No cover, stand or kneel?

Shoot as you move... :p

Move to your left because the perp is more likely to miss his target (you) to his left. ;)

Shoot high and right (At his left shoulder) and your moving misses will have a better chance of "pulling or jerking" into the kill zone. :eek:
I like three choices. Drop and eat dirt, a band-aid boo-boo beats a hole. Move or roll then. Second is what I call the hot pavement hopscotch. You jump, hop, skip as you wish toward the shooter. Left, right, up and down while agressively closing the gap and acquiring a sight picture. The third is a simple modification of Isosceles. Turn and extend your stronghand with weapon to the shooter and acquire a sight picture. You present only one side and thus, less target.
Drop and eat dirt
Left, right, up and down while agressively closing the gap You jump, hop, skip as you wish toward the shooter

No offense intended here but when you drop and eat dirt so does you gun. For the rest of the movement I would like to see your practice routine to shoot straight will doing all that under fire. I know he said no escape but distance is still what you want.

If I was going to do something it would be to back away as quick as possible while holding, siteing and squeezing. Most people can't hit reliably past 21 feet with incomming fire and only a handgun much less while jumping up and down. If you can then you have my utmost respect as one shooter to another.

Again no offense intended just different view.

Hard Ball said:
If you are actually in a gunfiight do not waste time! Shoot or move. Do not kneel.


That's a solid, simple answer that I agree with. Do not duck unless you have some cover. If you have cover, you want to stick behind it, so it doesn't hurt you to limit your mobility while you're behind said cover. But since you asked about a situation in which you didn't have cover... move move move, until he has to reload and then drop him. Don't waste ammo trying to fire while you're running if you have a handgun, unless you have enough rounds to afford suppressive fire, or you're at really close range.
I may have seen this in a different light. My image is a scene with no retreat, escape, cover or concealment. The only option is get dirty, get close and one will survive. You might not be that one.
We have found that most rounds fired at a flat surface only rise about 4-8 inches and travel in a flat trajectory till loss of energy and gravity take over. Mobility in this scenario is your best bet. Staying put only presents a non moving target to to your adversary giving him the advantage.

If you have no cover option, then movement will protect you most. Preferred movement is a left diagonal going away from the enemy to increase distance. More importantly, keep your movement sporadic and unpredictable. Learn to shoot with decent accuracy on the move. Bullseye shooting will not save your hide in a gunfight (usually) but destroying your enemy's ability to get a hit while hitting what you aim at will.

FWIW, leftward movement is towards your enemy's right. Rightward (or strong side) movement of a target is the most difficult to compensate for.
Are both you and the bad guy out in the open? Then I say keep practicing your marksmanship and neutralize the BG before he gets you and you won't have to worry about standing or kneeling. ;)

But seriously, you do want to keep on moving and move fast. A moving target is much harder to shoot than a target even half its size standing still. I say you should keep moving and move in random directions so the BG can't get an aim on you while moving in a consistent direction.

Laying down? I suppose this may work if you are at very long ranges like 200 yards or more, but at close ranges if you are laying down that only gives the BG an opportunity to get closer to you and your big ass body spread across the ground is an easy target.

Perhaps anyone's first reaction when getting shot at out in the open is to crouch or kneel down, quickly find their target and then shoot and move, shoot and move.
With no escape and no cover you want to end it quickly

Keep shooting...and...if possible...keep moving

Towards cover preferably

But any movement at all is helpful, as often times the BG will be shooting at where you were

Going to your knees or prone sacrifices mobility (makes you a sitting duck) and makes for akwardness on the way down and the way up (if you survive at all)
Move to your left because the perp is more likely to miss his target (you) to his left.

Wouldn't moving to your left be moving to his right?"

You're correct Woodland.
Have actually played with this

For a right handed shooter you tend to get less accurate as you swing your arm to the right (away from your body) rather than left (closer to your body)

When we did it, most people were forced to move their feet "sooner" when trying to engage a target to their right


This was not a real scientific study but it did use both weaver and Isoceles shooters....any resemblence to actual science is purely accidental
You're correct Obiwan, provided the other subject is also right handed.
The comments were just in reference to Pointer's "Move to your left because the perp is more likely to miss his target (you) to his left."
If you move to your left then to the other subject you are moving to his right, not left.
Would it be simple to move away in the direction of the bad guys gun hand. I can see me getting confused in a panic situation forgetting which way to go. Kind of like the icy conditions when you drive, do I turn into the skid or away.
Does the same hold true with rifle/shotgun shooter? I'm thinking it might be the opposite, making it even more confusing.

My thought on the original question, keep moving with the only exceptions is to get down when you don't know where the shooter is. Maybe you get on one knee in the open if shooting long distance (50 yard and over) at a guy with a pistol who also in the open and is having a hard time hitting you too, instead of just running up on each other to close the distance, but what are the odds of that happening.