Obama's speech

Remember this guy's a slick politician. He doesn't stand for fair taxation and other stuff (i know ppl will argue that point) that are also deciding my vote. This guy is giving lip service and kissing major backside to get into office. That is his one and only goal. What he says now may be double talk for "we uphold the second ammendment because you have a gun. Of course it's a rolling breech single shot but hey, it's accurate and reliable. You don't need anything more like some silly dangerous AK-47 you can't be trusted with like those criminals who also can't have them. Now pay your 70% taxes so we can give it to Africa."
Well, the second amendment was mentioned once directly (as quoted in this thread)...whether you believe it or not is a separate matter, but hey it was mentioned and even "supported."

I see that you have put quotations around the word supported. Yes indeed...
Obama's way of playing to both sides is captured nicely with this link.


I like how a "right" listed in the U.S. Constitution is often, in Obama's words, "a tradition of gun ownership that should be respected." That's different than a right that is protected by law. Obama rarely uses the word "right", and when he does it's followed by a disclaimer basically stating that many "common sense" restrictions are allowable.
From a Ron Paul letter in 2006 titled "Gun Control On the Back Burner"
Gun control may have faded as a political issue, but the mentality that Washington knows best-- and that certain constitutional rights are anachronisms-- is alive and well. Look for gun control advocates to bide their time and look for new ways to resurrect the issue in 2008 and beyond.

Ron Paul links


HE DIDN'T WRITE HIS OWN SPEECH FOLKS! He has a team of writers, just like Hollywood has for movies and tv shows. He is an actor on a stage, just like they all are. You have to look at the voting records, you have to read thier own writings, etc.

Lets not forget that more people vote for American Idol than have EVER voted for an election. Put on a good show get the vote.
Obama is only as good as his prepared speeches are! When he speaks (or replies) spontaneously, he stutters, begins almost every sentence with "Well....", and he diverts from the original issue/question to non-related items. Also, when spontaneous, he often gets side-tracked and doesn't even answer the question asked of him.

I noted that they had 3 teleprompters for his "historic" speech last night, not the usual 2. He didn't seem comfortable when looking at the center teleprompter, probably because he is so used to the left/right side ones.

Obama wants to "shelve" the issue of patriotism. Personally, I question Obama's patriotism, having been so close to Jeremiah "G.D. America" Wright, and at least fairly close to William "Bomb America" Ayers! Then there was the military hospital in Germany that he didn't visit because he "didn't want it to look like a political moment", and......the list goes on and on!
Good Talker

Yes, Obama is a great talker. I must admit, his speech almost sucked me in. But then I remembered that Germany had a fellow some sixty, seventy years ago that was a pretty darn good public speaker.
while keeping AK-47s out of the hands of criminals."

And how do all of you BHO Bandwagoneers feel he wishes to accomplish this? There is already H.R. 6257 on the table. He is backed by some of the most notorious "Gun Grabbers" in history. And what will he have to pay up?

I'll tell you where he will get the payment for the support...FROM OUR GUN SAFES, OUR CLOSETS, AND OUR HOLSTERS. That's where. There maybe more important issues than you being able to keep your AK-47...but wait...no there's not! It's yours, you paid for it. You own it legally.

I don't understand where "they" have come to the conclusion that banning firearms will some how make them disappear from the hands of those that wish to do evil. It's worked real well for drugs. The prohibition was an idea that had astounding success. These folks, as smart as they are, have got to be the most ignorant people on earth.
Remember that OBAMA intends to make your state Concealed Carry Permit VOID VOID VOID VOID VOID.

Yup, cjw3cma, they are scare tactics but very real ones. Obama has never seen a piece of gun restriction legislation he doesn't heartily embrace. If you don,t want to own handguns he's your man. Look at the restrictions in Chicago where he cut his political teeth. He's a 'creation' of the Chicago machine and embraces the same antigun mentality of Dailey et. al.
Remember that OBAMA intends to make your state Concealed Carry Permit VOID VOID VOID VOID VOID.



To respond to Obama's position on concealed carry.
Our anger should be with any politician that would ignore the 10th Amendment, first of all. Most all of them do ignore it. In this case, Obama ignores the 10th and wishes to wrongly use this federal power to infringe upon an actual right granted by the 2nd Amendment.
It's one thing to ignore the issue of states rights on particular subjects that are not covered in the U.S. Constitution (which is wrong btw) but to ignore the 10th when it comes to states passing laws in relation to a right that is actually stated in the 2nd Amendment is outrageous.

10th Amendment
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

Where in the U.S. Constitution is concealed carry of weapons mentioned?

Of course Obama couldn't do much on his own, but it's his judgement and his philosophy that bothers me the most. When I think about his so called "Constitutional expertise", that increases my anger.
That's not what he said.

THIS is what he said ...

"The reality of gun ownership may be different for hunters in rural Ohio than for those plagued by gang-violence in Cleveland, but don't tell me we can't uphold the Second Amendment while keeping AK-47s out of the hands of criminals."

I can live with that.

You missed the point of this thread. The point is that Obama is either misinformed, misleading, or just plain a liar about what he says on the gun-rights issue. The fact that you and other libs can "live with that" displays similar misunderstanding.

Criminals cannot own guns in these United States. Thus, we don't need anyone, not even the messiah Obama, considering how to uphold the Second Amendment while trying to keep AKs out of the hands of criminals . . . instead, this is just a lib attempt to demonize AKs and other "evil guns" in a pursuit of control.
