Obama, its not just the guns that have me worried

Fiddletown, I repeat especially for you:
By the way, living in CA, do you expect any Republican to win the electoral votes here? Talk about a wasted vote. I have admitted previously that I have the liberty of being able to vote my principles since there is no way that McCain would win here.

Speaking of liberal Republicans, we had an opportunity for a true conservative when the Gray governor was removed, instead we got RINO Arnold and look where we are now.
Yeah, let's take this whole attitude national.
"We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times ... and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK. That's not leadership. That's not going to happen." Barack Hussein Obama

Wow, Americans will all have to learn how to drive motorcycles, diet, and go cold. Why didn't he just come out and say that?

As least Chelsea Clinton does not act that way. She was just here in my town yesterday, and the news media reported that she was driving around town in a huge Suburban!!!

Wow, some sharp contrast to Obama's words, no??? :eek::eek:

She even stopped at the local market that I shop at, and was seen buying sugar and caffeine for the staff at the local Hillary campaign office.

Here is a list of the items she bought for the Hillary volunteers to munch on:

Two dozen cupcakes
chocolate chip cookies
Special K Bars
Large Plastic Jug of Trail mix.
Diet Mountain Dew
Diet Coke

Sort of odd that she got the workers diet drinks, after you consider all the calories in the rest of the junk food she bought.

At least now we know what keeps Hillary's campaign going!

I've said this before, I'm only supporting McCain because either he or Obama will be our next president. (or so it appears as i type this) I cannot stand either one from a conservative viewpoint, but both are on record regarding the type of Supreme Court judges they endorse. McCain wants more Alitos and Robertses, Obama wants more Ginsbergs and Souters. That will affect this country's direction far longer than the next 4-8 years. For that alone, i'll vote for mccain. I understand voting your conscience, more power to you, but if Obama wins a narrow vistory, your votes might have made the difference. Hope you're all ok with that.
What truely appalls me is the fact that the mainstream US media has completely ignored what Obama said in his speach. If John McCain had said this they would be shouting it from the rooftops and it would have been on the front page of every newspaper in the USA.

The media is actively campaigning for Obama.

I wonder if anyone has, or can find a You tube clip or some other clip of this part of his speach.

I have no doubt though that once the campaign is in full swing some civic minded americans will make a commercial out of these very words.
Personally, I will vote for McCain, but it won't be the end of the world if Obama wins. Some of the propoganda put out by the right near election time amounts to nothing but fear mongering. Obama will be worse on guns, but may not be able to get anything accomplished on that front. He will, however, be much more likely to de-escalate the perpetual war we have entered into in the middle east. I suspect the only big difference between a McCain and Obama presidency will be a higher federal income tax rate under Obama, and perhaps a de-escalation of war.

In any case, some of you guys better get used to the idea of President Obama, because I don't believe there is any way McCain can win. You are living in fantasyland if you think that McCain can run on Bush policy and still have a chance of winning. That is what he is doing. Less than 30% of people support our present course in the Mid East, yet McCain pushes this same policy.

Also, I believe the Republican grasp on the south is over, and Obama will pick up a couple of southern states. Without the entire south going Republican, there is no hope for a McCain victory. The numbers are on Obama's side in the south. For example, 40% of voters are black in Georgia. Over 95% of these voters will vote for Obama, based on race alone. Turn out of this group to vote for a black candidate will be nearly 100% (if not over). So Obama will be starting with nearly 40% of the popular vote in Georgia, and McCain will be starting from ZERO. Of the remaining 60% of Georgia voters (ie, the white voters), Obama only has to pick up about 12 percent of them to win Georgia. I assure you that at least 12 out of every 100 Georgia voters will vote for Obama. He really needs only a small number of white supporters in most southern states in order to win. These numbers are even worse in Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi. McCain will also be hurt by poor voter turn out amongst whites and conservatives. No one in the south is very enthusiastic about him as a candidate. Remember a lot of southern states voted for Huckabee.

If you think about the above numbers, there is no way to conclude that McCain has a chance at victory. Yet the Republican Party trudges forward, supporting failed Bush policies and expecting victory. It is very sad how blind the party has become.
As least Chelsea Clinton does not act that way. She was just here in my town yesterday, and the news media reported that she was driving around town in a huge Suburban!!!

There were also 4 other staffers in that Suburban. A vehicle that can move a total of 5 people at 15 miles per gallon is as fuel efficient as a vehicle that moves 1 person at 75 miles per gallon.

