Northern Virginia FU-UN Shoot!

HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:

It's NOT official!

The Metropolitan Pistol League is meeting on Mondays from 5 to 8, after which the range closes!


OK, folks the range is also closed on Tuesday.

Anyone want to try for Sunday July 8?

Mal, thanks for the heads up. I had forgotten about that, and was only just now able to get a warm body to answer the phone at the range.
in the imortal words of the Moody Blues...

Tuesday afternoon?

I maybe able to show up, but due to my homestate of MD and my work State of DC, i am dang near legally & logistically incapable of bringing along a firearm

unless i take a work mental health day...


Hi guys,

I'm a total newbie and I don't own a firearm (well I do, but I don't think an antique shotgun with twin 30-inch barrels is the best gun for a beginner), but I'd like to learn. If you are still planning to meet locally, I would love to come out, even just to watch.

July 9th is my last day of work (dot-com layoff) so anytime after then I'm free. :) I could buy a gun on that day, but I really need to save my money (BladeForums members, this is your cue to laugh), and I'd like to get some actual shooting experience first. Rest assured, I am not a "disgruntled former employee", just someone interested in guns and self-defense. :D If anyone can recommend local ranges that offer training with loaner guns, I would appreciate it.
David, welcome aboard. I'd say go visit the folks down at Gilbert Small Arms Range (703-550-8005). Take I-95 south to Exit No. 166A. I hope the exit number is still correct with all the construction going on down there. You'll find them in back of an industrial park across the road from some white fuel storage tanks. Real friendly service and a nice selection of rental guns. Hope this helps.

8194-M Terminal Road
Springfield, VA
Do we want to shoot for Wed., Thur. or Fri. of the same week? The Range is open 'til 10 PM on those days and I don't think they will be having a CCW class that week.

David Park - you are very welcome to join us once we get a date nailed down. I'm sure there will be several different types of handguns/rifles you can try out.
Roadrunner, I actually tried to find Gilberts once after I ran across their web site. I didn't see a sign or anything, so I thought they might have moved. I'll plan to find them again this weekend. I actually live south of Alexandria on Rt. 1, so they are very convenient to reach by the Fairfax Co. Parkway.

I'm assuming the NRA range is at the big NRA building off 66? :o If you guys pick a date, I'll try to be there. I'll probably be wearing my INNOCENT BYSTANDER T-shirt. :D Thanks for the welcome.

edit: OK, I found the NRA HQ range web site, so now I know how to get there.
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Tempus fugit!

So, are we shooting for Friday the 13th, so to speak?

Everyone who can make it should post an "aye" here.
I stopped by Gilberts today (nice place, don't know how I missed it before) and signed up for their firearm basics class. Hopefully I'll be able to get in on standby before the 13th, so that I'll have at least a little experience. I'm really looking forward to it!
Jesus, I said in an earlier message, "How about Sunday?"

You could have measured the response to that while asleep! There was none.

Friday the 13th, 7:30 p.m.

That's my final answer, and if Regis asks me again, I'm going to kneecap him. :)
How about Friday the 13th? That seems to be the going concensus right now, and if it's Saturday, the guy who called this thing in the first place (me) can't be there because I've now got plans for Saturday.
How about Sunday then? Does the guy that has plans on saturday, that wants the shoot on Friday the 13th,have plans for Sunday? How about the following Sunday? Or does the guy that has plans on saturday have plans for the following saturday?
Well I guess I can't make it then ;) I'm gonna have a shoot in early Sept here in Pa and your all welcome to drive up. We've had plenty of guys from NJ and New York drive 3hrs to all of our TFL shoots. We have a great place to shoot!!!

Good Luck