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Pro-gun Governor Bill Richardson has endorsed Obama. Would anyone here look upon Obama more favorably if he picked Richardson as his running mate?
Hillary can't overcome Obama now that the disputed states won't count and there's no do over. The next day Richardson supports Obama and it gets press time. Amazing.
Destined for greatness, no doubt: the half-Black joins forces with the half-Mexican to defeat The Great White Whale.

Yeah, save those buttons, they'll be collectors' items.
I don't like that he stood 20 ft from me and said he was going to make my life better by lowering taxes.

He removed the taxes of food.

He doubled the taxes relating to car ownership.

Registration doubled.

Sales taxes on cars went up.

He added a transfer tax the seller must pay when selling a car.

He jumped up all sales taxes on none food Items.

He robbed the state funds from gas revenues that was to go to education.

He used DOT funds to purchase a new airplane at the tune of $8.0 million and now the DOT says they don't have the funds to repair the roads.

There you Go! Just to name a few!:barf:

While under the Clinton show, he was our representative. He all butt abandoned us!

He not only has a brown nose, He has Ring Around The Collar!
As long as BHO stays away from "typical white" persons in selecting a running mate he should keep his base. I am not sure who that is, there are a whole bunch of black democrats and republicans 'round my way not amused with his pastor.

Richardson is confusing me. Obama called for blood from Trent Lott for remarks about Strom Thurmond's 1948 presidential bid and blood from Don Imus for his ill advised remark about the ladies b-ball team, yet he defends Wright. Richardson endorses that?
Nothing like good old fashioned racism.

No, being a typical white person is racist (according to Obama). But just making the point that someone (Hillary) is a typical white person is just a statement of fact.

Do you think we could classify bill as a typical womanizer?

I love this election...it's so complicated.:D
By his actions with Rev. Wright, Obama has demonstrated, like Ron Paul did with his rascist pals, that he is unfit to be Presidnt and quite frankly, unfit to sit in the Senate.

Therefore, his potential VP is meaningless to me since if Obama is elected we are all screwed.

WildfightrascismAlaska ™
No, being a typical white person is racist (according to Obama). But just making the point that someone (Hillary) is a typical white person is just a statement of fact.
You seem unwilling to accept the meaning of that statement yet also unwilling to let go of it. I would suggest you do one or the other because your misrepresentation of it is weak and not becoming.
Is the phrase "typical black person" racist?

Is the phrase "typical white person" racist?

I am so confused....................
After his capers, I don't know how Richardson got elected to the gov position!

I hate to say it but I think the Dumbing down of America has started working!

He crapped on New Mexico and yet they elected him the Gov. ??????

Race is in the game!

If I attended a church that condoned what I have seen I would be run out of town. Never mind running for a office.

My grand mother was 50% American Indian , Irish on the one side.

Same side Grand father was Dutch.

Other side , my Grand mother was Dutch.

Grand father Swede.



I class my self as American Pink/Red sort of kind of thing!

How do I fit in the Mix???????????????????

Since my family has been here since 1690, Don't I rate some sort of status????

I go to the hospital with a finger off and the Person from the south gets seen first?

Am I pissed off ? Yep Sure Am!

This Post Is As Politically Correct As I Could Make It!

Piss On The Color Blind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is the phrase "typical black person" racist?

Is the phrase "typical white person" racist?
Depends on how you use it. If you use it in the context Obama did regarding his grandmother it would not be racist.

If you said that "the typical black person is decent and no different from the typical white person except for a few cultural variances" and that "the typical black person does carry some residual resentment for the treatment they and they ancestors have received" that is not at all racist.

Like if you said "my aunt is a typical black woman, she is kind and loving but does harbor some resentment towards whites that sometimes surfaces" you are not condemning her or her race. You are just stating a fact.
Depends on how you use it. If you use it in the context Obama did regarding his grandmother it would not be racist.

Good point, Playboy. However, I think before you jump the gun here, Applesanity's statement had no context. I'm not here to put words in Applesanity's mouth. But if that's the only statement in his post, I'm willing to guess that the statement is only to mimic what Obama said to prove a point...

As far as Richardson...

I think I've lost just about all respect for him. How can someone that supposedly is adamant on preserving the 2A, only to endorse a candidate that will IMO stop at nothing to strip those very rights? Yes, I know there's other issues to consider. But, IMO, one has to stand to preserve the foundation. It does no good to preserve the siding otherwise...
Good point, Playboy. However, I think before you jump the gun here, Applesanity's statement had no context
Exactly, and a statement made on race, mocking the statements of another, would automatically take on a negative context because of the lack of necessity or reason.
So, do you think the same of Obama?

Pro-gun Governor Bill Richardson has endorsed Obama. Would anyone here look upon Obama more favorably if he picked Richardson as his running mate?

To answer the OP...NO. It just makes me distance myself even further from the Democratic party in general. There are very, very few democrats that I believe hold to the original ideals of what the party stood based on 50 years ago or so...