Obama finally gets it

Here's a part of Obama's speech in Germany, with part of it emboldened by yours truely.

I know that I don't look like the Americans who've previously spoken in this great city. The journey that led me here is improbable. My mother was born in the heartland of America, but my father grew up herding goats in Kenya. His father - my grandfather - was a cook, a domestic servant to the British.

It looks like he's trying for a little sympathy because of his race. He looks "different" than other americans who have given speeches there, and then he tries to explain why. Not too bad, but looks like pandering for sympathy to me.

At the height of the Cold War, my father decided, like so many others in the forgotten corners of the world, that his yearning - his dream - required the freedom and opportunity promised by the West. And so he wrote letter after letter to universities all across America until somebody, somewhere answered his prayer for a better life.

OK, fine. Notice he says that his father needed to get to the WEST to get the freedom and opportunity needed to fulfill his dreams and escape the forgotten corners of the world. Notice his father didn't look to Germany or the UK but instead wrote letter after letter to universities ALL ACROSS AMERICA until somebody, somewhere (IN AMERICA) finally answered his prayer for a better life. What were the UK and Germany, chopped liver?

Beaver: "Gee Walley, what was wrong with applying to universities all across Europe until somebody in some European country answered his prayer for a better life?".

Walley: "Don't you know anything Beav? Those countries couldn't provide the freedom and opportunity that America could. They were too busy naval gazing at how they let Hitler come to power and needed the US to bail them out of the situation they had helped to create. Now wash up for supper before Dad gets home and gives ya the business for having dirty hands at the table".

More from Obama:
This is the moment we must help answer the call for a new dawn in the Middle East. My country must stand with yours and with Europe in sending a direct message to Iran that it must abandon its nuclear ambitions. We must support the Lebanese who have marched and bled for democracy, and the Israelis and Palestinians who seek a secure and lasting peace. And despite past differences, this is the moment when the world should support the millions of Iraqis who seek to rebuild their lives, even as we pass responsibility to the Iraqi government and finally bring this war to a close.

What an odd thing to say in light of how he was discussing how we must work together to make sure that people can seek the freedom and opportunity that the WEST can provide. How we fought against oppression in Berlin to keep the German people free from the oppression of the Russians and their puppet East German government dogs.

If guys like Obama were running the show, the Iraqis would still be living under the heel of Saddam's boot, experiencing torture and other oppression, as well as being about as far from freedom as the Cubans are under the Castros. He brags about bringing war criminals to justice in Bosnia and Serbia. Wasn't Saddam a war criminal? Look what he did to the Kuwaitis. Look what he did to his own people. But if Obama's ideology had been in play, Saddam would still be in power. He'd still be flipping the bird at all of the UN sanctions against him. He'd still be cheating, along with the French, and Koffi Annan's son, on the food for oil program. His people would still be lacking for life saving medicine and good food, while Saddam and his band of merry makers would still be living high on the hog. Udi and Quesay would be enjoying prostitutes and stealing other men's wives whom they desired for themselves.

But my country and yours have a stake in seeing that NATO's first mission beyond Europe's borders is a success. For the people of Afghanistan, and for our shared security, the work must be done. America cannot do this alone. The Afghan people need our troops and your troops; our support and your support to defeat the Taliban and al Qaeda, to develop their economy, and to help them rebuild their nation. We have too much at stake to turn back now.

Yet, at a time when we had a lot at stake in Iraq, as did the Iraqi people, and the US proposed a surge in troops to stabilize the country militarily so it could move on politically, Obama and his ilk were dead set against it. They were willing to leave the Iraqi people to their fate at the hands of Al Qaeda and any other foreign mercenaries who would have come in to help with the "take over". Obama and his ilk said the war had been lost already and that the surge would not work to correct that. He wanted out ASAP. Now he wants to stick around in Afghanistan. I am for that too, but I believe that the surge was the right answer for Iraq. He wanted to cut and run. Why would the Iraqi people be less deserving of our help than the Afghani people are?
If guys like Obama were running the show, the Iraqis would still be living under the heel of Saddam's boot, experiencing torture and other oppression, as well as being about as far from freedom as the Cubans are under the Castros. He brags about bringing war criminals to justice in Bosnia and Serbia.

