Obama, its not just the guns that have me worried

Master Blaster

New member
AFP Agence Francais Presse, carried a story about the portland appearance yesterday. They provided a few Quotes from Obama, the one that got me was this one:

"We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times ... and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK. That's not leadership. That's not going to happen." Barack Hussein Obama

The reason they carried it is because they are a European news agency and they think this statement is wonderful.

I laugh when I hear how the union folks love this guy, becuse if he gets elected on promises of keeping American manufacturing strong those union guys are in for a rude awakening.

From Obama's webpage on the environment:


Cap and Trade: Obama supports implementation of a market-based cap-and-trade system to reduce carbon emissions by the amount scientists say is necessary: 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050. Obama's cap-and-trade system will require all pollution credits to be auctioned. A 100 percent auction ensures that all polluters pay for every ton of emissions they release, rather than giving these emission rights away to coal and oil companies. Some of the revenue generated by auctioning allowances will be used to support the development of clean energy, to invest in energy efficiency improvements, and to address transition costs, including helping American workers affected by this economic transition.
You just can’t make this stuff up. From Goldman Sachs webpage:


Trading and Capital Markets
Goldman Sachs is active in the markets for carbon emissions, SOx, Renewable Energy Credits and weather derivatives, among other climate related commodities. Additionally, we have created new financial products to help our clients manage the risks posed by climate change.In September 2006, we made a minority equity investment in Climate Exchange PLC, which owns several European and US trading platforms that facilitate trading in environmental financial instruments: the European Climate Exchange (ECX), the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) and the newly created California Climate Exchange (CaCX).

I couldnt for the life of me figure out why Goldman Sachs employees were Obamies top source for contributions, until I read this manure above. The exchanges are to facilitate trading of carbon credits and give Sachs a way to siphon 10 cents off of every dollar in your pocket.

carbon credits , WHAT A F_ _ _ _ _ _ JOKE!!!! Global warming is a scam......

all 3 people running for president are the same. Were going to get screwed either way.
"We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times ... and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK. That's not leadership. That's not going to happen." Barack Hussein Obama

That scared me too. We will have limits on what we can drive, the temperature we can keep our house and what we eat. Orwell anyone? He should have just thrown in a statement about not allowing guns and we'd have the Perfect Storm. The gun statements will come after he is elected.
Master Blaster said:
AFP Agence Francais Presse, carried a story about the portland appearance yesterday. They provided a few Quotes from Obama, the one that got me was this one:

"We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times ... and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK. That's not leadership. That's not going to happen." Barack Hussein Obama...(emphasis added)
That's one of the things that most bothers me about Obama. Sure, there are good reasons to be concerned about the environment and our use of resources, good reasons to be good stewards of the earth. But how we conduct our lives (what we drive, etc.) is not the business of other countries.
What are his policies regarding gun laws.

I dont like this fella at all for some reason. It will be the biggest mistake if he gets elected.
Sure, there are good reasons to be concerned about the environment and our use of resources, good reasons to be good stewards of the earth. But how we conduct our lives (what we drive, etc.) is not the business of other countries.

Nor is it the business of the government of this country!
Guns and OBamba don't mix!

What are his policies regarding gun laws.

I dont like this fella at all for some reason. It will be the biggest mistake if he gets elected.

He will be happy when the last one is crushed - He is openly against concealed carry and wants to revoke it.
To combat global warming, both Obama and John McCain want to tax businesses directly. The carbon tax. Of course, do you think corporations will absorb the cost of these increased taxes? Of course not. They will pass the cost down to the consumer.

Thus, Obama and John McCain both support an indirect tax on the American citizens to pay for the global warming sham.
Well FireMax, we're back down to the "lesser of two evils." Either McCain or Obama will be President. One of them has now said that it's proper for other countries to meddle in our personal lives. And the only way that he, Obama, is not going to be President is if McCain wins. Do you really want to see someone as President who has flat out said that other countries have a say in how we conduct our personal lives?

