Not selling my firearms any more


New member
So every once in a while I convince myself that if I'm going to buy or trade for a new firearm I should get rid of an existing one in the collection to keep things manageable. I always end up regretting it. Not because I don't enjoy the new firearm but because I miss the old one too lol. Anyone else feel this way? I think I'm not going to sell them any more. :) I miss my old S&W Model 10 and an S&W 5906 that I sold and traded. Damn it.
Agreed. I've sold very few firearms (and I haven't owned all that many, either), and I regret every single one I've sold. If I could revoke all the sales, I would do so in a heartbeat..

Please report to the Handguns: General Handgun Forum for vindication.

Thank you.
ya Joe, you are not the only one. Years ago I was always selling or swapping one to get the latest and greatest, today not so much.

Over the last six or seven years I've focused my ownership to S&W revolvers and have purchased a fair number more than I've gotten rid of.
The following is a list of what I've disposed of, all S&W revolvers: 1- M 27-2 5" it just did not work for me, 2- M 19-3 gift to a friend who really needed a handgun, 3- M 19-5 sale to another friend who had all his guns taken in a home burglary, 4- M -586 sold. It was an excellent revolver, but I didn't shot it much.
There are a few keepers that I'd never sell but most of the new guns I've bought have involved selling or trading one I already owned. A big part of it has been financial but not always. Sometimes, I just end up not liking a particular gun. The only one I ever miss was a little Bodyguard in .380. There are a ton of reasons I didn't care for it but it rode well inside the waistband and I was wearing it in the delivery room for two of my children.
I'm going the other way.
I've started thinning the herd, gave away some to kids and grandkids, going to start selling off the others.
I've went through quite a few handguns in the last couple of years, getting rid of the majority because they just didn't "fit me" for one reason or another. Others I sold because of needing funds for other stuff, and one I regret selling is already being replaced with an identical model (CZ P-07 Duty). Another one I'll re-aquire down the road will be a RAMI D.
I've done a lot of swapping and trading over the years but generally never sale one for cash, I'm pretty well set on keeping what I have now and will try and buy any other I want straight out. There are a couple muzzle loaders I'm thinking of parting with since the closest muzzle loading club to me now is 90 miles away and a couple reenactment guns my get traded for cartridge stuff since I'm not doing that anymore either.
Yep My advice is don't even give them to the kids when they grow up. Or at least make sure they learn what it means to have before you give them up.

I have traded a few long guns and pistols off. It wasn't worth it. Oh how I miss my old guns. The only one I nevert likely will regret is the Weatherby Mark V 300 Mag. It kicked like a mule but it was a beauty.
After 10years I traded it for a new mod. Vangard mountan rifle in 308.
Now that was a real hunter with the 22" barrel and Kevlar stock.
Well I've had one of life's unfortunate circumstances that forced me to sell off my handguns 7 years ago, I've replaced just about all of them except the S&W Model 27 that I replaced with a 627. I can't foresee anything that would cause me to sell off my stuff again, so everything is staying right where it's at.
Over the years I've sold/traded many handguns, and never miss the ones I've let go. Each sale or trade got me a much gun much better suited to my needs/wants at the time.

Went through the DA revolver phase and the subsequent swapping out for my SA revolvers and sure don't miss any DA revolver I let go, including the vaunted Python. Still have a couple of DA guns, but the study course they implemented has been satisfied. And it took only a couple of autos to satisfy that study.

Bob Wright
Usually when I sell a gun it's to go towards replacing it with a better gun. The one I regret the most is my Sig 232, especially since they are no longer made, though to be honest I have no use for a .380 that big and heavy.
I've owned dozens of guns over the years. I've sold dozens of them. I have just as much fun selling them as I do buying them.

Are there a few I'd like to have back? Sure. So I just go look for another one just like it.

They're just "things." Made to be bought, sold, traded and swapped. There is always another one.
Some guns I have an emotional attachment to, and others I don't. If I don't love a gun, I will sell it or trade it. Sometimes I regret it, but I'm trying to be more particular about what guns I buy.
I do not sell any that I have .I gave one to my brother because of he did not had a pump shotgun ,I had more then of that one ga. So I let him have the one that will work for him.Other then that I did not give any other one and keep what I do have.I have been ask if I could sell some I have because the persons want that one but I told them I do not sell my guns.They told me if I do let them know,I guess that will be some time before that will happened.
I've kept most of my firearms with a few exceptins. When I was younger, I sold a couple because I needed the cash. I've sold/traded a handful that I simply did not like for various reasons. I traded a couple of unfired handguns recently because I got no joy from them. I got something I could shoot and enjoy.
I too have gone the other way. From having 47 handguns at once, to only having about 4 that I carry and 4 others that I don't / won't. Heirlooms and such.

Reasons? Money issues. Smaller living space. Money issues. Not shooting them as often. It's like having invested money just sitting there when I could be paying bills off instead. So, many reasons.

I've learn to let go. They're some I won't ever sell or trade off. They've been with me for the longest. 2 in my carry rotation included. 1 on the way to me now after a glorious trade.

But yeah. 47 to 4.