Non-carry states for Thanksgiving

Not saying I do, he he, but I know guys who carry no matter. They carry very concealed when in illegal states and avoid any broken traffic laws and places where there may be known trouble. That said, it is very sad indeed that you have to work your butt off to be a good citizen in your state and do all the necessary stuff to get a concealed carry permit and are then not allowed carry in all states. Write the NRA, your government representatives and the news papers on a non stop basis and ask for ALL STATE RECIPROCITY. Public opinion and votes count most and we can win this with peaceful engagement and our vote.
The bad guys carry no matter , what are the good guys to do ? Some people look for trouble and some people don't . We all want a even playing field . Be Safe out there.
Obviously you haven't been there.

No, they gon't have "gun sniffers" but they do have license plate readers and bored cops who will routinely run any out of state plate they encounter. Whether your home state admits it or not, most states automatically include if the registered owner has a CCW permit along with the automobile registration data. If you are in NY/NJ with out of state plates and have a CCW license your odds of being stopped have more to do with how bored the local cops are than anything about your driving or your vehicle.

Yes I have been there, I was born and raised there. Recently traveled back up through ALL of New England, including NJ, MD, DE, NY, RI, CT, MA, VT, NH, ME; and with (OMG!) FLORIDA plates..................and it was an enjoyable trip with ZERO issues, even passing the troopers on the Garden State...........
Two things:

1. Think about if it is good idea to discuss your breaking the law on an open forum that might be discovered if you are in trouble in some future event.

Someone will say judged by ... than .... We know this.

2. The rhetoric of a 'communist state' is nice for the Internet bluster but it's just silly. It is used as an insult that has as much reality as calling all gun owners 'facists'. If anything, it indicates you really don't know that the terms mean.

It's not clever. It also insults good people who live in a state for various reasons.
I never broke any laws; my comments were regarding this inordinate paranoia that seems to grip folks about driving through those states and how they are going to get pulled over, car thoroughly thrashed by LEO and thrown in jail because they have out of state plates from a more gun-friendly state.
We need federal carry permits maybe some one will have the nerve to actually pass a bill

That won't happen until the Democrats decide such a bill is in their best interests. Republicans talk a good game but they simply don't have any clue about how to be a majority.
NJ ccw

Having lived in N Y and NJ I carried hornet bug spray in the car; the one that shoots a stream about 10 feet. Then NY and NJ banned this from cars.
Forget about tear gas, that's a no-no as well.

Anything that could be deemed a weapon, baseball bat, tire iron, etc. could land you in jail for the weekend.

Living in PA is sweet (so far), and CCW permits simple to obtain and no jumping through hoops.

Persecute the law abiding and embrace the criminal.

Don’t be fooled, these politicians are following a plan and it is going very well for them.
1. Think about if it is good idea to discuss your breaking the law on an open forum that might be discovered if you are in trouble in some future event. Someone will say judged by ... than .... We know this.

2. The rhetoric of a 'communist state' is nice for the Internet bluster but it's just silly. It is used as an insult that has as much reality as calling all gun owners 'facists'. If anything, it indicates you really don't know that the terms mean.

It's not clever. It also insults good people who live in a state for various reasons.
Well said, Glen. Plus 1. Carrying where it's prohibited is never a good idea. The legal consequences could be catastrophic for you and your family. Rod
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Wife's sister lives in state where our permit is invalid; we split the cost of a condo in neighboring state where our permit is valid met there over Thanksgiving.
I had a spring opened hunting knife that I planned to give to my grandson. Discovered on research that there are FEDERAL laws dealing with "switch-blade" knives, their transfer, and carrying them. So we need to be concerned with more than just our handguns!! This is more than just the various states mucking around with our rights
Think about if it is good idea to discuss your breaking the law on an open forum

No law breaking here. Didn’t bring my pistol into the state, and definitely did not carry illegally therein.

Was more-so asking what an average EDC in these states looks like..

Pepper/bear spray may be a good addition it seems. Luckily I’m back south and can go back to my regular rig.
I was NYC born and raised when I could walk into my local hardware store and buy a gun or box of ammunition. When we drooled over that beautiful rifle we saw on the back cover of Boys Life Magazine.

My wife and I normally make a trip back to NYC or actually now Long Island for an annual party on the beach with old friends. Before we head back I actually go through a "truck sterilization" process making sure nothing is in my truck even remotely gun related, like any stray ammunition left from a range outing. Sad but such is life.

Here is an Ohio CCW Reciprocity Map compliments of The Buckeye Firearms Association. I am good with a gun right till I cross that NJ State Line. Cross that line with a gun and I become a criminal. There is a story out there about some poor woman who drifted over the state line and it wasn't pretty.

So I got to thinking which I seldom do since retiring. When I was a young Marine I went to school in Memphis Tenn. or actually Naval Air Station Millington Tenn. In order to go on liberty you were in uniform or you didn't leave the base. So you put on a uniform and boarded the bus for downtown Memphis. When you got off the bus in downtown you walked across the street to the locker club where you had a rented locker. You put on your civilian attire, enjoyed your liberty and before returning to base went back to the locker club and put the uniform back on to return to base. What the hell does this have to do with guns and today?

I will open locker clubs for guns at an Interstate Highway just prior to crossing a state line like NY, NJ CA and similar. Drop your gun off in our gun friendly locker rental locations where it will be safe and secure in our temperature and humidity controlled environment until you return for it. Discounts available for regular travelers. Gun locker clubs conveniently located for your guns traveling pleasure. Travel NYC and surrounding NY areas knowing your gun is safe and secure and that you are not a criminal. :)

After 2 pages of this, it still amazes me that there are still those who argue against universal reciprocity.

While I see it as a great move the Fed is going to let the individual states make their own laws under home rule and you can rest assured that at least 1/2 dozen states and D.C are not going to go along with it.

As said above, cross a state line with a firearm and become a criminal. As I found out above, you can cross a state line even with a pocket knife and become a criminal. I wish I knew how to fight all this.
I do believe that is true about the DMV having access to your home states CCW records. Also a firm believer of not having any bumper stickers on my vehicle.

Good reason to put all the cars in the wife's name, as she does not have a ccw..