist pig that would only carry so far. That Obama built a relationship with this man for 20 years, chose him to lead committees and such changes things entirely.

I was long practiced at sitting in church and sleeping until I was old enough to stop going. The priest could have been calling for a Crusade to Jerusalem and I would have not known. At the same time I was not looking to build some sort of lasting relationship with any priest the way Obama did.
I'm predicting that nothing will come out of this Wright business. The American electorate has an unbelievably short attention span. It's 5 weeks to Pennsylvania primaries, and by then, everyone will have either forgotten or rationalized it away. I've seen every single kind of logical fallacy on CNN, MSNBC, etc.

Strawman - "Why Obama being charged guilty by association?"

Red Herring - "Obama's haters are on a witchhunt"

Tu quoque - "Well that reverend who endorsed McCain hates Jews and the homosexuals."
I'm predicting that nothing will come out of this Wright business.

I might have agreed a few days ago, but it appears Obama himself is going to snatch defeat out of victory on this one. Of course his ardent supporters will not see any problem with the Wright issue, but I think it will hurt with his softer supporters. Just Wrights statements alone hurt some. And Obama saying that he has no idea that Wright made these types of pronouncements from the pulpit hurt even more. How could Obama be a smart informed person ready to be Commander in Chief, and yet not know what was obvious to everyone else? Obama's first denouncements of Wrights statements seemed OK. You know, Wright is like an uncle but I don't agree with all of his views. But now, it appears Obama is going to try to make the case that we have it all wrong about Rev. Wright. He is not really a racist, or he does not really blame whites for all of the modern day problems of blacks. Now if Wright had only made isolated occasional remakes to the contrary, then maybe Obama could get by with this stand. But if Obama tries to convince people that the Wright we see in videos and sound bites, and on TV interviews is not the real Wright, then it's all going to backfire big time.

I think this is the first big tactical error Obama has made thus far.

Isn't it strange many worried that Huckabee would inject too much religion into politics, and those same people seem to think it's OK for Rev. Wright to preach politics from the pulpit.