Obama's speech

I have to say I was impressed. I know it is all talk right now. But I like what he had to say. We will see what McCain has to say next week. It better be good.
Obama's Acceptance Speech re Guns

Seeking to appeal to gun owners, Obama said we can all agree that criminals don't need AK-47s on the streets of our cities.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I beleive it is already illegal for criminals to have AK-47s (or any other firearms).

Tonight, Obama proved to me that he is ignorant on the gun-rights issue. This country could be going to hell in a hand basket.

Yeah...great speech.

Especially THIS part....

"The reality of gun ownership may be different for hunters in rural Ohio than for those plagued by gang-violence in Cleveland, but don't tell me we can't uphold the Second Amendment while keeping AK-47s out of the hands of criminals."
I was just about to make a thread about this and my frame of mind after just having watched him give his speech.

I have to admit, I really, really liked what he had to say. Am I just getting caught up in the politcal fervor? I dont know. But WOW!!!....Im not gonna lie, Obamas speech really hit me in the emotional and patriotic gut. Maybe I been wrong about this guy, and while I cant agree with his stance and track record on gun ownership, perhaps there really are things just slightly more important than my being able to own an AK-47.

But like WINSTON THE WOLF said....I cant wait to see what McCain has to say at the RNC. Im not quite ready to jump on the Obama/Democratic band wagon...but I have to give Obama his due for making me question my own stubborness in my political views.
Yeah...great speech.

Especially THIS part....

"The reality of gun ownership may be different for hunters in rural Ohio than for those plagued by gang-violence in Cleveland, but don't tell me we can't uphold the Second Amendment while keeping AK-47s out of the hands of criminals."

Yeah I heard that part. But I have heard worse from McCain. (Bomb Iran, Will be in Iraq for a 100 years. There will be more wars) That sounds like more of the same. Might even be worse than the same.

I thought Obama slapped McCain when he said McCain said "he would follow Bin Laden to the gates of hell", But he won't even follow him to the cave where he lives............OUCH!!!
Blondie said:
Seeking to appeal to gun owners, Obama said we can all agree that criminals don't need AK-47s on the streets of our cities.
That's not what he said.

THIS is what he said ...

"The reality of gun ownership may be different for hunters in rural Ohio than for those plagued by gang-violence in Cleveland, but don't tell me we can't uphold the Second Amendment while keeping AK-47s out of the hands of criminals."​

I can live with that.
BIG BIG difference between the sayin and the doin!;)

Everyone should try to remember that any President is not a dictator or king---there are many people and many government agencies that any Pres has to deal with---congress has alot of people with their own agenda and thoughts.
Any one remember our economic life when Carter was in??
You can only T-off big business so much before THEY pull the plug---If he keeps talking about taxing businesses things could get difficult and where do you think they'll recoup there losses??
Only three guesses now!!

Very good speech though.

I don't really recall many crimes that were committed using AK-47s. They're a bit hard to come by and very hard to conceal.
The man can give a great speech, make no doubt about it. He is a professional speaker if there ever was such a thing.

I enjoyed what he had to say.

But he's got a long way to go to become the next president.

What he said about McCain voting the same as George W. Bush 90% of the time is right on the money.

I for one don't think John McCain is our answer either.

Voting none of the above is the same as not voting.

This is going to be one of the worst elections we have had for bad choices to do the job. :(
I don't get you guys....seriously.

First, a bunch of this speech was classic liberal class-warfare garbage.

Second, his statement about criminals not having AK-47s and rural and urban being different meant the following:

The Second Amendment doesn't mean the same thing everywhere in the US, and a bigger, badder AWB is coming if you elect him.

I cannot believe that on a firearms board, I'm reading folks actually saying that anything bHo said impressed them.

Especially after he picked Biden as his running mate.

Yes Brad your right when you say:

"What he said about McCain voting the same as George W. Bush 90% of the time is right on the money."

Bo saying that McCain voted the same as Bush 90% of the time is a true statement.

So is this:

Ninety percent of congress voted the same as Bush 90% of the time----that is a true statement too!!

What does that mean??
If you consider EVERYTHING that Congress votes on, that statement means NOTHING.

More smoke and mirrors---he's a good wordsmith.
He needs to be specific and state how McCain voted and on what.
Maybe McCain actually casts votes other than PRESENT :eek:
like some do.
I don't get you guys....seriously.

First, a bunch of this speech was classic liberal class-warfare garbage.

Second, his statement about criminals not having AK-47s and rural and urban being different meant the following:

The Second Amendment doesn't mean the same thing everywhere in the US, and a bigger, badder AWB is coming if you elect him.

I cannot believe that on a firearms board, I'm reading folks actually saying that anything bHo said impressed them.

Especially after he picked Biden as his running mate.


