Obama's incredible accomplishments...

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Know your enemy, and keep him close, and, don't underestimate him.

Folks: This guy is black, and, while that is NOT what this thread is about, it is REALLY important that we recognize we have a formidable opponent. He has managed to become the first black man EVER nominated by a major party for president. That is an incredible accomplishment. Getting nominated by itself is, but, he's breaking ice here.

So, rather then look at him for what he hasn't done, let's look at BO for what he has done, and, figure out how he did it, so that we can better deal with such a situation.

So, let's start with High School. Anyone have info on his activites there?

Next College:
How did he get into Harvard?

I gather he's a lawyer. How did he get into that law school? SAT's, grades, ????

From what I gather, as a legislator he did nothing but write tons of bills, attempting to keep his name in his state's legislator.

Next, how did he manage to pick the Jeri Ryan Senate seat, and, how did that scandal happen to come out, after 10 years, right in the middle of the campaign, forcing Ryan's withdrawal?

How is he raising so much money, and, where is it coming from?

What are his religious affiliations, and, how have his past associations failed to impact his status as a candidate?

I'm having a REAL hard time thinking that all of these events are first, likely, and second, possible, without some REALLY serious bribes, and serious money changing hands.

Anyone have info on this?

If he doesn't win this election, what about the next one???
Socrates said:
How did he get into Harvard?

This guy is black,

You answered your own question. Have you heard of affirmative action?

One of my favorite shows of all time was the Sopranos. That show didn't
mess around. Two of my favorite lines from that show were the following:

Meadow Soprano: Please I'm blacker than her.
Meadow's friend: Maybe you should have put that in your application.

It's the truth. Truth is not racist.
Even so, the chances are about 1 in 6000, each year. Given the Wikpedia back ground:
As an adult Obama admitted that during high school he used marijuana, cocaine, and alcohol, which he described at the Saddleback Church Civil Forum on the Presidency as his greatest moral failure.[7][8]

Following high school, Obama moved to Los Angeles, where he studied at Occidental College for two years.[9] He then transferred to Columbia University in New York City, where he majored in political science with a specialization in international relations.[10] Obama graduated with a B.A. from Columbia in 1983, then worked for a year at the Business International Corporation[11] and then at the New York Public Interest Research Group.[12][13]

After four years in New York City, Obama moved to Chicago to work as a community organizer for three years from June 1985 to May 1988 as director of the Developing Communities Project (DCP), a church-based community organization originally comprising eight Catholic parishes in Greater Roseland (Roseland, West Pullman, and Riverdale) on Chicago's far South Side.[12][14] During his three years as the DCP's director, its staff grew from 1 to 13 and its annual budget grew from $70,000 to $400,000, with accomplishments including helping set up a job training program, a college preparatory tutoring program, and a tenants' rights organization in Altgeld Gardens.[15] Obama also worked as a consultant and instructor for the Gamaliel Foundation, a community organizing institute.[16] In mid-1988, he traveled for the first time to Europe for three weeks then Kenya for five weeks where he met many of his Kenyan relatives for the first time.[17]

This guy is a drug user: went to a J.C. for two years, majored in PoliSci: and didn't take the LSAT, my guess, for 5 or 6 years, and STILL gets into Harvard? First, the SAT is designed to perpetuate the status quo. It's a test where the next tests questions are determined by how well the testing group does on the 20% questions that aren't counted. In other words, the right or wrong of the questions on the SAT's are determined by how well the group taking that test does on the questions. For an example: If I had a test designed for 3 year old chimpanzees, and, I used the groups scores on the 20% questions being considered for the next test, I would eventually end up with a test that the 3 year old chimps did very well on. Younger and older chimps would NOT score as well, because the test would be catered to that particular ethnic group, and, that particular age, and, what ever gender of chimps took the test the most.

So, BO does NOT fit into the categories that test was designed to get into law school. Therefore it's HIGHLY unlikely he scored well on the test, and, that is a HUGE factor in getting into Harvard Law.

