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Check the news on Obama speech in CA to the wealthy liberals. He slammed small town America for believing in God, gun owners and hunting.
Obama is now spewing the typical left wing mantra. All people are oppressed. It's up to us (left wing) to save the world. Of course they kinda forget that the socialist type governments of the world are not setting the world on fire. Many socialist countries have double digit un-employment, and a large poor working class that is revolt or close to revolt.

Now we are getting to the real agenda of Obama. Far left liberalism. Of course this fits well with his anti-gun philosophy.

I have always thought this is the real core issue with Obama that will ultimately sour the general electorate. Just give him time, his left wing beliefs (Rev. Wrights chickens) will come back home to roost!
I think the more we get to 'know' Mr. Obama the more we'll discover he's quite radical in many of his ideals and very far left of center politically.
I'm not real excited by McCain as a candidate.

But I must say that I've really, really enjoyed watching the Democrats cut their own throats and then dance naked in their own blood by creating a situation wherein their two choices are between the most polarizing, unlikeable woman in recent political history, and the totally unprepared, inexperienced arrogant liberal dude whose middle name is Hussein.

I mean, could the Democrats be any more clueless?

It's like watching the Memphis Tigers piss away a 9-point lead with two minutes left in the NCAA Championship game, and then miss free throw after free throw after free throw.

I love it!

I mean, could the Democrats be any more clueless?

I see this as the first crack in the liberal dam. Remember when Michell Obama said for the first time she is proud of her country? Well, that was not just a mild slip of the tongue. The left wingers think the USA is a dark place full of evil and they must save us all from the bogeyman. Now we are down to the real left wing agenda. Now Obama, along with the rich elite Hollywood liberals, will make our life perfect. No more greed, racism, poverty, CCW,....I can hardly wait for utopia to begin.

BTW, if we don't have CCW I guess the liberal criminals won't bother us non-carrying fellow citizens. What a relief.

Liberals always seem to get hung up on the same problem. They begin to believe the rest of the general population actually thinks the way they do. This thinking usually lasts until one day after the Democratic convention.:cool:
But I must say that I've really, really enjoyed watching the Democrats cut their own throats and then dance naked in their own blood by creating a situation wherein their two choices are between the most polarizing, unlikeable woman in recent political history, and the totally unprepared, inexperienced arrogant liberal dude whose middle name is Hussein.

I mean, could the Democrats be any more clueless?

Of course, even after all the Democratic infighting, McCain still is not statistically leading the race.
The left wingers think the USA is a dark place full of evil and they must save us all from the bogeyman.
I thought this was the common argument as to why everyone should be carrying. . . .
Let's break down the core of the Obama speech:

First part:
But the truth is, is that, our challenge is to get people persuaded that we can make progress when there's not evidence of that in their daily lives. You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not.

I don't find anything at fault here. But I need to include it because it provides the antecedent for the "they" in the second part.

Second part that people are seeming to find fault with in full:
And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.

And now broken down.
And it's not surprising then they get bitter
People ARE bitter. About jobs going overseas. About the number of people on welfare.

they cling to guns
Yep. Because in economic downturns the crime rate goes up and the need to protect yourself goes up with it.

or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them
Isn't this why people think that stressing "Hussein" has an effect? Apparently to THEM it does. And they clearly use it with antipathy. Weird, huh?
Plus, people DO turn towards religion during times of personal trouble. That's kind of what the whole "footprints in the sand" thing is all about.

or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment
He's talking about the "Why haven't we put up that wall to keep the illegals out!!?" crowd and the anti-Nafta "why should we let mexican truckers in the US" crowd. Not exactly like these groups don't exist.

I think there is a lot of confusion that a politician would actually talk about these things. Lip service and lack of action seems to be par for the course and what people would rather have I guess.

Edit to add a quote from some other forum that sums it up nicely:
No one likes to be accused of being bitter when they don't feel that they are bitter. But if you are bitter, and feel that you are bitter, and someone says "I understand why you're bitter," I think that's a different story.
Not good if you want to carry certain "red" states in Nov. Even with this I feel confident that he will still beat McCain in Nov.

He'll carry some red states if he gets the nomination. In Georgia, democrat turn out was much, much higher than republican turnout during the primary. The problem with McCain is the same problem with Bob Dole in 1996... he doesn't inspire the Conservative base and the election will hinge on which party can get its base to the polls. President Obama is a much more likely possibility than President McCain. Either way, though, we are in big trouble. Obama would be much worse though.
And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.

Anyway you "break it down" it was stupid or a true picture of what he believes that rural small town America is backward, I believe if he was trying to explain the bitterness he should have dropped the guns and religion portion but again a typical far left wing attitude that simple hurts America, hopefully he understands that many of the troops fighting around the world come from small town America.
I guess I’m just one of those frustrated, ignorant, God-fearing, gun-nut, backwoods people Barack is talking about.

I’m glad I am.

And if I go any farther with comments about how I classify him, this thread will be locked and I'll be banned, so I'll quit right here.
He's really shot himself in the foot, no pun intended. Let's look at the recent list of gaffs:

1. Not distancing himself from Rev. Wright.

2. Michelle Obama's statement about America.

3. Yesterday's elitist statements about small town America.

He's the most liberal person in Congress. His voting records shows this. Now his statements are showing his true beliefs. He's trying to sell socialism and that government can fix everything because he knows better than us and we are incompetent.