NRA Convention in Denver Cancelled!


Neal Knox is no super hero. An NRA lead by him may not have lasted this long!

If someone wants to start a "Neal Knox" thread, I'd participate, but let's keep this thread on track....

The NRA, after stting the "back down" precedent is now causing a real political standoff with the Denver City Gov't. Now the protests will REALLY be ugly. It seeems to me they should've had the convention or postponed it/relocated it entirely.
Rob: Never said Knox WAS a hero; In fact, I've been known to characterize him as a would be little tin dictator. The point was, the NRA did NOT respond to the substantive points he was raising, didn't even acknowlege that he WAS raising any issues. They just smeared him, and refused to let him defend himself. It's my opinion that the NRA would be a stronger organization if it's leadership weren't so totalitarian in their behavior; You can't persuade people a policy is right, if you're not willing to admit anyone thinks it's wrong! There are SO many issues eating the organization up inside, because they just can't respond to dissent they won't acknowlege the existance of.
I agree with MOTOREP that the cancelling of most of the convention is appropriate in view of the tragedy in Littleton. I read somewhere that other activities in Denver had also been cancelled, and that the mayor of Denver was planning to hold protests had the NRA not scaled back the program.
Those of you who are considering cancelling your memberships, Stop and catch your breath!I know many of you are angry with LaPierre and Heston and maybe rightly so, but leaving the organization won't change anything. Doing so will play right into the hands of HCI and other Antis. This is exactly what they want, to weaken the only powerful lobbying force we have. I know there are other organizations but the NRA has been the most successfull, however flawed they may be.
I am in the process of paying for a Life Membeship, and like many of you I don't agree with a lot of the policies, methods, internal politics and compromises but feel that the NRA is our only effective voice and must be supported.
The real enemy here is HCI, Clinton, Lausenberg, Putzhead Schumer and Feingold, not the NRA. At times it is necessary to ally with people whom we don't necessarily like or agree with to achieve our goals. After all, didn't we become allies with Stalin during WW2.
OK so get angry, send letters to the NRA untill they respond, but don't quit, the rest of us need you.

[This message has been edited by K80Geoff (edited April 23, 1999).]
Note that my comment wasn't directed at you,.. I got the impression that Menos was holding knox in higher esteem than Brown, a position I do not share or support.


The "other events" that have been cancelled are mostly things that were planned for Tuesday and Wednesday, such as the professional Basketball and baseball games. People's memories are short, as one Industry PR guy was reminding me today, he and I were both of the opinion that by next weekend things will, of necessity, be basically back to normal in downtown Denver. Tragic as this is, the world is not going to stop for long.

The protestors will still be there, the NRA will still be under attack, but now they are going to have disgruntled members and they have silenced the industry, (not to mention cost a ton of money that the industry cannot afford to waste and take away huge business opportunities which would've presented themselves at the show) in addition.
Yes,K80Geoff, we were allies with Stalin as well as Mao Zedong during WWII. The Lend-Lease shipments of military aid we provided before Pearl Harbor and the military equipment we provided afterwards was used between 1950 and 1953 to kill American GIs in Korea. HCI, Clinton, Lautenberg, etc.will use this cancellation to help destroy us as well.