NY Red Flag law unconstitutional

Extreme Protection Order capability ? "Yes"... in principle
The Devil, of course, is in the detail.

Great cases like hard cases make bad law. For great cases are
called great, not by reason of their importance ... but because
of some accident of immediate overwhelming interest which
appeals to the feelings and distorts the judgment.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OWH
TG said:
As to giving aid and comfort, sometimes if you get ahead of your opponent you get a better deal?

Where the subject is the expansion of state power there are no deals, only advances and retreats.
As to giving aid and comfort, sometimes if you get ahead of your opponent you get a better deal?

I suppose that is possible in certain circumstances. Doesn't seem to happen when it comes to gun control. Bill Ruger became reviled by a lot of folks because he suggested the 10rnd magazine capacity limit.

Suggesting we help them write a "better" red flag law is hugely risky. And it puts us in the position of the 3rd guy to be Guillotined in the old joke.

The prisoners to be executed are lined up, they test the guillotine, swish, chunk, splits the melon.

The put the first guy in the blocks, drop the blade and it stops just inches from his neck!!! It is a miracle!!! Release him!

They put the second guy in the blocks, drop the blade, it stops halfway down! It is God's will!! Release him!!

they get the 3rd guy, and as they put him in the blocks, he points to the blade track and says "if you put some grease in there it will run better!"....

No. Thank you... but no. It has been a long standing principle of mine that if an enemy /opponent is making a mistake, you DON'T point it out to them, and you NEVER tell them how to fix it!

In gun terms, if someone is trying to shoot you and their gun doesn't go off, DON'T tell them about taking the safety off or having to cock the hammer first....
So, there is, in your opinion, no other way to get guns out of the hands of say your crazy uncle other than committing him to an insane asylum? We can't come up with anything short of that would pass COTUS muster?

If the Red Flag law say, called for a hearing with lawyers before they grabbed the guns and punished folks for turning in false or harassing claims you would still oppose it?
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If the Red Flag law say, called for a hearing with lawyers before they grabbed the guns and punished folks for turning in false or harassing claims you would still oppose it?

Why would I oppose it? That is the system we had before "red flags" and is the system we still HAVE. Due Process. Full hearing, both sides present their evidence and arguments, then a ruling. THEN removal of firearms or other property, if the court so rules.

The court can rule for that, without full commitment to a mental facility. AND, each case is an individual case, ruled on considering all available evidence specific to the case.

The big things I have against the idea of red flag laws, as currently implemented is two parts. One part is the ignoring of due process and several long established and fundamental principles of our justice system, and the second part is the hypocritical (to me) idea that removing guns (or any other "tools") and leaving the potential bad actor free to come up with, and do harm in some using some other tools. WHILE telling us that NOW we're "safe", because they took the gun(s) away from this dangerous person.

IF red flag was carried out in a different way, if there were even a token attempt at proper due process and fairness I might have a slightly different opinion of the matter. That's not being done, from what I hear.

IF (and I have no idea if this would pass legal muster) but consider this, IF when the request for the special protection order was filed, a process server/officer of the court?? (escorted by LEO would be prudent I think)
went to you and served notice, and you were required to accompany them back to the court so the court could hear your side of the story before issuing the order, And I mean go to court, go directly to court, do not pass go do not collect $200, (or attempt to flee or reach your weapons in case you actually are the dangerous wackjob someone is accusing you of being) you get taken to court, give your side of things, then returned to work or where ever you were found, and the law included full protection from being fired for leaving work and things like that, wouldn't it at a minimum, reduce the potential possibility of abusing the law?

The court could, after hearing your side dismiss the request, or they could issue the order, have your guns removed for "safety" and schedule a full hearing at a later date, allowing you time to prepare an actual defense.

Point here is, you get informed, and you get to tell your side of things, which may be enough if the accusation is groundless. IF the court has doubts they put the order in place and continue to follow due process.

The system isn't set up to work the way I described in my what if scenario, but if people thought it important enough, it COULD be.

I'm just brainstorming ideas, trying to find something that be less likely to be abused and do less harm to the innocent who get falsely accused, while still dealing with those people who actually are credible risks. Not saying do it this way or that way, people far more educated than I should be looking at alternative ideas before any decision is made to change the system. But it seems few or no one is. All we seem to be offered is the old system (which does work, but is cumbersome) or the red flag "as is" and to me the "as is" is not acceptable.

I don't want to be "put to the question" because my wackjob nosey neighbor thinks I'm a witch. I don't want to lose my job, my guns, or anything else because someone who's angry at me or scared of me over something files a paper with "the state" and the state doesn't take any time or make any effort to find out if there is any truth at all to the accusation. And, I especially don't want the first time I find out about it to be when they show up to seize my stuff. And I'm rather concerned about the possibility of SWAT "informing me" at 0 dark thirty by breaking into my house while yelling "Police" (which anyone could do...)

