Obama's speech

Obama is truly a gifted speaker and quite honestly, ole John McCain had better learn to be a more forceful speaker or he may be doomed.
Everything Barak said makes sence if you are a Democrat and if you beleive we should tax the hell outa evil Corporations and yet expect them to remain here as opposed to going overseas to make their products.
His speach really does in fact sound great, we ALL prosper, the only problem is how do we do it? He said he would reduce taxes on, 90 or 95% of the population, great, but what about the 5 or 10% that have the wealth, spend it, create businesses and drive our economy?
If you are in any kind of entitlement program, he sounds good, you think you will get MORE for doing nothing, we just Tax our way into prosperity.
I sure wish I were rich, I really do, but I don't think we will be better off in the long run. Taxing people with the thought it is all gonna even out won't work.
I have owned a few businesses in my life, I put up everything I owned for the opportunity to do better. I didn't start the businesses just so I could be an employer and hire a bunch of people. I started the businesses because I,, me,,wanted to have more wealth than I could have working for someone else. You know, the American way. If I had to hire people along the way, fine, I still did it to create MY OWN wealth. I put it on the line, not a single employeee of mine ever invested a dime.
I felt that not only am I employing folks, which is good. I beleived I had the right to do well if I did all the right things and made all the right decissions. The worst an employee of mine could suffer was a lose of his job, I, on the other hand could have lost everything I ever had.
Damn, I guess that made me another Evil Corporation..
If this Country elects Obama we will ALL suffer, the rich, the not so rich and we will be one closer step towards Socialism.
The Dems say we cannot "drill" our way out of the oil problem, well just as sure, we can't TAX ourselves out of a problem either.
Remember Newton... for every action there is an OPPOSITE and equal reaction.
I'm just an idiot who has 35 years studying economics

To many friends I am a joke! I bought gold for $300 and silver for $5. Tripled my money! I also bought a LOT of ammo and that has tripled also. For what its worth-Obama talks a great game, so does McCain but if you want to be safe and secure plan of looking after yourself by yourself. This economy is one small incident from a 1930 style crash. The average guy will vote for anyone in government that promises him safety-and none of them can deliver what they promise. If your are not afraid right now you don't know whats happening!
I thought it was a rousing speech. I admit that i felt myself get caught up in enthusiasm to turn over a new leaf in washington, to clear away the darkness and let the light in. I spread my wings and long to fly into the glorious future, a future where americans are united and where women and men are able to transcend this reality and build something more sublime! WOW! I'm so excited.


Seriously, with talk like that, he could maybe just win. I truly felt my emotions "used", and did feel the enthusiasm. However, the problem I see is not one of "experience", but one of feasibility. First off, his "plan" to pay for all this isn't going to pay for much, unless you increase all other taxes, while cutting a "few" taxes. Secondly, Obama does not believe in trickle down economics, well I do not believe in trickle down politics. Yes, the president sets an example, but there are a lot of politicians who want power. So i do not think obama will be able to "do" most of the things he promises. I think that in a year, it will be back to buisness as usual in Washington, whatever baracktryingtochannelmartinlutherkingobama might say. Then obamamania will turn into cynicism. Maybe I just have a dim view of human nature. There is only one who can change human hearts, and that is not Barack Obama.
I was just thinking about all the promises the Dems made when they took control of Congress---how excited Code Pink and like organizations where.
Change never happened.
Now code pink is protesting and getting roughed up by cops.
One thing the politicians in the good old USA have learned, we are a gullible bunch and always ready to listen to the next guy with more promises.

It's been said that a country gets the government it deserves---how true!!

Dipper, I totally agree with you. If America votes Obama in, so be it. We WILL GET WHAT WE FINALLY DESERVE.
In honesty, I am personally probably "better" off with him in, as long as he truly keeps his promises. He won't, he can't but it sounds so GOOD to the folks that want more from the Gomerment. I just don't care for his method of "helping" America.
Yes, the president sets an example, but there are a lot of politicians who want power. So i do not think obama will be able to "do" most of the things he promises. I think that in a year, it will be back to buisness as usual in Washington, whatever baracktryingtochannelmartinlutherkingobama might say.

For sure. Which is why I'm not entirely worried about him managing to destroy the economy and tax the rich off to the Cayman Islands or whatever else most people seem grossly worried about.

