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He is running for president of this country right?

For Immediate Release
May 5, 2008 Contact: Press Office

Statement by John McCain on Cinco de Mayo and Announcement of New Spanish Website


Senator John McCain today issued the following statement on Cinco de Mayo as his campaign announced several new Spanish efforts:

"Cinco de Mayo commemorates an important moment in the history of Mexico's path to freedom. On this day in 1862, a small group of Mexican troops overcame overwhelming force to win the Battle of Puebla. Today, we join together to remember the sacrifice that these Mexican patriots endured, as well as the struggles of all those around the world striving for freedom. We recognize as well the important friendship that exists between our country and Mexico, and celebrate the many contributions Mexican-Americans have made to our society, culture, security and economy.


The Cinco de Mayo statement can now also be found on the Spanish section of the official campaign website at which the campaign launched today. This part of the website will feature regular updates in Spanish throughout the election.

Finally, as part of his commitment to talking with all Americans during this presidential campaign, the McCain presidential campaign announced that John McCain will attend the La Raza Annual Convention in San Diego on July 14, 2008.
Finally, as part of his commitment to talking with all Americans during this presidential campaign, the McCain presidential campaign announced that John McCain will attend the La Raza Annual Convention in San Diego on July 14, 2008.

I keep trying to forget about McCain's stand on illegal immigration. If I think about it I won't have anybody left to vote for.

This is AMERICA, not Ireland.

Bad comparison. I think most of the Irish immigrants are here legally. Celebrating your heritage is different than giving amnesty to those here illegally. Although (IMO) the employers of illegals are even more guilty.
Every vote counts.

Funny thing about language, every country has its native and second languages. Even here in Japan. Can anyone illegally enter Japan? No. 1) their border patrol and immigration is brutal, even on work/student visas, 2) language barrier, 3) they're an island, got a long way to swim! You don't speak Japanese, you can't do **** unless you find a native to take pity on you by befriending you or a business/shopkeep to help you. Do some Japanese speak other languages? Yes, they do. But you won't survive by not learning Japanese. One MUST assimilate to Japan. US is different, but I do not think it unfair to expect a set national language. Do some folks speak Spanish? Yes, they do. But like I do Japan, I wouldn't expect anything less than a native language for the majority. It'd be pretty damn stupid if I demanded that the entire country of Japan learn to speak English.

I don't know what I'm saying, just what I'm seeing from personal experience. If we weren't SOFA status, we'd be truly hard pressed to live to the standards we are accustomed to.
May 5th

Got a good laugh Easter. My brother married a Mexican girl, here legally, and was asking when cinco de mayo was.:eek:
He is running for president of this country right?
Yes, and this country has many legal latinos and citizens of hispanic descent. He's catering to that demographic just as he would cater to the gun owners or christians.

I don't see what the problem is.
Yes, and this country has many legal latinos and citizens of hispanic descent. He's catering to that demographic just as he would cater to the gun owners or christians.

I don't see what the problem is.


My entire family including me falls into this category. What is the problem Winston?

ps: in reference to my post above this one - my family and myself are bilingual - learn the language and get ahead :D ...guess I'm on my way to tri? lol
I don't see what the problem is.

First, I will say that I will probably vote for McCain, but I will not hide my head in the sand about his past support of open border advocates. This is not about legal citizens, never has been. It's about issues like the failed McCain/Kennedy/Bush amnesty bill. It's about the fact that McCain would not talk about border security until he got the message that his constituents were highly pissed about his siding with Kennedy & groups like La Raza. Now he says he has got the message and he will fight for border security first. I hope he keeps his promise.

McCain's problems with conservatives on illegal immigration has never been about his support of legal citizens. I see nothing wrong with the statement in the OP about Cinco de Mayo, my issue is his past statements pushing for amnesty and no border security.
First, I will say that I will probably vote for McCain, but I will not hide my head in the sand about his past support of open border advocates. This is not about legal citizens, never has been. It's about issues like the failed McCain/Kennedy/Bush amnesty bill. It's about the fact that McCain would not talk about border security until he got the message that his constituents were highly pissed about his siding with Kennedy & groups like La Raza. Now he says he has got the message and he will fight for border security first. I hope he keeps his promise.