That wouldn't be a good thing at all....I'd much prefer to actually HAVE my day in court, thank you.
TG said:
So, there is, in your opinion, no other way to get guns out of the hands of say your crazy uncle other than committing him to an insane asylum? We can't come up with anything short of that would pass COTUS muster?

If his crazy uncle is really crazy, the man might not need to be locked up, but he should be protected from telephone fraudsters and be sure that someone is paying his mortgage and seeing to his medical care. He may just be incompetent and need a guardian. He shouldn't be driving, possessing arms or voting.

I believe every state has that in some form.

We also have criminal process where someone has committed "menacing" by threatening someone. That's a criminal charge for a past act.

RFLs are something different. They aren't really competency hearings, but are about someone's apprehension that the person is potentially dangerous. They aren't criminal hearings, but result in a punishment for something one hasn't done and have fewer safeguards.
The big things I have against the idea of red flag laws, as currently implemented is two parts. One part is the ignoring of due process and several long established and fundamental principles of our justice system, and the second part is the hypocritical (to me) idea that removing guns (or any other "tools") and leaving the potential bad actor free to come up with, and do harm in some way, using some other tools. WHILE telling us that NOW we're "safe", because they took the gun(s) away from this dangerous person.


The part I've highlighted is what I think people should consider and then say "just forget about it".
What annoys me a lot is that is NOT a legal consideration that can be used to block the law.

P.S. My state, MN is considering allowing the person to show up in court to contest the confiscation order. The way the MN house, senate and governorship is currently stacked, more gun control laws could get passed this year.
44 AMP said:
That wouldn't be a good thing at all....I'd much prefer to actually HAVE my day in court, thank you.

Well, you may get to see that. The Tennessee Governor has asked the legislature to craft such a bill. And the Legislative Leadership is not opposing it. You won't find too many states that are more friendly to guns than TN. We'll see soon.
DaleA said:
and leaving the potential bad actor free to come up with, and do harm in some way, using some other tools.
I don't think that 90 something pound little girl who shot up the school would have tried that without a gun. I think had she been unable to get a gun she would have just killed herself. Having the guns gave her the ability that say a samurai sword would not.
I don't think that 90 something pound little girl who shot up the school would have tried that without a gun. I think had she been unable to get a gun she would have just killed herself. Having the guns gave her the ability that say a samurai sword would not.

Could have waited until kids were getting out of school and just drove into a crowd.

Or <insert otheralternate method of mayhem> which are still available to anyone the way these things are being implemented.
I can remember at least two cases, in my state alone, in which women were under protective orders and were shot and killed by their soon-to-be ex-husbands. This was pre-Red Flag era by a couple of decades, but a protective order was still a protective order, and the male shooters were nonetheless prohibited from possessing firearms.

Except that the prohibition was (obviously) nothing but an illusion. So if a conventional protective order is ineffective, what magic is supposed to make a "red flag" protective order any more effective?
TG said:
I don't think that 90 something pound little girl who shot up the school would have tried that without a gun. I think had she been unable to get a gun she would have just killed herself. Having the guns gave her the ability that say a samurai sword would not.

This posits the gun as the "but for" cause of the crime. But for the firearm, it wouldn't have happened.

But for the ideas expressed in her manifesto she might not have been so angry. May we restrict communication of those ideas?

But for the hormonal therapy that is commonly thought to contribute to rage, she'd likely not be angry enough to kill. Do we need to prohibit whatever course of meds she was taking?

"But for" analysis relies on a hindsight the benefit of which prospective laws never have. Allowing government to use it to mold prospective legal prohibitions shrinks the sphere of freedom on which the government is not entitled to intrude.
I think had she been unable to get a gun she would have just killed herself

You can think that, doesn't make it any more likely than what I think, which is she could have gotten another gun(s) and done it anyway. OR she could have chosen some alternative method, like chaining doors shut and setting the building on fire, or any of many other possibilities.

Removing the most obvious and easiest tools (in this case, guns) to use could be a "psychological stop" the bad actor MIGHT decided to quit and give up the entire idea.

OR they could stay determined and just have to work a little harder to do what they want to do.

This posits the gun as the "but for" cause of the crime. But for the firearm, it wouldn't have happened.


The people making that argument always leave off those two little words, which change an assumption, based only on their personal belief into a statement of plausible fact.

"It wouldn't have happened that way".

MAYBE it would not have happened at all, or MAYBE it would have, in any one of thousands of different ways. They THINK that without the gun, it would not happen, but no one KNOWS.

No law, no order, nothing written on paper can protect anyone from someone determined enough to break the law.

