Oath Keepers

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TG I will answer you with facts. Let me ask you what good has Heller done? It is still near impossible to get a firearm registered in DC. Since you mentioned full auto weapons, I'll use it as an example of a loss of freedom. I want a full auto weapon. I know all I have to do is fill out the paperwork, pay my tax, and wait. I go out looking and all the FA weapons are much too expensive. What ought to cost $1500 costs $4000-5000 or more. Why is that? Because the gov't decided FA weapons could no longer be manufactured for sale to the general public. While, technically, my right has not been denied, I cannot exercise it because of restrictions the gov't has placed upon it that place it out of my reach. Am I more free, certainly not.
The Declaration of Independence gives creedence to the existence of Oath Keepers. "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." Perhaps they see the tremendous deficit as a yoke binding us to serfdom under the government. I know I do. Perhaps they see the possibility of despotism rearing its ugly head and wish to stand against.
Your statement of nothing happening in the past 200 years that approaches the scenarios outlined by the 10 points is not quite correct. What about the internment of Japanese-Americans during WW2? It is ironic that the 442nd was the highest decorated unit during the conflict. What of the illegal seizure of weapons during Katrina, as has been previously mentioned. Then there is that little incident called the Civil War( War of Northern Aggression).
I say the rights we enjoy are just words on a piece of paper and as valueless as a dollar without something to back it up. It is the RKBA that gives teeth to the BOR, and without it all the other rights are nothing but well meaning intentions.
One last thing. Since when has the militia conjured up such negative images? It existed into the 20th century without a problem. What is wrong with a group of citizens banding together to protect themselves during a time of crisis? It must be all the hamlets and villages attacked by militia groups. Maybe its all the bombings they've committed. Oh. that's right, there haven't been any attacks by militia units. Maybe its just the kool-aid.
ronl said:
TG I will answer you with facts.

And I will answer you with some more.

ronl said:
Let me ask you what good has Heller done?

Loads. First of all it established that the second amendment protects the right of the individual to RKBA not connected with service in the militia. This had not been done by the court in our 232 year history. I think that is pretty good.

ronl said:
It is still near impossible to get a firearm registered in DC.

Before Heller it was impossible to register and thus posess a handgun at all in DC. I think that constitutes more freedom than before?

ronl said:
I know all I have to do is fill out the paperwork, pay my tax, and wait. I go out looking and all the FA weapons are much too expensive. What ought to cost $1500 costs $4000-5000 or more.

Save up your money. I recommend you listen to Dave Ramsey

ronl said:
Why is that?

Supply and demand.

ronl said:
The Declaration of Independence gives creedence to the existence of Oath Keepers.

The Law of the Land is the Constitution not the Declaration of Independence. That was between the colonies and Great Britain.

ronl said:
What about the internment of Japanese-Americans during WW2?

Corrected and restitution made. BTW the SCOTUS decision that upheld the internment is still legal precedent.

ronl said:
What of the illegal seizure of weapons during Katrina, as has been previously mentioned.

Small scale, legally stopped and reversed. What is your point? I never said Government doesn't make mistakes, what's next the Battle of Athens?

ronl said:
Perhaps they see the tremendous deficit as a yoke binding us to serfdom under the government. I know I do. Perhaps they see the possibility of despotism rearing its ugly head and wish to stand against.

:rolleyes: Whatever.

ronl said:
I say the rights we enjoy are just words on a piece of paper and as valueless as a dollar without something to back it up.

I agree and those rights are protected by free elections, trial by jury, our armed forces, our courts and representatives and our LEOs. Not the shotgun in your closet.

ronl said:
One last thing. Since when has the militia conjured up such negative images? It existed into the 20th century without a problem. What is wrong with a group of citizens banding together to protect themselves during a time of crisis?

Since kooks started forming them in the 1990s. The militia was done away with in 1903 because it didn't work well to defend the nation. Nothing wrong with citizens banding together in temporary crisis like Katrina to protect themselves WHEN NEEDED. But that is not a militia.

ronl said:
Maybe its just the kool-aid.

Which I would advise you to quite drinking.:cool:
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I meet many police officers, military officers, etc, who have taken an oath and I very seriously doubt they really thought about it or value it. Many are just in it for a paycheck or college tuition. I don't think it is odd that this group wants to differentiate themselves from a wider less conscientious group of their peers. I think anyone who says that every, or even most, US military or police hold their oaths of office near and dear to their heart is kidding themselves. How many out of those groups could repeat their oaths back today? If they can't, they obviously do not take them seriously.