Do you really think McCain is your friend? He wrote this:


"I'm John McCain with some straight talk. Convicted felons have been able to buy and sell thousands of guns at gun shows because of a loophole in the law. Many were later used in crimes. That's wrong.

Here in Colorado, Amendment 22 will close this dangerous loophole by requiring criminal background checks by unlicensed dealers at gun shows.

I believe law-abiding citizens have the right to own guns. But with rights come responsibilities. Close the loophole. Vote Yes on Amendment 22."

—Senator John McCain


Nobody wants criminals to have guns. But specifically mentioning AK-47s is best interpreted as a tacit statement that (A.) Only criminals want to own them, and/or (B.) banning them is OK.

Although I would never vote for Obama, I worry a lot less about the RKBA today than I did even as recently as five years ago. It's such a losing issue for the Democrats, and they know it at this point. It was obvious when the AWB was first passed in '94, and it's more obvious today. Of course, the Dems also control Congress, but considering how little legislation they seem to pass besides stupid symbolic stuff, I'm not even sure that matters much.
First, a bunch of this speech was classic liberal class-warfare garbage.

Second, his statement about criminals not having AK-47s and rural and urban being different meant the following:

The Second Amendment doesn't mean the same thing everywhere in the US, and a bigger, badder AWB is coming if you elect him.

I cannot believe that on a firearms board, I'm reading folks actually saying that anything bHo said impressed them.

Especially after he picked Biden as his running mate.

+1 on that. Cant everbody see that he is opening the door to a much stricter, permanent AWB?
It wont matter if he is ignorant of the actual terminology of firearms. Dont forget he is from Illinois, with some of the strictest firearms laws in the nation.

Be careful of the change you wish for, you might just get it!

We dont need him. PERIOD.
I don't get you guys....seriously.

First, a bunch of this speech was classic liberal class-warfare garbage.

Second, his statement about criminals not having AK-47s and rural and urban being different meant the following:

The Second Amendment doesn't mean the same thing everywhere in the US, and a bigger, badder AWB is coming if you elect him.

I cannot believe that on a firearms board, I'm reading folks actually saying that anything bHo said impressed them.

+1 He can point out the problems he sees in this country, anybody with half a brain could. He still has no solutions to any problems. Oil, blah blah blah hope, war in Iraq blah blah blah change, my grandfather marched in Pattons army, my gram worked in bomber factory blah blah blah hope for America, jobs in America blah blah blah change for America.

Oil- he has at this time a nonexistant solution to real problem, renewable resources. more plug in hybrids and reducing electricity by 15%, uh... last time I checked the more things you plug into your electrical outlet, the more electricity you use, not less:confused:

Iraq- set a time table and leave...but we will go back if we have to, how about let's get it right the first time. the War on terror is gonna require black ops and Allies, apart from Afghanistan.

Debt- universal healthcare(more money spent, taxes??) lower college tuition (grants, subsidized loans, more taxes???) more money spent equals more debt, not less:confused:
In the video run-up before the speech they showed Obama saying this:

"It's that fundamental belief — I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper — that makes this country work."

That gave me the creeps right there. I really don't want to have a keeper. Not very good wording on his part. I watched the beginning of his speech but then I couldn't get the song "Cult of Personality" out of my head so I had to change the channel.
That was a very inspiring speech. No doubt Obama is one of the greatest orators in American history. He is diffidently the man to beat. It will be very interesting to here McCain's speech. He has a lot of ground to cover to win in Nov.
That's not what he said.

THIS is what he said ...

"The reality of gun ownership may be different for hunters in rural Ohio than for those plagued by gang-violence in Cleveland, but don't tell me we can't uphold the Second Amendment while keeping AK-47s out of the hands of criminals."

I can live with that.

Yeah, you think that now. Unfortunately, that statement is pretty vague, and doesn't say anything about making sure that law-abiding citizens have access to those same AK-47s. After all, one of the main points of acquisition of guns for criminals is theft from a law-abiding person's home. Definitely for handguns, at least...perhaps less so for things like AK's. Still, expect that anybody looking to keep "assault rifles" out of the hands of criminals will think that keeping them off the streets in general is a good start.

Trust me. As a pro-gun Democrat* (yes, such things exist), I've heard it far too many times.

Only one I think. The Hollywood shooting. Full autos, body armor. Not your average criminals

Oh, I'd wager if you looked around you'd find a few drive-bys they've been used in. Concealment isn't much of an issue when you just have to poke them out the window for a sec. But still, not the kind of weapon commonly used for crimes, nor the kind of thing the average person should lose sleep worrying about.

Then again, the same could be said for terrorist attacks.

Anyway, haven't checked out the speech yet. I'm off to watch it now. I'm so thankful for DVRs, where I can skip the 90% of the DNC broadcast that is pundits circle-jerking and people I don't care about blathering on...to watch the people I do care about blather on!

* - Actually registered independent, but lean about 70/30 or Democratic as far as voting goes.