
Pro-gun Governor Bill Richardson has endorsed Obama. Would anyone here look upon Obama more favorably if he picked Richardson as his running mate?
NO! NO NO NO NO. No Way In H E Double Hockey Sticks am I going to vote for him. PERIOD.

I won't vote for him because he's a gun grabber, but by no means is that the ONLY reason I won't vote for him. And just because he enlists someone who is less anti-gun than he is does not in any way mean that he is less anti-gun. Or anti-freedom in general.


No way in hell I'd vote for Hillary!, either.

I won't be voting for Obama, not because he is half African-American, but because hes an extreme leftist and I'm a conservative libertarian.
Back when Clinton was in office Richardson was our Representative. We found that Richardson does nothing that is not good for Richardson , Period!

He must see something in Barrack that can help him in some fashion! VP Maybe?:eek:

He is like the wind, You don't know what way he is going to blow!


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John Nance Garner is quoted as saying that being vice-president isn't worth a bucket of warm spit. With that in mind, I fail to see how the flavor of the spit will enhance Obama's palatability.

It seems the numb nuts here gave him the ticket! He thinks he has some power again. He pissed off the queen by not giving her his Ole Mitty endorsement. He road on Clinton's skirt tail so long He forgot what it's like to have a job!

What a Puke!

I think he is a delusional Schizophrenia!

I would like his cooks job! $65,000 a year and he is never there!
The biggest supporters of illegal aliens working in America are the republicans.

No, it depends on what you mean by Republicans. Some people that have hired illegals are certainly Republicans and some Dem's..or other. The Republican party does not support amnesty or hiring of illegals.
I won't be voting for Obama regardless who his running mate is but I do think Richardson was far and away the most qualified Democrat running. Telling that the Democrat voters selected the 2 least qualified among the bunch. It was about 'cool' not qualified. 1st back person, 1st woman, COOL right?

The Republicans didn't do much better. As far as a resume goes the Republican's picked #3 in qualified but #1 in anticipatable performance. McCain isn't less qualified then Hillary or Obama that's for sure. Except for Keys and Paul ALL of the Republicans were more qualified then either of those two.

As a VP I don't see Richardson helping the Dems. Sure he's more conservative but Obama's negatives far outweight Richardson's positives. If Obama were in his seventies and had a shaky medical history I'd get more interested but he's a healthy young man as far as I'm aware of.

McCain's choice will be more compelling IMHO. It's more then a little possible his VP choice could become President before McCain 1st term is finished.

Bottom line is Obama can't cover his gaps with Republicans with any VP choice and Richardson isn't 'cool' enough to win the hearts of the Hillary supporters. He might as well pick Bono or Cindy Sheehan.
No, it depends on what you mean by Republicans. Some people that have hired illegals are certainly Republicans and some Dem's..or other. The Republican party does not support amnesty or hiring of illegals.

Hmmm. George Bush and John McCain certainly do support amnesty. I would say that indicates your statement is incorrect.
The reality of the situation is that neither party is about to piss off the hispanics during election time. Where I live, family members and the church help and allow for the illegals to get here, get their feet on the ground since our job market is great. Within a year they are buying homes, new cars, etc. The voting members of these family units doing the sponsering can and do vote just like the rest of us. They are not going to vote for anyone who would interupt their way of expansion.
Unfortunately, every time a non english speaking kid comes into the school system, my tax dollars get spent to assign an aide to the kid until he becomes literate. The school system also gets lotsa tax dollars if he/she is homeless. Living in a motel is homeless.
The Republicans have had 8 solid years to do something about it and have not, the Dems the previous 8 also. Maybe the next Prez will have some gonads but I doubt it.
Hmmm. George Bush and John McCain certainly do support amnesty. I would say that indicates your statement is incorrect.
........and suffered greatly politically. Republiicans responded against it in force which is WHY it DIDN'T get through. Narrow and selective sampling can make virtually any thin example but as MadMag was pointing out, Repulicans at large are definatly against illeal immigration.

If you would like to use Bush as an example lets do that in refference to the wall going up. He has pushed through the already aproved and funded progress dispite every effort by Democrats to halt it. That wall was one of the last things the Republican Congress made happen. That is an example of Bush being active in the securing of the border which is agreed has to be step #1.
Are you asserting McCain hasn't suffered politically from the Republican base over the amnesty bill? Seriously, is that your assertion?

The 'Paul needs such suffering' logic is nonsensical but it does speak well of McCain and the overall respect he has garnered through the years that he can make mistakes and still retain his ability the influence people which is yet another leadership trait that Paul hasn't yet shown in 20 years in Congress.

Therein lays Paul's genuine problem. His lack of leadership ability. His own shortcomings, not a mass American stupidity or lack of patriotism/respect for the constitution, are the genuine reasons Paul failed in his 2nd bid for the Presidency. His message was top notch, his lack of leadership ability and revolting associations (an example of deplorable judgment to say the least) were the actual things people saw and were unwilling to accept.
HM. George Bush and John McCain certainly do support amnesty. I would say that indicates your statement is incorrect.

OK, I should have said most Conservative Republicans. But as Bruxley has indicated McCain & Bush have been on the hit list by conservatives just for their stand on immigration.