Some of the statements on their site are at the least a little aggressive and a little doom and gloom. I think anyone who says we are currently at a point where rebellion is necessary is crazy. Are we headed that way? It is pretty much the nature of all government to head that direction.

The next Lee Harvey Oswald or Timothy Mcveigh will almost certainly be an NRA life member. Are any of you canceling your memberships?

What would the site of a group with the same fundamental message as the oath takers but toned down to what you are comfortable with read like? Do you all generally think that joining a group which reaffirms you take your oath of office seriously is bad in general? Is there anything on that list that you would want an officer of the government to do? I might have trouble with swearing not to enter a state in rebellion under arms. I don't know, I would have to think on that. It would certainly be a ------ day, but I think there would be a good number of circumstances in which i would do it.

All joking about the availability of fresh fruit aside, we used concentration camps in WWII. Did any of you watch he Siege and say to yourselves "This is absolutely appalling. This could never happen."? If terrorists supposedly had a nuke in NY City I hate to think of what the government would resort to in trying to stop its detonation. Maybe that situation justifies throwing the constitution out the window.

Despite what other parts of the website say the scope of membership qualification seems to be 1. Having taken an oath of service and 2. willingness to follow those ten rules.
I would have trouble judging anyone who met those qualifications harshly. Think of a northerner who sat out the civil war b/c he thought it was unconstitutional. Does that sound crazy? Craxy dangerous man?

Sometimes I like having a rabid senseless bulldog, such as GOA, in the fight. The ACLU has made the strategy work for decades.
A couple more facts that I will try to keep impersonal:

Mexican soldiers, under the control of international drug cartels and supplied by our own military resources(rifles, humvees, etc), regularly cross several miles into the US for operations while in uniform.

Research on dominant authority figures almost exclusively points to people being unable to defy an authority figure UNLESS they have previously considered the scenario and made a decision. THAT is what most people who have studied Nazi Germany and other genocides say MUST happen to prevent such acts. The people on the ground must go into the situation having decided their reaction before the situation presents itself. Even then many fail. Very few are able to make the "right" choice in the heat of the moment against authority. Many will follow if someone else goes against authority.

I have not seen anywhere that they ask for money in order to be a member. If someone has more info on this I would also be interested,
More thought required...

All of this seems to have begun with the election of an administration, with a clear majority of votes, that's led by someone who is ethnically and politically much different than any leader in our past.

Not only are we frightened by his ethnicity (he doesn't look like us) and what we assume his politics are, the fact that he'd win an election with a clear majority from a war hero Conservative (who does look like us) adds to the fear. What's become of "our" United States (as defined by the power distribution, economic forces, political hierarchy, moral values, racial juxtapositions, and place in the world of the 1950's)?

Our country seems to be eroding and melting away from around us and under us; what was "the way of things" has moved away from us- or so it seems in our insecure and frightened conjectures of what's to happen to us when the majority of voters don't match our politics or prefer our ethnicity.

Well, it's a different country in so many ways than it was during Ike's tenure as president. In the manner it has always done in the past, it has changed with the times and with the will of the majority of the people who vote. Anyone who resists change, like the Torys of Revolutionary times, will be left behind as the dynamic, adapting, growing, flexible powerhouse this nation is makes its way amid a changing world, holding as constant as is possible the basic tenets of our identity as seeded in 1776 and 1789.

A lot of of the assumptions that have been made about what's to happen to our Constitutional rights (including gun rights) are not supported by a comprehensive, objective, close reading of the administration's stance on the issues as stated before and after the election. It's more emotion than thought, fear than knowledge that drives the perspective of too many of us. Now is a crucial time to get off our lazy intellectual butts, put aside our emotions and fears, and THINK. We must learn what there is to know from sources with no agenda or axe to grind and then decide independently what it is we stand with. Let no one tell us what to believe when we have the mental equipment and the guaranteed freedoms to find out for ourselves. All that's required of us is that we confirm the objectivity of anyone who tries to convince us of anything, and to have the energy, integrity and responsibility to learn what we can BEFORE we decide what we support or believe. These are the basic responsibilities of citizenship in the US which were expected of us by the Founders who gave us the Bill of Rights.

Individual freedom is more than a right, it's a responsibility, a duty of us all, which includes first of all putting in the intellectual efforts being free requires.
Uncle Billy said:
All of this seems to have begun with the election of an administration, with a clear majority of votes, that's led by someone who is ethnically and politically much different than any leader in our past.

Bingo! And during the last administration we were hearing the same junk from the other side of the political spectrum. Now it's right wing claptrap.

Uncle Billy said:
A lot of of the assumptions that have been made about what's to happen to our Constitutional rights (including gun rights) are not supported by a comprehensive, objective, close reading of the administration's stance on the issues as stated before and after the election.

