Obama on O'reilly

Here's a fun game. Next time you watch Bill, get a pair of stopwatches and time how long he speaks vs. how long his guest speaks. It seems as though he tends to talk about twice as long. Oh, and he TALKS SORT OF LIKE THIS TOO, ALL THE TIME.
You know, astro, I really hadn't realized that...but Bill really does speak about how I imagine all-caps sounding.

No wonder I dislike him so much.
They need to absolutely be called out on the fact that high gas prices are exactly what they've been wanting for years. They're just mad the increase isn't due to a tax.

Heck, earlier this year, Obama stated that he wasn't concerned as much about the price of gasoline as much as he was the rate at which the prices had gone up, or something fairly similar to that. This was another look into his soul. If he and the democrats could have ramped the price of gas up to its current level over a couple of years, he implied that he would have been OK with that. But since it went up too fast, it's the fault of Bush/Cheney and Big Oil. They must all be punished. :rolleyes: What's this I hear about the UK Telegraph (or maybe it was The Guardian) which reported that Obama and Biden are going to start an investigation into the Bush administration as one of the first things they do when they take over the White House? Was that reported as such?
astromanluca said:
From what I've seen of the show, Bill O'Reilly doesn't really interview people, he just yells at them before they can finish their sentences.

That's because he doesn't have eternitiy for his guests to him-haw around the answer and then drift off-topic like Larry King. He yells at them because most of the time they deserve it. He catches his guests on lies and spin and calls them out. Is it rude? Well, yes. But, no more rude than going on a show knowing full well that you better answer the question directly and not waste his or his viewers time. I find it extremely rude of the guest to play games. If I have hours on end to listen to dribble, I'd tune in to Larry King.

Very rarely have I ever seen him yell or cut-off his guest unnecessarily if the guest would simply answer the dang question and give a direct explaination.

I don't mind him raising his voice. He's a hot-headed irish-american that's passionate about his country and his job. He isn't the only journalist that raises his voice. Is he arrogant? Maybe. Is he well liked? IMO, probably not. But, the facts remain that his show has stomped the competition. That's saying a lot. Their cable news programs have been dominating the market for a reason.

I personally don't like a lot of his stances. I want to pull my hair out every time he claims global warming is real, etc. But, I respect him for the fact that at least he does his research and has well thought out reasons in his stances. The one key way he earned my respect is the job he did hammering on judges that were way to lenient on child rapists.

I'll take a faulted journalist that hurts peoples' feelings during interviews over journalists that spend every breathing hour defending judges that shouldn't be on the bench...rather sharing a prison cell with Butch.

His interview tonight with Obama won't be a shouting match. The platform is different than what's on his live shows. There's more time to allow the guest to lay out his explainations and a one-on-one taped setting. Those that think he'll "yell at his guest" isn't observing the big picture.

I do think he'll be softer on his questions and show more restraint, just like he did with Hillary. Actually, my prediction will be even softer. All those years him chomping on the bit to get Hillary in to interview her and hammer her on issues came to a big disappointment. I expect this one to be the same...
I love Bill, I don't think anything is more enjoyable to watch then having him yell at a guest. Even if they don't deserve it the expressions on their faces are still priceless. Bill is a pretty good guy, even if he does have a sponge fetish.
I just saw part 1, Guess O'reilly is gonna milk it for a few shows. It looks to me like Obama is moving right for the general election and fox viewers.

Obama admitted the surge was a success, but still won't say he was wrong for not voting for it.
Apparently, it is an installment thing... first of three?

Obama did a good job. He handled it well, even with a bellicose prima-donna like O'Reilly.
OBAMA on Oreilly

Bills not our enemy.OBAMA/Biden are.I'm Left Wing Intolerent and PROUD of it. David Letterman makes Bill seem like a Saint.He was very cruel toward Gov. Palin's family with comments he made on his show.NBC CBS ABC CNN hate gun rights and conservative thinking people.They are never Fair or kind.Excuse me for being a America 1st kind of Guy promise I will calm down after we give them a good beating on Election Day.
Recon 7
I just saw part 1, Guess O'reilly is gonna milk it for a few shows. It looks to me like Obama is moving right for the general election and fox viewers.

I remember in 1992, Bill Clinton "moved right". He promised middle class tax cuts just like Obama. People were saying, wow, this guy is not your typical democrat.

But, within 60 days of taking office, Bill Clinton retracted his tax cut pledge. He said something along the lines of "After reviewing the economic condition of the government, we will not be able to fulfill our tax cut pledge".

Took him less than 60 days to throw his "new found" conservatism under the bus.

Moral: A liberal, is a liberal, is a liberal.
amprecon posted:
Some idiots just need yellin' at.

Boy, ain't that the truth. I watch O'Reilly on occasion and have read two of his books. I'm not a huge fan but I find his show to be interesting at times. His books were very good, in my opinion.

There are other talk show hosts who will also yell at people. Keith Doberman and Chris Matthews come to mind. They mostly yell at conservatives, republicans and right wing types, but let's leave that aside for now. As much as those two nitwits yell and hyperventilate on their shows, they'd give their leftmost testicle to have the ratings that O'Reilly has.
O'Reilly asked Obama about Iran and the possibility of Iran obtaining (by manufacturing) nukes.

Obama came out against any possibility of Iran obtaining nukes. Said that more negotiation needs to be done. Said that we need to talk to our European allies and get more support from them. More sanctions against Iran. When pressed, said he wouldn't take the military off the table. When pressed further, he wouldn't divulge how and under what circumstances he would use the military - in the interests of national security.

IIRC, nothing was brought up about the borders or the possibility of terrorists bringing nukes into the States.

O'Reilly asked Obama about the surge and his vote against it. Tried to pin him down that he (Obama) was wrong.

Obama came as close to admitting that he was wrong about the effects of the surge, without actually saying it. He would not budge on the idea that his vote was wrong.

That's the gist of what I remember.
I told myself I wouldn't watch it, I'm not a fan of Bill's, but I was curiosly drawn.

The questions appeared to be picked by Obama, he answered them without a "uh" or a "L-L-L-L-Let me tell you, tell you.... what I think, hmm." They seemed rehearsed. That was fine until Bill called him on some of his answers then it was stutter and stall all over.
Bill tried to get him to admit he was wrong about the surge. Even though Obama agreed that it is working, he wouldn't admit he was wrong, because we've spent too much money on it.

That's what stands out most.
When pressed further, he wouldn't divulge how and under what circumstances he would use the military - in the interests of national security.

Ah, I see. I thought he said he didn't want to tip his hand and give his ideas away to McCain.
But stil....:o