I'm thinking more likely his step-father has money we may not know about, or, some sort of financial 'donation' was made to entice the school to admit him.
I'm pretty sure Obama was the son of an admiral, which negated his poor grades.
arack Hussein Obama II[1] was born on August 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Barack Obama, Sr., a Black Kenyan of Nyang’oma Kogelo, Siaya District, Kenya, and Ann Dunham, a White American from Wichita, Kansas. His parents met while attending the University of Hawaii at Manoa, where his father was a foreign student.[2] They separated when he was two years old and later divorced.[3] Obama's father returned to Kenya and saw him only once more before dying in an automobile accident in 1982.[4] After her divorce, Dunham married Lolo Soetoro, and the family moved to Soetoro's home country of Indonesia in 1967, where Obama attended local schools in Jakarta until he was ten years old. He then returned to Honolulu to live with his maternal grandparents while attending Punahou School from the fifth grade in 1971 until his graduation from high school in 1979.[

Don't see an admiral in that...

Why hasn't his drug use been played up???
went to a J.C. for two years, majored in PoliSci: and didn't take the SAT, my guess, for 5 or 6 years, and STILL gets into Harvard?

Why would you guess he didn't take the SAT for 5 or 6 years? He clearly went to Columbia.
Socrates said:
This guy is a drug user: went to a J.C. for two years, majored in PoliSci: and didn't take the SAT, my guess, for 5 or 6 years, and STILL gets into Harvard? First, the SAT is designed to perpetuate the status quo. It's a test where the next tests questions are determined by how well the testing group does on the 20% questions that aren't counted. In other words, the right or wrong of the questions on the SAT's are determined by how well the group taking that test does on the questions. For an example: If I had a test designed for 3 year old chimpanzees, and, I used the groups scores on the 20% questions being considered for the next test, I would eventually end up with a test that the 3 year old chimps did very well on. Younger and older chimps would NOT score as well, because the test would be catered to that particular ethnic group, and, that particular age, and, what ever gender of chimps took the test the most.

So, BO does NOT fit into the categories that test was designed to get into law school. Therefore it's HIGHLY unlikely he scored well on the test, and, that is a HUGE factor in getting into Harvard Law.

I know that you're jesting, but all this "racially biased testing" crap chaps
my hide. Do you know who score highest on SAT, MCAT, GMAT and LSAT?


Am I to believe that all of these standardized tests are designed to favor

Obama entered Harvard Law School in late 1988 and at the end of his first year was selected as an editor of the Harvard Law Review based on his grades and a writing competition.[18] In his second year he was elected president of the Law Review, a full-time volunteer position functioning as editor-in-chief and supervising the law review's staff of 80 editors.[19] Obama's election in February 1990 as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review was widely reported and followed by several long, detailed profiles.[19] He graduated with a Juris Doctor (J.D.) magna cum laude from Harvard in 1991 and returned to Chicago where he had worked as a summer associate at the law firms of Sidley & Austin in 1989 and Hopkins & Sutter in 1990.[18][20]

Anyone have a bit of information on the gender, race, and age of that year at Harvard Law School?

That said, to take over Harvard Law School is something he must have planned long before entering the school. In fact, to score so well on law school exams, and writing exams, means he had to seriously study, or have tons of help, or both, in learning legal writing style, and, learning exam writing styles. Law school requires you to study the professor, his prior tests, and the model answers, and learning how to write the way that professor wants you to write. This is NOT an easy task, and takes LOTS of work.
Why hasn't his drug use been played up???

Probably because juvenile experimentation with illegal drugs that did not lead to a habit or significant criminal activity is not as important as it used to be for the average American voter when he makes decisions about political candidates.

You can speculate about hush money, but I think that the answer is far simpler. Insuations were made about Bush and cocaine, and those did not really gain any true momentum.

means he had to seriously study

Maybe he did ...

I'm thinking more likely his step-father has money we may not know about, or, some sort of financial 'donation' was made to entice the school to admit him.

Do you actually have evidence of this, or are you speculating? I doubt you will find more than idle speculation here. I suppose that is fine if you are only looking for what you want to find in the first place.
Thanks for catching that. I'm talking about ONLY the LSAT. That is the only one of these tests that I wanted to discuss, since it plays a huge part in law school acceptance. The demographics of who takes the LSAT are what determines, in part, how easy it is to score well on the test.


David White has done a lot of studying on how the test is designed, and how it perpetuates the status quo...
Somebody "up there" likes him, and I don't mean Him.

You don't make the jumps he's made without help. He's been brought along by handlers and groomed for this role.

