
I would have looked more favorably on the Democratic party if they had actually nominated Richardson instead of Obama or Clinton.

That's not to say I would have a whole lot even then.
By his actions with Rev. Wright, Obama has demonstrated, like Ron Paul did with his rascist pals

No, Obama maintaining a 25 year relationship with Wright as his spiritual advisor and hiring him as campaign staff is not the same as Don Black managing to sidle up to Ron Paul at a Republican event and get his picture taken. It's obvious that you think libertarians are bigots, but the evidence is really thin.
Like if you said "my aunt is a typical black woman, she is kind and loving but does harbor some resentment towards whites that sometimes surfaces" you are not condemning her or her race. You are just stating a fact.

So if someone said the 'typical' European-American is 50 times more likely to be the victim of a crime commited by an African-American than vice-versa, which is a fact.

Is noting this fact racist? Is knowing this fact and having a heightened sense of awareness when around certain African-Americans racist?

Are the African-Americans commiting the crimes 'typical' or 'atypical'?

Is Obama 'typical' or 'atypical' of African-Americans?

What is the 'typical' African-Amercan like? What is the 'typical' European-American like?

Are 'typical' European-Americans racist? Are'typical' African-Americans predisposed to crime?

If someone votes for Hillary are they racist? If someone votes Obama are they sexist?

If Obama were a conservative would liberals give him the Clarence Thomas treatment?

It all must be very confusing for the 'politically correct'.
The Obama apologetics is getting creative, I'll give it that.
So if someone said the 'typical' European-American is 50 times more likely to be the victim of a crime commited by an African-American than vice-versa, which is a fact.

Is noting this fact racist? Is knowing this fact and having a heightened sense of awareness when around certain African-Americans racist?
He didn't say that. He said she is a typical white person that had that concern. Yes, that's racist. There's no analogy to comparing racial statistics to comments of what you think motivates others based on their race.

It could have been just a slip up from his long time exposure to overt racism but association and discernment are important qualities for leadership. I don't think the guy should even be in the senate.
There's no analogy to comparing racial statistics to comments of what you think motivates others based on their race.

I'm well aware of that I just wanted to fit that statistic in.:D Without seeming racist.;)

You see the primary problem is that Democrats have used race as wedge issue and to keep African-Americans voting for them. The truth is racism is not the even close to the problem it once was, but without it the Jacksons and Sharptons of the world lose relevance and without 90+% of the African-American vote Democrats do not win the presidency.

I won't be voting for Obama, not because he is half African-American, but because hes an extreme leftist and I'm a conservative libertarian.

What someones race, religion, ethnicity or sexual preference is means next to nothing to me. It does however seem to mean everything to some people.

Like the Reverend Wright for example.
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By his actions with Rev. Wright, Obama has demonstrated, like Ron Paul did with his rascist pals, that he is unfit to be Presidnt and quite frankly, unfit to sit in the Senate.

Therefore, his potential VP is meaningless to me since if Obama is elected we are all screwed.

WildfightrascismAlaska ™

Wild is absolutely correct. Perhaps Richardson agrees that the government created HIV to kill black people, and maybe he'll urge Obama to adopt "G-Damn the United States" as Obama's new campaign slogan. That kind of thinking seems quite popular with the Obama campaign.

Aside from that, Richardson's endorsement is irrelevant because Richardson garnered so little support while he was running for President. His act of growing a beard got more press than his campaign ever did. :D


Pro-gun Governor Bill Richardson has endorsed Obama. Would anyone here look upon Obama more favorably if he picked Richardson as his running mate?

I think such a ticket would be near impossible to beat.


The problem is there is nobdy to vote for. They are all owned by the 35,000 lobbyisys that now rule DC. Thet don't even write our laws anymore, the lobbyists do. Obama has flip flopped so many times it's ridiculous. Hillary is a seething elitist and I loathe McCain.
Maybe we could dig up Thomas Paine and bring him back to life.
It may seem strange to many Americans, but I am a liberal and ADAMANT about my right to own firearms and protect myself and my loved ones. If one REALLY studies what liberal means itis about freedom, not having a king or dictators and personal freedom.
Now we have become and oligarchy as opposed to a monarchy. Our kings are Exxon, State Farm Insurance, etc...
They own the govt. and we count for nothing. But we did it to ourselves. We were busy worrying about Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston breaking up or who'll win the Super Bowl while they stole our rights. And all our rights.
Alberto Gonzales stated that "the 4th. Amendment is not guaranteed in the Constitution". GARBAGE!!!!!
And the current Governor of Califoprnia should be in jail right now for vehicular violations. But the rich don't have to obey the rules. Especially an "action hero".
Obama's running mate

I nominate Rev. Jeramiah Wright for OBAMA'S Vice Presidential running mate. I think he'd make a wonderful addition to the ticket! :o
Then again they are alike on other issues. Richardson signed a bill to give illegals drivers license in NM. Obama has always said he supports giving illegals drivers license. Yet another reason (IMO) not to vote for either one of them.
To Madmag

The biggest supporters of illegal aliens working in America are the republicans. Look at Wal-Mart. They hired them and then screwed them out of their overtime.
You all remember "overtime". Wal-Mart got that done away with. They love to bash the illegals and then run to street corners to hire them. Former CAlif. Gov. Pete Wilson had an illegal maid. Dem Zoe Baird also had one. As wealthy as they are they couldn't give a nice ameircan college girl a decent job? Poor Zoe was only making $600,000 a year. And her hubby made more.
Maybe Obama could get David Dukes to run with him.:D

That way it would balance things out nicely. A guy who hates white people and hates America, running with a guy who hates black people and loves America.:p

Reverend Wright could be the new White House Chaplain, after they move the White House to Chicago.
For a Democrat, Al Gore from Tennessee used to be pretty Conservative. But look at him now... a mamby pamby lib who can't tell the truth if his life depends on it.

Because Richardson is pro-gun now, believe me, the party machinery would force him to sell out that position in short order. Don't buy it. Democrats at the National level have one position on guns.... they intend to take them from you.
The biggest supporters of illegal aliens working in America are the republicans.

That's not exactly true. IT is more accurate to say that Republicans support illegal aliens and amnesty as much as the democrats.
bobbo said "The biggest supporters of illegal aliens working in America are the republicans".

What the hell planet have you been living on:mad:

The damn socialist Democrats have blocked every proposed anti illegal solution.

The president and a few of his cronies and a minority of Congressional Republican have joined with the Dem's.

But the only real push for stopping Illegal immigrants has come from Conservative/Republicans.

Unfortunately, the Republican nominee is one of the supporters of the Invaders. So on this issue none of the 3 offer a good solution to the immigration problem.

As far as Obama is concerned, He is a flaming Socialist that even makes
Hillary look conservative. If you think the addition of Richardson is going to save your 2nd Amdt. rights you are deluding yourselves.
It still amazes me that the issue of illegal aliens didn't become a front page issue until the election season started. And I can assure you it will cease to be an issue the day after the elections. Neither party cares very much about the issue, but it's good to make us idiot voters think they care.

Here, in Kansas, the only time our Washington representatives show up in the State is just before election time. Like most politicians, they hate the fact that they have to kowtow to us voters to keep their cushy jobs.:mad:

Voting for encumbents is like saying "I love the system".:rolleyes:

mmmmm. popcorn. this is getting interesting. :D

I've reached the point where I don't even watch tv anymore for drama.
I just view the forums. :rolleyes: