Not A Thread For S&W Purist


New member
S&W model 65 Back from the gunsmith, I love it but I know the torches and pitch forks are going to come out.


actually, it is similar to what we used to refer to the fbi gun in the 80s. 3inch round butt 357 snag proof sights.
Thought about it for a long time before pulling the trigger. But they are plentiful in my neck of the woods I figured if I missed the 4 inch I could get another one.
If that thing shoots half as good as it looks, I'd ignore the
critics, personally. You fixed it up so you could enjoy
yourself, right?
Man, that just looks sweet. Hey, it's just a hunk of steel, and it's your hunk of steel so do what you like. Life's too short to get hung up on what other people think you should or should not do.

I actually went back and forth shooting round vs square butt trying to make up my mind and the square butt definitely feels better and I would say shoot a little better but not by much. Holding the square butt just makes my confidence better and I think that is truly what people are trying to say when we talk about the feel in the hand.

My hands are so large I like the square butt better, I like a big butt what can I say LOL.
I guess I'm sort of a "S&W Purist." I don't even like to change grips.

But it's your gun to do with as you please. If you want to use it as a trot-line weight, it's OK with me.

But that gun looks nice. Well done Sir.
I like it.

From a functional perspective, I'm a fan of bobbed hammers. Slab-siding the barrel got rid of the barrel markings, which would otherwise be cut off and asymmetrically-placed on that cut barrel. The front sight is something you can actually see, so it's a big improvement.

I'd put some good aftermarket grips that actually fit the hand on it, then shoot the beejeebers out of it. With all that work, I hope it also got a good action job. :cool:
Your money. Your gun. If it makes you happy that's all that matters.

Personally, I kind of like what you've done. Looks like a fun shooter.
Don't see any rear sight groove.

Hope you are kidding. Side views don't generally show sight grooves.

To the OP, well done. May I ask what front sight that is? I can see some application for that kind of modification myself.

I would of left at least a nub on the hammer for single action shots but other than that it looks good. Hope she meets your expectations.
I can understand the night sight and can agree with it somewhat. The thing that gets me is dehorning the hammer. That may be good for a concealed carry but I still like using the hammer for single action use if desired. I guess I'm a bit old fashioned.