SUV's are actually some of the most fuel efficient vehicles on the road, if they are used as high occupancy vehicles.
As I see it: A true conservative POTUS this election is impossible, a partially conservative, mostly liberal POTUS is achievable with smart voting strategies on the part of conservative voters, and a total (and hardcore) liberal POTUS is a given if conservative voters continue to insist on the whole pie or no pie when it comes to conservative candidates' ideology.

My strategy is to vote as if I am getting a piece of the pie when it comes to conservative values and principles and risk getting none of it instead of insisting on all the pie and assuredly getting none of it when the votes are counted in the general.

If Obama wins and starts to *&^% up the country right and left the conservatives who insisted on maximum gain at the expense of partial gain will have only themselves to blame for this state of affairs.
There were also 4 other staffers in that Suburban. A vehicle that can move a total of 5 people at 15 miles per gallon is as fuel efficient as a vehicle that moves 1 person at 75 miles per gallon.

SUV's are actually some of the most fuel efficient vehicles on the road, if they are used as high occupancy vehicles.

Well, 5 people can easily fit inside a Prius too. However, there may not then have been enough room to carry all of that junk food that they bought. :)

The news media said that the vehicle was a stretched Suburban. I sort of doubt that it gets 15 mph in the city.

I drive a Prius myself, but do not drink Lattes, or plan to vote for Obama. Obama mania is a fascinating subject to examine, however.

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If Obama wins and starts to *&^% up the country right and left the conservatives who insisted on maximum gain at the expense of partial gain will have only themselves to blame for this state of affairs.
Where is the partial gain with a McCain win?:confused:The very best we could hope for would be less of a loss, certainly not any kind of gain.:rolleyes:
Possible ties to FARC Terrorists for Obama aides and for US Rep. James McGovern (D-Mass)


** Monica Showalter has more on the 37,872 files that were discovered on the FARC computers.

Here is a running list of the infomation discovered by Colombian investigators on the FARC terror leader's computers:

-- FARC connections with Ecuadorean president Rafael Correa
-- Records of $300 million offerings from Hugo Chavez
-- Thank you notes from Hugo Chavez dating back to 1992
-- Uranium purchasing records
-- Admit to killing the sister of former President Cesar Gaviria
-- Admit to planting a 2003 car bomb killing 36 at a Bogota upper crust club
-- Directions on how to make a Dirty Bomb
-- Information that led to the discovery of 60 pounds of uranium
-- Letter to Libya's Moammar Gadhafi asking for cash to buy surface-to-air missiles
-- Meetings with "gringos" about Barack Obama
-- Information on Russian illegal arms dealer Viktor Bout who was later captured
-- FARC funding Correa's campaign
-- Cuban links to FARC
-- Links to US Democrats
-- $480,000 of FARC cash in Costa Rican safe house
-- $100,000 to President Correa's campaign for election
-- Chavez attempts to buy arms for FARC through the Belarus regime
-- FARC branches in 17 countries including Germany and Switzerland
-- FARC terrorists expanded operations to 17 countries
-- FARC terrorists expanded operations to Germany and Switzerland
If Obama wins and starts to *&^% up the country right and left the conservatives who insisted on maximum gain at the expense of partial gain will have only themselves to blame for this state of affairs.

Where is the partial gain with a McCain win?The very best we could hope for would be less of a loss, certainly not any kind of gain.

Good point, I hadn't thought of it exactly that way. Even faced with a negative sum game it is still better to pick the strategy that minimizes loss. I'm sure that McCain's judges will far less disastrous than Obama's judges and Obama's policies, even with McCain's policies being a total loss. Bush may have been a disaster in the policy areas as far as conservatism is concerned but the judges that Bush put on the Supreme Court will far outlast his policies.
Just remember, Obama was for the Muslims before he was against them. So it begs the question, is he not still sympathetic to muslims and their causes, even their more extremem ones?

I remember his wife saying she was proud to call herself an American for the 1st time in her life during the campaign. That sounds a lot to me like someone who doesn't think too highly of the United States.

I also remember an Obama up on stage with hands at his side while the others had theirs on their hearts. That cannot be a mistake. Not by someone running for president. So then if it was deliberate, and risky for a candidate to do, what would motivate such a candidate strongly enough to behave such? Could it have been a tacit signal?

In short, I don't trust the man enough to be in the chief executive office of this nation. Not even close.
Bush may have been a disaster in the policy areas as far as conservatism is concerned but the judges that Bush put on the Supreme Court will far outlast his policies.

What have Bush appointees done to show they will still be conservative in 20 years?

Have you ever heard of David Souter?