McCain's problems with conservatives on illegal immigration has never been about his support of legal citizens. I see nothing wrong with the statement in the OP about Cinco de Mayo, my issue is his past statements pushing for amnesty and no border security.
rock on.

but in response to the thread itself, I don't see what the problem is with mccain trying to pull the hispanic vote.
Yes, and this country has many legal latinos and citizens of hispanic descent. He's catering to that demographic just as he would cater to the gun owners or christians.

I don't see what the problem is.
The problem is the special class treatment. You don't see signs in Italian or Polish on account of my fiance's family or German or Choctaw for mine. They should be able to learn to get by like all the rest of us.
The problem is the special class treatment. You don't see signs in Italian or Polish on account of my fiance's family or German or Choctaw for mine. They should be able to learn to get by like all the rest of us.
Come to Chicago. You'll find many sections where the signs are in Polish because this city has the largest Polish population outside of Warsaw. Go to Chinatown in New York City.

That has zero to do with the website being in spanish. :rolleyes: Look, no matter how well you learn a second language as an adult it will always be easier to read and understand something in your native tongue. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a politician or a business owner accommodating that.
Cinco de Mayo is not a hispanic holiday, it is a Mexican NATIONAL holiday, their version of the 4th of July, if you will.
So from what I gather from some of your posts. It's ok that McCain is for amnesty and an open boarder policy. But most of you guys are voting for him because of the gun issue. Because Obama or Hilllary will try and take them away.

Well One thing you have to concider with that is the N.A.U. If the N.A.U. Happens. You can say bye bye to your guns. Or did nobody tell you these things? Mexico has a no gun Policy. and the U.N. doesn't want armed Americans. If the N.A.U. happens It will eventually fall under The U.N.'S control.

The problem is the special class treatment. You don't see signs in Italian or Polish on account of my fiance's family or German or Choctaw for mine. They should be able to learn to get by like all the rest of us.

I agree with you 100 %. But only because there is a double standard. When the mexican community started putting up signs in spanish here. Many people were up in arms. This is America There signs should be in english. bla bla bla. But like many communitys across the country. That have had signs in there native tounge.(china town,little italy,Little poland and so on) Nobody bitched till the Mexicans started doing it. Same goes for "for english press one button on your phone." People bitch about it but when there comes a time to do something about it. They do nothing or just settle on it.

My entire family including me falls into this category. What is the problem Winston?
So do I. I am spanish, so if your looking for a racisit comment. Look elsewhere.

The problem is, yeah McCain might help you save your guns for a little bit. But if the N.A.U. agenda gets past. You will lose all your guns and more of your freedoms. Why do you think McCain is soft on the boarders? The N.A.U. is happening. Look it up.

and it is not only McCain who is avoiding talking about the N.A.U. Hillary and Obama are avoiding it also. Obama on the N.A.U.

LOOK IT UP. Look for yourself.
The very fact you would question McCain's patriotism with a snide comment like "this country" just proves that reason has left the immigration debate. McCain was a POW. He was tortured and suffered for this country. Just who the hell are you that you should question him because he makes an address in Spanish?

The other posters have this right. What other demographics don't meet with your approval? Asian Americans? Jewish Americans? Arab Americans? Italian Americans?

The NAU is the same John Birch BS that has been flying around for years. Never going to happen.

In all due respect, get a grip.
Well good - glad to hear you aren't throwing racists comments. I think everyone here will agree we don't want to see any!

I just hope the country we're serving isn't gone to hell in a handbasket by the time we set foot on Conus soil again.

Winston, what exactly are you wanting us to do here? Who do you want us to vote for? What is your agenda?
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