Only physical acts CAN.

and only the right physical acts WILL.
Tennessee Gentleman said:
I don't think that 90 something pound little girl who shot up the school would have tried that without a gun. I think had she been unable to get a gun she would have just killed herself. Having the guns gave her the ability that say a samurai sword would not.
I have to disagree.

Are you aware that the single most deadly school massacre in U.S. history did not involve firearms? No? Fire up Google and search "Bath Consolidated School massacre."

Then, while you have Google up, do a search on school+knife+attacks+China. Chinese citizens can't own guns, so by your logic Chinese schools must all be havens of complete safety. However, the reality is that such is very much NOT the case.

Here's a teaser to get you started: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_attacks_in_China
If you think taking guns out of the picture is all we need to do to be completely safe from harm, I suggest a date.

September 11, 2001
So, I get it with all the "well she could have" manufactured poison gas (ala The Anarchist Cookbook), rented a bulldozer and ran it into the building or thru the parking lot, built a bomb (the Columbine killers did that but it didn't hurt anyone) but school kids are not getting hurt that way. They are getting shot with guns and just MHO but saying that well she could use a samurai sword to the voters prolly won't get you much. But go ahead if you wish. It's about guns cause that's what they are using in these cases.

Now, I fully agree with the 9/11 example and I argue to my anti-gun acquaintances that after 9/11 we didn't ban air travel but we did beef up security and change (forever) the flight travel experience. I think we all know that the real way to reduce school shootings is with planning, practice (just like fire drills), hardening or schools and armed security. It's become a sad fact of life in these days just like terrorism part of our lives became after 9/11. In fact, many kids were saved because the school had very good "passive" measures that kept the killer at bay. 152 rounds she fired and only killed 6.

However, we are also reading that in many cases (not the Nashville one) that loved ones know that their relative is crazy and has guns and so the question is going to be asked, how can we deal with that more effectively.

As I stated earlier, the Governor (Very gun friendly) has asked the Legislature to come up with such a law. I think if one can be crafted that has due process and punishes false reports then it might serve as a better model than the now ex parte, no Due Process, SWAT at your house the next day versions we are seeing in Blue States.

I am a 2A activist and have met with media folk and anti-gunners in local sessions but I also, look for solutions to problems. I will never advocate unilaterally conceding to any anti-gun demand (Nash Equilibrium explains this) but I also won't stick my head in the sand and say "nothing to see here". So, don't misunderstand my position.

There is one thing I think all of us, liberal and conservatives gunner and anti gun want and is therefore common ground. We want these mass shootings to stop. I think we have better ideas than the antis.
The point was not to ignore guns because it “could” have been something else . The point is we have a second amendment therefore there will always be guns here even if you ban the sale of all of them from this day forward . There will still be 500 million left and I only have like half of them haha . The other point that you may not understand is laws and bans DO NOT prevent ANYTHING ! Are system is designed in a way that you must break a law to be prosecuted for breaking that law . Name one law that actually prevents anyone from doing something , because of the law/ban its now impossible to do the thing . You can’t because they don’t. Speed limit is what ….. and yet I break that law routinely. Isn’t it already illegal to kill somebody regardless of how ? And yet …. So what specifically would you propose if you were King and bound by our constitution to STOP people from using guns unlawfully???? Im all ears :-)

Now think of all the other ways people can cause harm with out guns . Bad people will do bad things regardless and even if you stopped one there are numerous more that won’t stop .

If this was about saving lives they would ban all alcohol. How many people are killed by people using so called assault weapons every year ? Less then 100 ! How many people are killed by drunk drivers or other alcohol related events every year ? Over 10k every year and yet nobody is on the hill top screaming ban drinking alcohol? Where’s all the money in the anti alcohol movement?

Not a a good example , how about malpractice???? Do you have any idea how many people die every year do to doctors screwing up . Hundreds of thousands every year !!!! Lets get real on what this is about . This is only about taking guns from law abiding citizens and nothing to do with saving lives . If it was about saving lives there are much more productive ways to spend all that anti gun money to save lives . Id suggest anyone that think the gun control groups are trying to save lives . Ask your self is that the best most efficient way to do so , or is there an ulterior motive?
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How many people are killed by drunk drivers or other alcohol related events every year ? Over 10k every year and yet nobody is on the hill top screaming ban drinking alcohol? Where’s all the money in the anti alcohol movement?

They pretty much shut up and went away after 1933.
They pretty much shut up and went away after 1933.

Absolutely , the issue is that there is NO enumerated right to have access to alcohol in the bill of right . If it was about saving lives they can save thousands a year with out any constitutional issues by simple outlawing alcohol . They won't because both sides of the gun control debate like to drink . In short they'd rather get there buzz on then actually do something that would make a substantial difference in saving lives .

I categorically refuse to except the anti gun argument that they want to save lives .