Correct. Obama needs to be called down about trying to take credit for something he was against in the first place. But, what can you expect.
What gets me is Obama is acting like he's already POTUS, stating he would push to get more troops into Afghanistan.

Clever ploy on his part.

he is schooling McCain right now.....(and I cant stand the both of them)
SecDef said:
Exactly what problem can be labeled "solved"?
Bruxley said:
Problem solved: Insurgency reeking havoc in Iraq

Exactly what problems have the Democrats that rode into office on the negativity that insurgency caused solved??

[crickets...........] And vanish they do........

Bush's opponents claimed it was impossible, including Obama, but using McCain's judgment he made solved the insurgency problem. A President takes the lumps and the credit. Bush took the lumps but his opponents not only won't give him credit but what to take it themselves.

Obama still doesn't admit the surge worked and the rest of Bush's attackers can't solve any problems.

I'm reminded of the gossips that spend their time continually criticizing and working people over with their mouths but when they get the job they can't do it. They run it into the ground then claim it was someone Else's fault. If someone else around them does well in the midst of their incompetence they start the mouth up again and/or try to take credit for the achievers work.

Sound familiar?
I hate to jump in here but I have to say that Im only 21 years old and Im discusted to find that 90% percent of the people my age Voted for that libral bastard! :barf: I am very sad to say this and I dont want to give up but its scary to think that my peers will be this countries future.
A President takes the lumps and the credit. Bush took the lumps but his opponents not only won't give him credit but what to take it themselves.

On target again. I was not for the war, but at least I understand that those Iraqis not giving credit to Bush for their freedom would not be able to even speak out if Hussein was still in power. And Obama would not look presidential talking about time tables if he his "no war" vote had prevailed.
It worked and at this point the problem is dealt with and Iraq is now more secure then at any time since OIF began. Surge troops are back home and further troop reductions are happening as projected in 2007 by Petraeus. Petraeus has been promoted and the plan is to reproduce what worked in Iraq in Afghanistan.

Problem solved: Insurgency reeking havoc in Iraq

Your use of the past tense is incorrect. There is still an insurgency reeking havoc in Iraq.

If the problem has been solved, then Iraq would be in a position to take over security for their own country and we would be in the process of of bringing troops home.

Exactly what problems have the Democrats that rode into office on the negativity that insurgencey caused solved??

That's an inane question.
I'm not surprised that you don't acknowledge the success of the surge. Admitting fault requires a degree of integrity. Those that supported the Surge and the President can acknowledge his faults, those that don't can't acknowledge his successes though. To maintain credibility one has to be able to accept truths, good AND bad. Obstinate refusal to acknowledge the now obvious success there is as bad as Abizaid and Rumsfeld trying to tell everyone that things were going well in Iraq before they were fired by Bush and replaced with Petraeus and Gates. Your resembling Rumsfeld here with the strained effort to obscure the obvious.

And what is 'inane' about asking what problems the Democrats have solved? Answer it already. You can surly dig up something substantive. Did they NOT roll in on the negativity of the situation in Iraq? If not then what was their platform?

Don't avoid the question AGAIN, address it. Try your best to avoid misrepresentation, deflection, or insult in substitute if you can please.

So what problems have the Democrats solved?
To maintain credibility one has to be able to accept truths, good AND bad.

Can I believe what I just heard Obama say on TV? He said the Iraqi forces are taking the lead and we need to take advantage of that so we can leave soon. But.....but......Sen. Obama, had we followed your vote the Iraqi forces would not be taking the lead...they would not even exist. He is riding on Bush's & McCain's (and our troops) coat tails. What a joke.:barf:
Did he pay NO attention during the 2 times Petraeus testified? This is the PLAN Mr. Judgment, and it's opposite of what YOUR plan was.