When a politician, particularly the (prospective) President, promises X change, you can safely assume he might manage to actually affect X/10 change. Obama is promising a lot, but I think the amount he'd actually be able to deliver is pretty limited. Which is a good thing.

The problem (politically) is that McCain is offering an amount of change approaching zero. If X is small, X/10 is also going to be even smaller. And even if he managed X, I don't think it's enough for a lot of people in this country. Hear any of those "right track/wrong track" polls lately?

Had to pause the speech for a moment, because honestly every time I hear him repeat the "5 million = middle class" quote it makes me want to throw my remote at the screen. And my remote is, while not expensive, expensive enough that I'd not want to replace it.

I don't know how much he's to blame on this, and how much the electorate is to blame. It's about as close to a lie as you can get and not technically be lying. We all know that McCain said exactly that...but anybody who saw it, and has a brain in their skulls (including most Obama supporters, at least the ones I've talked to) knows he was kidding. It was not meant as a serious answer.

Now, the real issue (as I think I've mentioned in another thread) is that he wasn't willing to take a stab at a real answer. There was no reason not to, he was more than welcome to provide a nuanced answer, just as Obama did. His refusal to provide a serious answer to the question is damaging enough...hearing Obama and his campaign continue to run with this line of BS is pretty infuriating.

But hey, he's still a politician. McCain's already done the same or worse, and both will do worse before this thing's over.

But as I showed in another thread earlier today, I hate when people spread lies. I also hate when they spread "almost" lies, and distort the context enough that they might as well be.

I know I'm preaching to the choir here on that one, of course. But hey, felt like venting.
He needs to be specific and state how McCain voted and on what.
Maybe McCain actually casts votes other than PRESENT
like some do

Wait, are you talking about the votes that McCain made that he no longer believes in (not to mention bills he sponsored)? You definitely don't want the politics moved to McCains record. McCain's only chance of winning is to keep the focus on Obama.
I don't know how much he's to blame on this, and how much the electorate is to blame. It's about as close to a lie as you can get and not technically be lying. We all know that McCain said exactly that...but anybody who saw it, and has a brain in their skulls (including most Obama supporters, at least the ones I've talked to) knows he was kidding. It was not meant as a serious answer.

Has McCain actually come back with an actual answer to that question? Or is it all a joke to him?
Has McCain actually come back with an actual answer to that question? Or is it all a joke to him?

Nope. Best he could do was the whole "you can have a bunch of money and be spiritually poor, or be broke and be rich in love" or whatever BS he spewed. Which is true and all, but isn't exactly the answer I want to hear when we're talking about taxes and/or the economy.

Wait, are you talking about the votes that McCain made that he no longer believes in (not to mention bills he sponsored)? You definitely don't want the politics moved to McCains record. McCain's only chance of winning is to keep the focus on Obama.

Well, there's that and...I forget, I but I thought I heard something about him being a POW? Not sure exactly, just heard it mentioned in passing once.
Yeah SecDef,

I do want the politics " moved " to McCain's record while at the same time, staying on Barrack's record too.
Yes, I would like a head to head comparison---why not?? Isn't that what all this is about??

I am naive as heck, but I would like a true breakdown of votes and a COMPLETE explanation of votes and statements.
I would like to know WHY each voted the way they did---I would actually like to hear things like this over promises that I KNOW will never be fulfilled.

I would like to hear what Barrack would say if someone asked the question:
You say McCain voted with Bush 90% of the time---isn't it true that 90% of congress voted with Bush 90% of the time??
I'd like to hear the answer and see the stats.
I am ALL FOR asking both candidates all the questions and forget about all these promises.
I think how a candidate votes is one of the most important considerations we should use in determining who to vote for.

BUT, that will never happen I guess.

Oh man, if you want a good laugh you really ought to check out The Daily Show tonight, and their faux-biographic video they put together (making fun of the actual video that was sure to be shown, given that TDS was recorded yesterday).

Hilarious. They went with a Lion King theme, and it was generally over-the-top and awesome.

They even make fun of the "we are the change that we've been waiting for" line, which let's be honest was pretty much required.

It should be available online tomorrow on the website, or they replay it in the mornings.
Overall it was an outstanding nomination acceptance speech. His fluidity in speaking those words made me feel more than most speeches of candidates that I admire for their resume (and not just the good, press stuff but the reporting of his activities since his election to the Illinois senate).
Of course his speech was littered with his writers suggested and/or best zingers and "make 'um clap" / hear them repeatedly the next news day utterances.

