Obama on O'reilly


New member
Well, I guess Sara Palin must have had real effect on Obama and his campaign staff.
He's going on O'reilly tonight.
I find the timing interesting to say the lest.
I wonder WHEN this interview was actually set up?---my bet is very recently---like Obama calling Bill yesterday-- " Hey Bill, if you want an interview it will have to be Thursday."
McCain had a little more class than that---on Barrack's big night, he didn't announce his VP and actually came on national TV and wished him well.
I hope it's an interview worth watching.

From what I've seen of the show, Bill O'Reilly doesn't really interview people, he just yells at them before they can finish their sentences.
I'll pass on O'reilley, too. Hey, he and Barack have the same initials... what's Bill's middle name?
Not a great O'Reilly fan but do watch him from time to time. He does like to shout over his guests but he also does give them an opportunity to get their point across. He makes the most noise when he feels he's not getting an answer to the question he asked but rather a 'sound bite'.

Agree Obama and his handlers must be a bit desperate to have him on O'Reilly. The timing certainly is not a coincidence - timed to take some of the thunder away from McCains speech tonight.

Palin's selection clearly has the Obama crowd scrambling.
The interview with Hillary was pretty good. I predict that there will be no difficult or confrontational questions. I would not be surprised if Obama required the questions in advance. If he is not stumbling all over the answers I will know that is the case.
I would not be surprised if Obama required the questions in advance. If he is not stumbling all over the answers I will know that is the case.

My thoughts EXACTLY Montainclmbr,

O'reilly has ALWAYS contended that he NEVER gives out questions in advance.
I like you think that if we see smooth Obama tonight, that Bill may not be completely honest about that.

O'Reilly? Honest?
I don't care for O'Reilly's blustering style either, but I look forward to seeing this interview. He doesn't let people get away with talking around questions, so it will be interesting to see how Obama does with pointed questions. O'Reilly definitely won't let him get away with simply talking about grandiose abstractions like "hope" and "change".
I want to hear specifics about his tax plan and how it is ONLY going to affect "the evil rich".
I want Obama to explain how he is going to prevent " the evil rich" from passing the increased costs down to us.

I like Fred Thompson's analogy, " they're just going to take water from the rich's side of the bucket."
TO COOL and true!!

dipper said:
I want to hear specifics about his tax plan and how it is ONLY going to affect "the evil rich".
I want Obama to explain how he is going to prevent " the evil rich" from passing the increased costs down to us.

I don't know if they really have such a fundamental misunderstanding of economics, or if they're just saying stuff like "windfall tax" as a populist appeal to people who seriously don't get it. Probably the latter. It's amazing though the number of people who are voting for Obama because they think he'll really stick it to the oil companies. Does it not occur to them that a "windfall tax" on oil companies will simply be passed on to us at the gas pump? It won't hurt ExxonMobil, they'll just charge more for a gallon of gas. Duh.

Another thing I wish someone would nail them on is that for years the left has complained that gas is too cheap in the US. Oh, if only gas could be expensive here it would force people to carpool and buy small cars and invest in alternative energy. Well now we do have high gas prices and they're trying to use it as an issue against the Republicans. They need to absolutely be called out on the fact that high gas prices are exactly what they've been wanting for years. They're just mad the increase isn't due to a tax.
I sometimes watch O'Reilly, but usually not for long.... get tired of him listening to himself speak. However, I expect he'll be pretty polite tonight, but that don't mean we'll get a bunch of specifics out of Obama.
O'reilly does well on these high-profile interviews. He does get a bit cocky with "the little people" but, as stated, he did very well with Hillary and other big-wigs.
I heard that Obama held a press conference right after the show was taped. It was said that Obama seemed upset and was saying ummm, ummm, ummm alot.
It would be funny if Obama said "That question is above my pay grade" again.

What would be even funnier if he said "Present".

mountainclimber said:
I heard that Obama held a press conference right after the show was taped. It was said that Obama seemed upset and was saying ummm, ummm, ummm alot.

Are you sure it wasn't "Ow Ow Ow" from having brand new orifices on his backside from yesterday when Guiliani and Palin ripped him brand new ones? Those newly formed orifices take time to heal you know.
He did look disturbed and was not his usual self---did not answer questions that well and changed the subject a time or two.
He just seemed Peeved and didn't hide it all that well.
When asked about Palin it seemed he wanted to quickly dismiss her and said "I'm running against McCain" which I guess is true but......
I think Palin got to him and MAYBE O'reilly asked him "How are you going to....."
to many times.

O'Reilly is a tool. The last time I watched him, he was red faced and yelling at some guest he asked to come on his show. I stopped watching his show.
I love watching O'Reilly.

I understand some peoples dislike over his "style", but IMO its exactly what is needed. I dont agree with everything O'Reilly says or believes, like the episode when he refuted Richard Dawkins on the issue of evolution, but I do think hes bit more "fair and balanced" than a lot of people give him credit for.