Non-carry states for Thanksgiving


New member
Visiting some family up North for thanksgiving in some not-so-gun-friendly areas in which I cannot carry a firearm.

Although I feel a bit “naked” without my pistol on me, I’ve noticed my situational awareness is up (Big city) and I’ve been overly cautious with my surroundings.

Carrying a gentleman’s folding knife (my EDC auto isn’t allowed here), a flashlight, phone, keys, wallet.

What do those of you who live in non carry states have as your EDC?
It’s scary ... accidentally traveled into NJ the other night and had my carry on me ... just forgot it was in my pocket and zoned over the fact we were going to NJ for dinner. After freaking out I drove the speed limit and then locked it in the trunk safe ... hate that there is no reciprocity and basically I’m land locked here in PA.
TBJ101 said:
It’s scary ... accidentally traveled into NJ the other night and had my carry on me ... just forgot it was in my pocket and zoned over the fact we were going to NJ for dinner. After freaking out I drove the speed limit and then locked it in the trunk safe ... hate that there is no reciprocity and basically I’m land locked here in PA.
I did that several years ago, and it's a butt puckerer for sure. In my case, I was dating a woman who lived very close to the state line. I had taken her out to dinner and was heading for my home after dropping her off. On a whim, I decided to take a different route home to see if it would be faster/shorter. I didn't realize that route jogged through a corner of the adjoining state (injun territory, no reciprocity or recognition of my home state permit) until I came to a sign informing me that I was entering my state. Oops!
What communist state are you in? NY? NJ? Mass?
worse... D.C.

Found myself at a public restroom with my folding knife dangerously close to the ole gear shift in the thought that it’d be the quickest draw.

Can’t carry an auto in MD or DC (two states I’ll be in) so I grabbed the closest folder.
It’s scary ... accidentally traveled into NJ the other night and had my carry on me ... just forgot it was in my pocket and zoned over the fact we were going to NJ for dinner. After freaking out I drove the speed limit and then locked it in the trunk safe ... hate that there is no reciprocity and basically I’m land locked here in PA.

Why freaking out? You recognized something and you corrected it. What's the big deal? It is not as if they have gun sniffers at the border to immediately pull you over and throw you in jail. You did the right thing, but no need to go to total panic mode and swallowing a dozen Xanax.
Living in Idaho I carry as I would wear underpants. Always a S&W J-frame, IWB or just in a pocket. With friends and family in eastern-central Washington, Im In Washington once every couple months. I just carry anyway. I even drove from state-line to Seattle then up to Bellingham, WA to visit an old girlfriend, carried the whole time. Im not entirely sure of concealed weapon laws in WA, I know they likely have some respect for Idahos Laws and the citizens that abide by those laws, but Id have to assume a concealed .357 mag is illegal. I suppose if I had reason to believe id be coming into contact with law enforcement, id consider leaving it in a car safe. In reality Its very unlikely that contact with LE would result in any search of my person. So, In theory, Under certain circumstances, Ill consider disarming.
I avoid those states but if I had to go I would still carry something inconspicuous like a NAA loaded with 22 magnum.
You've probably done all that you can do. The only other thing I might suggest is pepper spray, but, obviously, you'd need to check on the legalities.
I don't know how true this is, but I've read that in Maryland the State Troopers have access to the list of people in VA with CC permits. They supposedly can run your plate to see if your on the list and will find some bogus reason to pull you over and search you to see if you're carrying illegally. I believe this may be true because legislation to block this was introduced in the VA legislature and was passed. At least this is how I remember it.
I don't know how true this is, but I've read that in Maryland the State Troopers have access to the list of people in VA with CC permits. They supposedly can run your plate to see if your on the list and will find some bogus reason to pull you over and search you to see if you're carrying illegally. I believe this may be true because legislation to block this was introduced in the VA legislature and was passed. At least this is how I remember it.
This has always worried me when I travel, is that I may get pulled over just because my license plates say TEXAS.
Why freaking out? You recognized something and you corrected it. What's the big deal? It is not as if they have gun sniffers at the border to immediately pull you over and throw you in jail. You did the right thing, but no need to go to total panic mode and swallowing a dozen Xanax.

Obviously you haven't been there.

No, they gon't have "gun sniffers" but they do have license plate readers and bored cops who will routinely run any out of state plate they encounter. Whether your home state admits it or not, most states automatically include if the registered owner has a CCW permit along with the automobile registration data. If you are in NY/NJ with out of state plates and have a CCW license your odds of being stopped have more to do with how bored the local cops are than anything about your driving or your vehicle.
How about a can of "Bear" spray, labeled as such? Remember the can you carry hiking that you forgot to take out of your coat pocket? ;) That stuff is nasty, and if labeled for "Bears", may be legal in many of those states (it's legal in Canada). Not self defense pepper spray designed for humans (which will most likely be Illegal)... but one specifically designed and labeled for "animals". :D Next to a handgun, pretty awesome stuff pertaining to keeping the wolves at bay and will likely cause far less legal trouble than carrying a folding knife.
For your vehicle door pocket, a large open ended wrench or ball peen hammer, if carried with a couple other smaller tools (for emergency roadside repair), will raise little suspicion if stopped and double as an impact weapon if someone decides to try to carjack you or rob you at a gas station.
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We need federal carry permits maybe some one will have the nerve to actually pass a bill

No, we don't as that will put control in the hands of the Feds, and their attitudes could change with a change in political parties in charge
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Dano4734 said:
We need federal carry permits maybe some one will have the nerve to actually pass a bill
We don't need federal carry permits. We need to have the Supreme Court rule that the entire concept of requiring a permit to exercise a constitutionally-guaranteed right is unconstitutional. Since that's not likely to happen, the next best thing would be a federal law requiring universal reciprocity.
Except universal reciprocity would mean states like NY, NJ, MA et al, would set the rules for what you can carry and where you can carry. Basically they would eliminate carry in 99% of the areas within the state.