Not selling my firearms any more

I understand the thinking of never selling anything, and it has merit, loss knows there is a couple I regret.....mainly SKS and nagant's not because my love of them, but I couldn't have imagined how fast the prices have tripled since just 2-3 Years ago. But, I had one crappy .380 Davis pistol for 10 years, then accumulated a huge amount of guns in a very short period of time. It started with the panic of possible AWB, which got me on the SKS bit because of the hi cap magazines being compatible, then to other odd rifles that I coukd afford during the panic. I was very knew to guns, actually a total virgin, so until I got out there and shot these different platforms and spent some real trigger time with them, I had no idea what I liked, what purpose I wanted from a rifle, what was comfortable, what cartridges turned me on and lots of other things. I now know what I like, that's MOA accurate in an affordable price range, pistol caliber carbines and levers for mid-short range CQ with cartridges that are easy to find brass for reloading or converting, unique pieces that I can shoot well. Anyways, I hope my point is getting across, I didn't know what i wanted when I got into this, I wanted cool looking and "tacti-cool" which I have zero interest in now. It would be silly to think New shooters and buy up a bunch of guns, not knowing what "role" they fill for the shooter, and then never sell them. I think in my first year of really getting into shooting, I bought and sold nearly a dozen rifles, mainly the ak/sks types because they lacked the enjoyment I get from working up groups and learnin the basics of precision shooting(not saying nobody has impressive ak/sks platformed guns that wouldn't impress me, my bro has a cz2008 that is a true MOA with a scout red-dot), but I have found fast dumps and minute of man accuracy no longer excited me. I only regret those sales because of the profit that could have been made, but I didn't lose anything and they got me to learn what's important to me in a firearm. Wow, looking up at that post ^....I said a lot more than I thought I was. Summary: you need to spend time with different platforms to see what you need/like/want when your starting out, then sell the junk that is very likely another's treasure, then refine youe collection for YOU. Still to this day I am experimenting, jist made a 9mm AR and also a 300blk pistol a year ago. LOVE these rifles for what they are, bit wouldn't be suprised if one of them ends up on the block very soon since they both fill pretty much the same niche for my collection. Soooo.......sell it if you don't like it. Don't take a loss bit don't cry if the market goes up afterwards either, guns are rarely money-making investments. Take one of my sks's, spent money of furniture, this and that, shot a couple hundred bucks worth of ammo, and even though they have tripled in price, I spent that cash anyways just trying to make something they weren't.
I have sold off two collections, first was to pay for a divorce and the second was to buy a house. Totally worth it in both instances.

I am now on my third collection and have been seriously considering selling off the bulk of it in the next couple of years. If I do sell, I will give my son his pick of a dozen or so and keep just a few of my favorites.

If the Hildebeast gets in the White house, or any dumbocrat for that matter, I will get rid of them all during the subsequent panic buying that will no doubt ensue and permanently move to my house in Central America.

In the end, while I really like my guns, they are just things and there are times where the money is needed elsewhere.
>>In the end, while I really like my guns, they are just things and there are times where the money is needed elsewhere<<

And there you have it! ;)
I've always had a good size gun collection. The last consisted of 32 handguns, and a couple of shotguns. I was in my 70's and shooting was still my passion. Then I had a health problem, and sold everything. I dropped out of shooting for 5 years because I just couldn't afford it anymore. Did I miss the trigger action on my Colts, my H&K USB Compact, my Taurus PT92 AF-S 9mm, and more, I don't even remember. YES!

I agree, guns are just property, and there are other things in life that deserve a higher priority. So I'm back. I turned 80 this summer, and bought myself a Taurus 809. Took it to the range, and shot the hell out of a terrorist target. It brought back the "spark" A month later I bought a PX4 Compact, and that's gonna do it, I hope.

You younger guys, if you got um, smoke um!
I've sold four guns in my lifetime, I came in to possession of most of these during a time when I was still trying to figure out what concealed carry methods worked for me.

Glock 26 - Replaced with a Glock 19 for primary carry. Conceals just as well as the 26 with my attire but more comfortable to shoot, increased mag capacity and sight radius.

Ruger LCR - Bought with intention of being a pocket gun. Too thick and bulky for my pockets (and no, I'm not wearing skinny jeans). Replaced with a Ruger LCP.

XDM 5.25" 9mm - Replaced with a Glock 34. Never intended on carrying this one, just wanted a range gun, decided I liked Glocks more and had no use for it.

Ruger SP101 3" .357 - Intended on carrying this one. However, it's heavier than it should be and only provided me with 5 rounds plus a slow reload.

I don't miss any of them, at least I learned what worked for me with regards to concealed carry. Now that I have a system that works for me (Ruger LCP in the pocket during the hours of 9 to 5 when concealability is critical, and a Glock 19 OWB everywhere else) I can focus on my favorite aspect of firearms, recreational shooting. I tend to take my time these days when searching for a firearm, to get a good price on something and be selective, I hope by doing this I'm less likely to sell and take a financial loss.
I've owned a few dozen over the years but never more than about two dozen at once, I think. I bought my first gun when I was in the army overseas. It wasn't until I was about 25 before I bought my first new gun and it sure seemed expensive.

In a sense I've regretted not being able to keep most (but not all) of them. The ones I had I acquired in no particular order. I can't quite claim that logic entered into any of the purchases. Mostly they were all things I learned something from, my chief interest in firearms being mainly nothing more than a simple interest in firearms, large and small.

No one else in the family (of those I count) have any particular interest in firearms, even including my son, who spent 15 months in Iraq as a tank crewman. As a matter of fact, not that many people in my family ever served in the military, of those still living. Besides my son, my son-in-law also did. He was in the Air Force, if that counts, but he went to Afghanistan. So when I go, I don't know what will happen to the remaining guns I have.

I've largely given up shooting but I'm still buying guns. Like I said, logic doesn't enter into the matter.

By the way, there never seemed to be any connection between how "good" the gun was and how much fun I got out of it.
Man, I think at one time I had like 40 guns in the house...not anymore. I've bought/sold/traded a ton of firearms. If I didn't sell and trade, I would never have the money to use and shoot the different firearms that I have.

My interests have changed over time too. I used to duck hunt a lot, but now I don't. I used to really dig ARs, but now I don't. I used to really get into reloading for .45 colt single actions, but now I don't do that and don't have the time to do so even if I did. I used to hunt a bunch of deer too...but don't do that anymore.

I also got into a different hobby (cycling) about 5 years ago that has taken much of my time. I'm not about to give that up anytime soon, either since it makes me feel so great and healthy. Just only so much money, time, and desire.

I have a few more on my want list and I will be purchasing these over the next year or two, but my real goal is just to keep shooting the ones I have.