So now, we need to take oaths that we won't do things that won't happen but scare us irrationally because they "could" happen.

Uncle Billy said:
Now is a crucial time to get off our lazy intellectual butts, put aside our emotions and fears, and THINK. We must learn what there is to know from sources with no agenda or axe to grind and then decide independently what it is we stand with. Let no one tell us what to believe when we have the mental equipment and the guaranteed freedoms to find out for ourselves. All that's required of us is that we confirm the objectivity of anyone who tries to convince us of anything, and to have the energy, integrity and responsibility to learn what we can BEFORE we decide what we support or believe.

Oh but it is so much easier to let internet wizards think AND take our money.:barf:

johnwilliamson062 said:
Research on dominant authority figures almost exclusively points to people being unable to defy an authority figure UNLESS they have previously considered the scenario and made a decision.

OK now I'll say for you. Sheeple.:rolleyes:

johnwilliamson062 said:
I have not seen anywhere that they ask for money in order to be a member. If someone has more info on this I would also be interested,

Look on the home page John. they solicit "donations" for "support". Follow the money! Fear :eek: sells very well.
johnwilliamson062 said:
I meet many police officers, military officers, etc, who have taken an oath and I very seriously doubt they really thought about it or value it...Many are just in it for a paycheck or college tuition.

John, I was one of those military officers. You're right, I just did it for the money:rolleyes: Made a lot too. How insulting! BTW what noble profession are you in?

johnwilliamson062 said:
Are we headed that way? It is pretty much the nature of all government to head that direction.

Really, well we've had 233 years and counting. How close are we to rebellion? Oh, that's right we have MORE freedoms today than in 1776. :rolleyes:

johnwilliamson062 said:
The next Lee Harvey Oswald or Timothy Mcveigh will almost certainly be an NRA life member. Are any of you canceling your memberships?

Sure, when they start advocating stupid oath taking and other kooky fringe ideas.

johnwilliamson062 said:
What would the site of a group with the same fundamental message as the oath takers but toned down to what you are comfortable with read like?

Why don't they just dispense with the scary far out stuff that is not going to happen and work towards REAL political change that keeps our rights protected rather than encourage our public servants not to follow orders or do their duty. Might work much more effectively.
Tennessee Gentleman: said:
...Oh but it is so much easier to let internet wizards think AND take our money....

It's a lot more pervasive and odious than just the Internet wizards- where do you suppose Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Coulter, Fox "news", Cheney, and so many others fit into this campaign of distortion, misrepresentation and outright lies?
Uncle Billy, that's a fine post up there.

I particularly liked this bit:
Individual freedom is more than a right, it's a responsibility, a duty of us all, which includes first of all putting in the intellectual efforts being free requires.
Our motto is “Not on our watch!”

Okay, so they won't watch. It goes along with the whole long list of things they won't do. So I guess when those things happen, they will just close their eyes?

So they won't participate in warrantless searches and all that, but what are they going to do to stop it when it does happen?

So they want folks to keep the oath they have already taken (police, fire, military, etc.) but they want $30 for it, but they will allow folks who don't fit in the above category to be supporter members for $30 as well.

So that am I missing? They want $30 for folks to feel good about themselves? This sort of reminds me of televangelists (many of whom have some lofty endorsements as well).
John, I was one of those military officers. You're right, I just did it for the money Made a lot too. How insulting! BTW what noble profession are you in?

If you just did it for the money why not be a plumber or some other neutral profession. You are deliberately distorting his point. There are different levels of obligation Cops and Soldiers feels from the mercenary to the patriotic and the goofs who are just there for a paycheck or college would be the first to disregard the BOR.

where do you suppose Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Coulter, Fox "news", Cheney, and so many others fit into this campaign of distortion, misrepresentation and outright lies?

Where are these lies? They have been gunning for Rush for 20+ years and this latest libelous debacle gives credence to his opinions in my book. They have to lie about him to fit him into this template.

So that am I missing? They want $30 for folks to feel good about themselves? This sort of reminds me of televangelists

or it could just remind you of a garden variety house of worship that passes the collection plate.
So they want folks to keep the oath they have already taken (police, fire, military, etc.) but they want $30 for it, but they will allow folks who don't fit in the above category to be supporter members for $30 as well.

So that am I missing? They want $30 for folks to feel good about themselves? This sort of reminds me of televangelists (many of whom have some lofty endorsements as well).


By golly I think that you have nailed it: It's about lining someone's pockets.
I think we are done. We moved from the L and CR issues that this organization might support or problem they might cause to evaluating TV preachers and talk show blather.

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