Obama's plan was to have troop removed in a phased withdraw that would have ALL combat troops out of Iraq by March 2008 and THAT would be the ONLY solution in his judgment. That the other countries in the area would need to pick up the ball and partner with Iraq for a solution.
HERE he is in HIS OWN WORDS. Advance to time mark 5:25 where he boldly says "In MY judgement........."

Now he is saying that Iraq IS a national security interest and IS important to the overall war on terror. That the success there is a coincidence and might have happened anyway. Plus he is relying on Petraeus not piping up when he makes it out that Petraeus' planned troop withdraws based on conditions are now suddenly HIS planned truth withdraws based on conditions.

Bush's failed plan a year ago is suddenly Obama's plan for Iraq.
And what is 'inane' about asking what problems the Democrats have solved? Answer it already. You can surly dig up something substantive. Did they NOT roll in on the negativity of the situation in Iraq? If not then what was their platform?

Clearly, they have solved the exact same problems the Republicans have solved.

I'm not surprised that you don't acknowledge the success of the surge. Admitting fault requires a degree of integrity. Those that supported the Surge and the President can acknowledge his faults, those that don't can't acknowledge his successes though. To maintain credibility one has to be able to accept truths, good AND bad. Obstinate refusal to acknowledge the now obvious success there is as bad as Abizaid and Rumsfeld trying to tell everyone that things were going well in Iraq before they were fired by Bush and replaced with Petraeus and Gates. Your resembling Rumsfeld here with the strained effort to obscure the obvious.

Your resorting to name calling simply does not make the fact that the surge has solved nothing.

Tomorrow, violence could increase massively. This is because the root problems have not been remedied.

Has violence decreased since due to the surge? Maybe sure. But to use the words "problem solved" is profoundly arrogant and ignorant.
Problems solved by Democrats:
-taxes were too low
-unemployment was too low
-economy was too robust
-stock market was too high
-gas prices were too low

Did I miss anything? Given you wouldn't answer the question I took the liberty of schooling you some answers. They're going to continue solving those problems too. It's going very well...........

Good luck with that 'surge didn't work' line Mr. Rumsfeld (former SecDef had same problem acknowledging the obvious)......

Bush fixed the problem. His judgment was better then Obama's. Tough pill to swallow but not as tough as living down that surge didn't work line to people Select your audience carefully if you try that one in person. The furrowed brow means they just re-thought everything you've ever said to them before. Try it.........

What name calling you referring to BTW?
I understand. Apology accepted as subtle as it is. I know long held preconceptions can be hard to see proven wrong. I may have been too hard on you about the integrity thing. It seems that you can eventually admit having no point (hollow or otherwise lol) pun intended.:)

Glad we could come to the same conclusion.
Bruxley Obama may well get it , but unless and untill he comes across with details about how to achive his " hope & change " platform i dont get him . Hell universal healthcare i am all for it i could use a dr , but just who is going to pay for it if not ME . Now dont get me wrong i see " hope change " as much as the next guy but untill " hope change " is attached to a plan it smells like every feedyard i ever worked in .
Bruxley Obama may well get it , but unless and untill he comes across with details about how to achive his " hope & change " platform i dont get him . Hell universal healthcare i am all for it i could use a dr , but just who is going to pay for it if not ME . Now dont get me wrong i see " hope change " as much as the next guy but untill " hope change " is attached to a plan it smells like every feedyard i ever worked in .
untill he comes across with details about how to achive his " hope & change " platform i dont get him

Hope is not a strategy.

Change is a universal constant.

I'd just like Obama to articulate the positions from which he will not compromise. Little things, like soverignty, controlling the borders, adhering to the constitution, balancing the budget, bringing jobs back to America, etc.

I'm not holding my breath though.
I'd just like Obama to articulate the positions from which he will not compromise. Little things, like soverignty, controlling the borders, adhering to the constitution, balancing the budget, bringing jobs back to America, etc.

Would you like to hear the same from McCain as well?