The OP said Obama was a black man. I'd say he's really a white man desperately trying to be black, to connect with his inner "negritude." That seems to have been the great impetus of his life, and I think we can understand why a boy who's been abandoned at two by his father might have certain yearnings.
Obama has always reminded me of the slick impostor that Will Smith played in Six Degrees of Separation. Right now he has half the country conned.
From Wikpedia: this is the section, and how it's used, in the LSAT, that I'm talking about:
Unscored section

Each exam includes one experimental section, used to test new questions for future exams. The performance of the examinee on this section is not reported as part of the final score. The examinee is not told which section of the exam is experimental, since to do so could skew the data. To reduce the impact of examinee fatigue on the experimental results, this section is always one of the first three sections of any given test. Because multiple versions of the exam are issued, alert examinees who have two different versions of the test can identify the experimental section by noting which sections they had in common.

There is a controversy about the fairness of this section. The student does not know which section is ungraded. Examinees can determine which type of section was unscored as soon as they run into an extra section of a given question type. For example, if the student has already done two arguments sections and runs into a third one, then one of those three was the experimental section. Some examinations will include three arguments sections; others will have two games or reading sections. Because the section order is unpredictable, sections of the same type can occur consecutively. Depending on ordering and where a given examinee's strengths and weaknesses lie, an examinee could underperform (or overperform) on one specific testing. No formal examination of the impact of the experimental section has ever been done, and examinee scores tend to steadily rise with practice regardless. Critics of the experimental section charge that it also amounts to unpaid research being done on LSAC's behalf by examinees who are already paying for the testing.

Testing for the Public made the point that given the method of determining test questions for the next test, and, given the general demographic, economic, racial, gender, and age specifics, for the majority of the people that took the test, if you weren't in that group, mainly kids, just out of college who had been in the top 5% of their schools, you were at a disadvantage, because of how the test is constructed. That's why I find it VERY strange that he made it into Harvard. The added age makes you see things in more complex patterns then kids right out of school, and, I believe the majority of law school applicants are white and asian.
Socrates said:
Testing for the Public made the point that given the method of determining test questions for the next test, and, given the general demographic, economic, racial, gender, and age specifics, for the majority of the people that took the test, if you weren't in that group, mainly kids, just out of college who had been in the top 5% of their schools, you were at a disadvantage, because of how the test is constructed.

Yes, it discriminates against dumb people.
Yes, it discriminates against dumb people.
And old genius people, and people that are genius but aren't
23 years old, and just graduated from college, etc.

Also, OB took 5 years off from Columbia, to getting into Harvard Law. MOST people wait until they are about to enter law school before taking the LSAT, unless he had some very savy advisors, either at Columbia or elsewhere...
You don't make the jumps he's made without help. He's been brought along by handlers and groomed for this role.

Exactly. Where is this help coming from? Harvard Law?
Is this an Alumni project to get even with Yale for Bush?
Testing for the Public made the point that given the method of determining test questions for the next test, and, given the general demographic, economic, racial, gender, and age specifics, for the majority of the people that took the test, if you weren't in that group, mainly kids, just out of college who had been in the top 5% of their schools, you were at a disadvantage, because of how the test is constructed. That's why I find it VERY strange that he made it into Harvard. The added age makes you see things in more complex patterns then kids right out of school, and, I believe the majority of law school applicants are white and asian.

What makes you think he didn't take the LSAT right after Columbia? I know lots of people that deferred law school.
Socrates said:
And old genius people, and people that are genius but aren't
23 years old, and just graduated from college, etc.

Also, OB took 5 years off from Columbia, to getting into Harvard Law. MOST people wait until they are about to enter law school before taking the LSAT, unless he had some very savy advisors, either at Columbia or elsewhere...

Did Hussein score well on any admission test?

I attended an Ivy League school, and I sort of sympathized with people who
got in with the help of affirmative action. They were clearly struggling, and
some of them were miffed that they were not afforded the same kid glove
treatment once they entered school.

I hope Hussein doesn't expect someone else to pre-chew his food for him when
he becomes president.
Did Hussein score well on any admission test?

I attended an Ivy League school, and I sort of sympathized with people who
got in with the help of affirmative action. They were clearly struggling, and
some of them were miffed that they were not afforded the same kid glove
treatment once they entered school.

I hope Hussein doesn't expect someone else to pre-chew his food for him when
he becomes president.

I have no idea what he scored as those results haven't been released. If Obama is a result of affirmative action, rather than condemn it, I think he makes a poster boy for it.

So you are willing to admit that once at school he wasn't handled with kid gloves and his achievements there are his own?

Of the two candidates, he's not the one I'm concerned about needed his food pre-chewed.
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