We will either have to deal with Obama or McCain on these matters. I'd rather deal with McCain.
Well FireMax, we're back down to the "lesser of two evils." Either McCain or Obama will be President. One of them has now said that it's proper for other countries to meddle in our personal lives.

fiddletown, don't be disingenuous about this matter. McCain and Obama have both effectively given a nod to other countries meddling in our personal lives because McCain and Obama support taxation of American businesses (and therefore taxing the American people) in the name of Global Warming. Global warming ideology is born in the heart of Socialist Europe and Asia. It is not an American ideology. It is a "Global" ideology that has been accepted as "truth" by John McCain and Obama.

Pretend that McCain is better than Obama if you choose to. I for one see them as equally destructive to our country because McCain and Obama both bow at the alter of liberalism.
You're stretching a point. And if you're satisfied with Obama, that's your prerogative.

<Sigh> No, I am not satisfied with either Obama or McCain because they both support liberal policies. I want to vote for a conservative. Unfortunately, the republican party is not running a conservative this year. They are running a man who despises conservatives and what we stand for.
FireMax said:
<Sigh> No, I am not satisfied with either Obama or McCain because they both support liberal policies. I want to vote for a conservative. Unfortunately, the republican party is not running a conservative this year. They are running a man who despises conservatives and what we stand for.
Too bad, because one of them is going to be the next President. I guess you'd prefer it to be Obama. I guess you'd rather deal with (live with) Obama than McCain, because those are your only choices. (Of course, you can vote for someone else, or not vote; but that won't affect who is going to be President - who you (the conservatives) will have to deal with.)
I want to vote for a conservative. Unfortunately, the republican party is not running a conservative this year. They are running a man who despises conservatives and what we stand for.

Standing on your principles and refusing to vote for someone who is not a "true conservative" is fine. Nothing wrong in that. However, when all is said and done, perhaps your principles should be broadened just a tad, to include not allowing a Marxist to become the next President of the United States. This would entail voting for someone with whom you disagree on some/many issues, however it may be to your benefit in the long run.
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One of the arguments bandied about in Madison lately is that ethanol fuel burns corn needed elsewhere in the world for food.

My devious side points out that maybe the rest of the world is breeding without thinking.

Heck, maybe a goat herdsman in Sri Lanka should reduce his flock.

Why is it me who always has to change, and why does the rest of the world get to complain as they do nothing?
Standing on your principles and refusing to vote for someone who is not a "true conservative" is fine. Nothing wrong in that. However, when all is said and done, perhaps your principles should be broadened just a tad, to include now allowing a Marxist to become the next President of the United States

Oh, I see... if Conservatives vote for a conservative Bob Barr rather than a liberal John McCain... it's the conservative voter's fault if John McCain loses. Gotcha. :cool:

Sasquatch... I'm interested to know.... are you conservative... even a little bit? Because I thought that conservatives and even republicans were for personal accountability. Don't you think that John McCain's liberal policies might have something to do with him losing this election, should it happen? Don't you think that if McCain loses, it is "he" who is accountable, and not the conservative voters who don't believe in him?
So you have the election results already or do you just read minds?

Don't need a crystal ball to figure this one out, but I still can't vote for either one. Regardless McCain would be better on judges, healthcare, gun ownership and taxes, he's still a flaming liberal and I can't vote for him.
I'm interested to know.... are you conservative... even a little bit? Because I thought that conservatives and even republicans were for personal accountability.

I consider myself a conservative, and I do wish that we had a viable conservative choice to vote for. But I'm also practical enough to realize what is at stake in this election. I don't believe you do.

Don't you think that John McCain's liberal policies might have something to do with him losing this election, should it happen? Don't you think that if McCain loses, it is "he" who is accountable, and not the conservative voters who don't believe in him?

If Sen. McCain loses, it might well be because "real" conservatives refused to vote for him. I understand that. Sorta like the little kid who takes his ball and goes home because the game isn't going his way.