no firearms workplace rules

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who works at a place that doesnt allow firearms on company property?

how does your situational awareness, and activities change during this time?

my work does not allow firearms on company property, mainly because of coast guard/DOT regulations.

i work on boats, and oil rigs in the gulf of Mexico, so when i show up for work ill be out for weeks, to months. i dont have to deal with the day to day hassle. but i often have to travel from .5-8hrs in a van to various ports.

im not a big fan of being unarmed in many of the places we stop for gas/food.

recently a van from another similar company was held up, and 8 guys robbed.

we have been stopping at better places, but in some areas there is only 1 place to stop, and shady is an understatement.
I guess one thing to do is limit your losses by carrying less cash. Credit cards can be cancelled and replaced very quickly. If you need to carry cash, there are many types of hidden pouches you can buy that would fit the bill (pun intended :D). Situational awareness is always important and simply being aware can often prevent an attack since bad guys prefer easy targets. Direct eye contact and an air of confidence should keep all but the most determined bad guys away, especially if there are a lot of you guys. Are there any markings on the vans that would indicate they are transporting people to boats and oil rigs? Maybe the bad guys are catching on since they know you guys aren't allowed to carry weapons. In that case, I would suggest that the company use unmarked vans. Good luck!
My work also does not allow us to carry. Its not too bad for me because i work in a "hardened" building with doors you have to badge in and security portals, we also have our own police just down stairs that are armed. I still think it would be pretty easy for someone to gain access if they really wanted too but the company police would be on them within seconds, plus as long as i dont die i would probably get a hell of a settlement if i was shot, and if i did at least my family would, that eases some of the anxiety for me.
I work in a psychiatric hospital which has a very strict no weapons policy... even folding pocket knives are verboten on the treatment floor. The crappy thing is when I'm walking to my car at 2330 and find former patients smoking meth in the back lot, relegating me to strictly hand to hand defensive measures... fortunately my considerable verbal skills(which is why I do what I do) are usually sufficient. They always seem to show up in the 30 minutes when security teams are changing over.
I can have one in my vehicle, but not in the building.

I've gotten really good with my knives. I'd rather have a good blade than many pocket pistols on the market anyway.
My company does not permit firearms in or on company owned property. They don't actually own the parking lot we use, so...:cool:
My work place has a no firearms on company property policy and all enterances are 30.06 (TX legal no carry sign) posted. There is armed security (which is my job there) and they are allowed to search any person/vehicle on company property. Every delivery truck gets searched, we've found many of truck drivers carrying and they have to clear it and leave with us while they make their delivery. As a CHL holder myself it sucks telling another CHL holder that they can't come inside our gate with a CCW.
I work for a software company, and we have a "no weapons" policy as part of our "violence prevention program." So if someone decides to do the disgruntled employee thing, they apparently won't do it in our offices because we have a "no guns" policy and they could be fired for shooting people.

Not sure how that deters former employees, enraged spouses of a cheating employee, or just the general nutjob, since they can't be threatened with a firing for committing murder, but smarter people than I have apparently decided it does.

However, Florida law says they can't prevent me from having one in the car.

Other employees, not me of course, may decide to carry in deep concealment, figuring if they save their own life, they will risk getting fired over it. Just saying...
The company I work for hs a strict NO FIREARMS policy. No firearms on company property, or in company owned vehicals. Violation of this policy MAY result in termination. The emphisis is on MAY terminate... Or they MAY do nothing. I drive a company owned vehical, so I'm not allowed to have any firearms in my possesion.

We provide service 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week. And we go into some pretty rough area's at all hours. In fact at one location one mechanic and helper was robbed of everything down to their skivies.

Having said all that... Of course I dont carry any firearms on my person or in my truck. :D
I dont think these "NO FIREARMS POLICIES" have anything to do with safety. I truely believe that the employers are just reducing their exposure to lawsuits. Thats fine... I wonder how long they would last if people injured by criminal violence in the work place sued the employer's for failing to protect them, and not allowing them to protect themselves.
Yeah, it's pure "Don't sue us" rules, and I certainly hope folks sue their butts off the next time someone goes postal.
i work in a building peripheral to a large data center. Rumor has it there is a policy, but i've not been made aware of it.
I dont think these "NO FIREARMS POLICIES" have anything to do with safety. I truely believe that the employers are just reducing their exposure to lawsuits. Thats fine... I wonder how long they would last if people injured by criminal violence in the work place sued the employer's for failing to protect them, and not allowing them to protect themselves.

Does the employer have a duty to protect an employee from a 'nut job' ?
Florida law says they can't prevent me from having one in the car.
So does Kansas, but that doesn't help me when I go on post.
Most places I work have a no firearms policy. Some even have a no ammunition policy. I generally can find one or two rounds for something in my vehicle, I give it a fairly thorough looking through when I hit those jobs. Some places will ban you for life at all of their plants if you are found with ammo or firearms.

Some jobs I stay away from. It is not too hard to tell a construction worker. And if the job is 6 or 7 days a week, all the bad guys know when pay day is and they probably know your take home pay too.
I don't think these "NO FIREARMS POLICIES" have anything to do with safety. I truly believe that the employers are just reducing their exposure to lawsuits.

I agree completely. They have nothing to do with safety, it's just the standard boilerplate crap that employers put in employee policy manuals. But the irony still exists, since my employer has the 'no weapons' policy as part of their violence prevention program.

And an employer has no obligation to protect me from nutjobs normally. That's my job. But when they prohibit me from protecting myself through a weapons ban, does that mean they take that responsibility on themselves, since they prevent me from doing it?
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