McCain does not have the mannerisms of a powerful speaker; his meaning is best delivered in a "turn up the volume" manner - make him sound bigger. He will deliver a very acceptable version of his platform also littered with those same zingers and next day soundbytes. But his delivery style and manner will sometimes distract from what he is intending the listener to hear. About his platform - unless you're knee deep into oil futures and pending fund manipulations, you gotta think that the overall outcome of the Bush, Jr. presidency has been less than stellar for the majority of our citizens (and those collecting our benefits).

It doesn't matter what either candidate has to say about the Second Amendment; they are playing a sophomoric version of Feed the Flame (whatever the masses or select audience are politically programmed to hear and is guaranteed to cause a stir - mostly a verbally one). The Supreme Court strengthened the NRA interpretation of the amendment with its DC pronouncement.

Obama did an excellent job of delivering the words. He implied lots of meaning / feeling in his voice and was believable.

Now THAT is what McCain needs to deliver - Believability. I think it's going to be a tough sell to this gun owner.
I don't know how much he's to blame on this, and how much the electorate is to blame. It's about as close to a lie as you can get and not technically be lying. We all know that McCain said exactly that...but anybody who saw it, and has a brain in their skulls (including most Obama supporters, at least the ones I've talked to) knows he was kidding. It was not meant as a serious answer.

It's not Obama or his supporters that are spreading that frame, though I'm sure they don't mind, It's the media itself that's doing it.
The media are lazy, rather than report on the human blooper reel that is John McCain, they look for an easy framework and run with it. It's the same thing they did with Gore in 2000.
I don't need a leader to help me dream.

Was there any mention of the Bill of Rights or civil liberties in Obama's speech. Bush has seized much power for the federal govt, and Obama has no problem with the government keeping those new powers.
Was there any mention of the Bill of Rights or civil liberties in Obama's speech.

Well, the second amendment was mentioned once directly (as quoted in this thread)...whether you believe it or not is a separate matter, but hey it was mentioned and even "supported."

There were at least a couple other mentions of civil liberties, though one in particular isn't likely to get much support here.

But no, this was not in any way the focus of this speech.
I got a bit annoyed when I watched his speech, nothing he said he was going to do will benefit me - so why should I vote for him? The same goes for McCain, I need a reason to vote for either candidate and right now I am missing it.
I got a bit annoyed when I watched his speech, nothing he said he was going to do will benefit me - so why should I vote for him? The same goes for McCain, I need a reason to vote for either candidate and right now I am missing it.

I have to agree with what he said.

McCain is going to be another Bush. Bush surely will go down in history as one of the worst presidents of all times. That's how much people think of the man. Poll after poll proves it. He has one of the least favorable ratings of any president. About as bad as Carter is what most people think of how he did his job. When you stop and think about it, what has he done for us. He captured Hussein. And we haven't been attacked since 9/11. That's just about it. He made a bunch of tax breaks for the rich. He ran up our debt with the Iraq war that we could be spending that money here to help our own who need it. And look what he has done to help the US economy. :confused: Now I can't remember the economy being so bad. A lot of jobs are going overseas. Now before you say we can thank Bill Clinton for NAFTA, George Bush Sr. was actually president when NAFTA was signed in 1992 by leaders of Canada, Mexico, and the the US. Clinton did make the final passage a priority in 1993. But the point is congress as a group signed NAFTA into existence. So our government as a whole screwed the American people.

Say what you want about McCain is the lesser of 2 evils. That don't mean we have to like him as one of our choices.

I for one, don't like either.
I don't get you guys....seriously.

First, a bunch of this speech was classic liberal class-warfare garbage.

Second, his statement about criminals not having AK-47s and rural and urban being different meant the following:

The Second Amendment doesn't mean the same thing everywhere in the US, and a bigger, badder AWB is coming if you elect him.

I cannot believe that on a firearms board, I'm reading folks actually saying that anything bHo said impressed them.

I don't think people here are trying to say Obama is the answer to our problems at all. But I think most will agree that McCain sure don't seem much different from Bush according to his record. I for one don't want 8 more years of what Bush gave us. Record fuel prices are killing most American workers and their family's pocketbooks. Bush has done nothing but to help the big oil industry typhoons to become only richer. And I would bet they have awarded Bush a hefty compensation package in doing so. McCain is all talk as well. He won't do much that Bush didn't do. I don't think Americans as a whole want another 8 yrs of Bush.