Obama starts gun control

Compare and contrast these two emails I received tonight.

From the Brady Campaign:

Victory! President Obama listened to us and not the NRA!

Late Monday evening, the Obama Administration announced that it would require gun dealers in states bordering Mexico to report to law enforcement multiple sales of certain semi-automatic rifles. We applaud this move by the President which gives federal law enforcement an important new tool to fight gun trafficking into Mexico.

Thank you to everyone who helped the Brady Campaign push this issue with the Obama Administration.

And this from the NRA:

House Committee Passes Amendment to Defund Illegal Obama Firearm Sales Reporting Requirement

Today, during consideration of the FY 2012 Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations bill, pro-gun U.S. Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-Mont.) offered an amendment to prohibit the use of funds for a new and unauthorized multiple sales reporting plan proposed by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. The Amendment was passed by a vote of 25-16.

The Rehberg Amendment, which was strongly supported by NRA, will defund the Justice Department’s controversial and illegal move requiring federally licensed firearms retailers in states bordering Mexico to report multiple sales of semi-automatic rifles.

The best part? The Brady Campaign's premature victory dance came after the NRA's announcement.
On a related note, here is another attempt by the government to promote gun control:

Here is an internal ATF email regarding "Operation Fast and Furious," an ATF operation in which agents forced gun dealers to sell firearms to known straw buyers, who then transported mass quantities of firearms into Mexico for use by the drug cartels:

From: Chait, Mark R.
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 10:25 AM
To: Newell, William D.
Cc: McMahon, William G.
Subject: Re: SIR

Bill - can you see if these guns were all purchased from same FfL and at one time. We are looking at anecdotal cases to support a demand letter on long gun multiple sales. Thanks Mark R. Chait Assistant Director Field Operations​

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Was afraid to link to a political site, and didn't know how to best provide citation, so just left it for people to do their own search. But I fixed it.
And as I pointed out in another thread, the announcement of this new regulation came exactly two days after the Washington Post published the names of gun dealers with traces to Mexico sales - information that could only have been obtained from ATF and that was illegal to give to the WaPo.

Not suprisingly, the top 2 dealers on that list were cooperating with Fast and Furious. At the same time ATF was ordering them to complete straw sales in violation of the law, it was also violating the law itself to set the FFLs up as the bad guys in the WaPo story.
I knew that this thread would touch upon the actions of the "Gunwalker" scandal. But let's not make this the whole theme. It will be closed as a duplicate thread.

Obviously, it would have to be ratified before taking effect.

The democrats had a majority in both houses, when this was signed. So one should be asking why it wasn't ratified? As far as I can tell, what was lacking was the political will to ratify it (CIFTA), and go against the beliefs of the majority of the American public.
Al, treaty ratification requires approval by 2/'3 of the Senate. The House is not involved in treaty ratification. There were not 66/67 votes in the Senate for this treaty. It's puzzling that the WH thinks there will be in 2012.
Of course you're correct, csmss. But only insofar as you don't count the RINO's. There were/are some few republicans that would have voted for it... 6 would've done it, I think.
Does anyone have any new information on this? Or is this strictly going to be a border states issue or is it still unknown in scope?
No new news. The House is voting on a bill to defund this provision. The Senate has a companion bill; but even if it makes it through the Senate, I would expect a veto.

The NRA has indicated it will sue as soon as the first demand letter from ATF is sent. So far, there has been no suit which seems to suggest no demand letter from ATF.
How about we sign a treaty with Mexico that prevents the BATFE & DOJ from dealing in arms and serving as an informed conspiritor to dealing in arms.

That's a treaty I could stand behind....
Some RINO Republicans may have voted for it. The Dem theme for 2006 for Congress was to elect conservative Democrats that were almost as conservative or more conservative to gain control of Congress. It worked for a while but eventually tripped the Dems up. In 2012 I think two thirds of the Senate comes up for election. If they are foolish enough to ratify this treaty Gun Rights organizations might make for another 1994. Harry Reid is a pretty smart fellow. I am thinking that is a battle he does not want right now nor in 2012 with that big a portion of the Senate up for election and some in conservative areas.