News Shocker: Anti-War Right Boosts Ron Paul to Top GOP Q4 Fundraiser

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Mike Irwin
"That's not true, he won LA..."

I thought he took second in Louisiana.

A close second, with serious allegations of ballot irregularities; The GOP officials running the caucuses apparently turned away a lot of voters who met the official requirements to participate, but who didn't have a record of prior participation. (And who thus could be suspected of being Paul supporters.) The provisional ballots, where people were permitted to cast them, may tell the story.

Today's story, of course, is that Paul appears to be coming in second in Maine, ahead of McCain. That will net him several hundred delegates..
hahahahaha I LOVE IT...

he (being RP) won LA

I thought he took second in Louisiana.
...wait for it....wait for it...

A close second, with serious allegations of ballot irregularities;

aha...another RP conspiracy to prevent him from winning the nomination...

Any chance there is a report on those ballot irregularities in LA?

Seriously, listening to you guys is better than watching Comedy Central...truly hysterical...
The fundraising facts are the fact. Media conspiracy or not, most papers are completely devoid of Ron Paul coverage. They still cover Huckabee though.

Seems like the biggest Ron Paul naysayers are the people that might have something to loose. Lawyers, accountants, etc. Try to talk your tax guy into voting for RP! I've also had heated discussions with an attorney buddy of mine who seems to favor Romney.

Remember the Constitution is 2 pages, the tax code is 55,000.

Why do stated facts devolve into a Ron Paul slamfest?
This might be funny for a bored accountant...or for McCain, who can sing songs about bombing Iran.
It's not funny to most of us though. Ron Paul did win LA and there's a pending lawsuit due to what went down. Newspapers omit RP, NPR omits RP, media in general ignores him, not due to low polls. They ignored him long before polls were going on. Fact is, he's a threat to big gov, and the push towards NWO.
He's beat McCain in Maine by a large margin! He got 2nd in NV, 2nd, hopefully 1st in LA. He has the most money left and should do at the minimum, well enough on Tuesday to stay in the race to watch Huckabee and Romney drop out. You can laugh and dismiss reality, but fact is, he's going to be in this and has a real chance. Romney will be done soon! Most likely Huckabee too. They don't have widebase support through northern and western states. RP does and will most likely win some substantial states tomorrow!!
I can't believe the few in this group that would be against him! He's the strongest advocate for freedom, small government and individual rights that has ever run for president. His 30 year political record is crystal clean, 5 years air force flight surgeon, 40 years as a Doctor, large family, married 51 years, brilliant on economics and monetary policy. Reagan campaigned for him in '78. Of all the people running, he's got the strongest integrity, noone can challenge that!
They still cover Huckabee though.

Thats because Huckabee has actually won a state and has some delegates.

Why do stated facts devolve into a Ron Paul slamfest?

If these threads were just stated facts, then they wouldn't. However its the accompanied insinuation that this will somehow turn Paul's campaign around, or that he has a chance that brings the smackdown called reality.

You see, Paul's funding should tell you something. All these other candidates are running on empty, on credit, or on personal finances, and are either winning, or have picked up enough delegates to be considered contenders. Paul is sitting on millions and has squat for political equity.

I submit to you that Pauls funding has exactly the opposite effect that many of you think. While normally a candidates biggest problem is resources and funding, Paul has had ample amounts of both. This means that his failure must be the only other thing that a candidate has... his message.
Stage2: If these threads were just stated facts, then they wouldn't. However its the accompanied insinuation that this will somehow turn Paul's campaign around, or that he has a chance that brings the smackdown called reality.

Facts referred to: the title of this thread.
Well, unless you actively seek info on Ron Paul, you won't get it. It's out there, it's good, he's doing just fine. Some here just watch the tv and believe it...I used to as well.
Reliable sources, AP, Google news, Newsweek...etc have reported that RP has beat McCain in Maine. He's got plenty of money left and coming in consistently. This wil be needed as others go broke or drop out, Paul can advertise and gain even more supporters. The GOP needs to realize that they'll be beaten by Hillary without Ron Paul at the convention.
Paul's problem, essentially, is that despite having been a Republican office holder for something like 20 years, the media still recall him being a Libertarian, and are following their standing policy with respect to third party candidates: Don't cover them unless you can't avoid it, and if you have to cover them, treat them as curiosities, not real candidates. Notice how much more coverage Guiliani got, even as Paul was wiping the floor with him in the primaries? That's not objective news coverage.
The GOP needs to realize that they'll be beaten by Hillary without Ron Paul at the convention.

See, this is the kind of magic thinking that brings the smackdown.

Ron Paul is garnering about 6% support in his own party.

He has zero chance of getting the nomination. He has only one third of the support of Huckabee and Huckabee is considered by most to be hopeless.

I seriously worry for some of you guys' sanity tomorrow.
Paul will be in the same position after super tuesday as he was before super tuesday.....DEAD LAST.

There is no spin for Ron Paul. He has millions of dollars and yet can't win a single state. His message is not all that bad, but his delivery of said message is pathetic.

Ron Paul has proven time and time again he is not presidential material. He can't get his message across to the American people because he acts like a loon when he delivers it.
I have a feeling some here will need to start new TFL accounts, to avoid the "I told you so" that's coming soon. Maybe me, maybe not. I'm just saying that it's too early to call this race!
Ron Paul just ended a Minnesota rally tonight with a massive crowd of 4000. 2nd in Maine is official, 2nd in NV, 1st in LA.... He's doing as good as anyone else running. McCain has about 100 delegates and guys hear are calling the race over....
I can't talk sense to someone with no capacity for any. It's obvious we have some war supporters who would clearly not like Ron Paul based on that alone. I'd love to hear how we'll continue to pay for the war, more war and our costly foreign policy.
I have a feeling some here will need to start new TFL accounts, to avoid the "I told you so" that's coming soon.

Hahaha...what will be the "I told you so?" Who will Paul beat? Romney or McCain?

This will be good.
I don't know yet. If you are I did, we'd certainly have a job as a political analyst. I'm not saying Ron doesn't have a challenge, but I think you'll be surprised when he wins some states.
What's disturbing is that it's become fun for some to laugh and say Ron has no chance. It's like they're celebrating it, should we be looking forward to Hillary? Who do you really think will be the next president?? It's a bit like laughing when sick and know you're gonna die...
I'd rather hope things will turn around and someone good for the country can win the election. Do you really not want RP as president? If so, why?
We could all probably overload the server with reasons why Obama, Hillary, Romney, McCain and to some degree, Huckabee are bad. Honestly, I find very little problems in any of RP's ideas and plans. They're logical, constitutional and proven to work, because we used to follow them!!
I don't know yet. If you are I did, we'd certainly have a job as a political analyst. I'm not saying Ron doesn't have a challenge, but I think you'll be surprised when he wins some states.

Aw, don't back off now. Come on. Tell us now so you can say, "I told you so."

Who will he beat? Anyone? You're admitting a last place finish finally?
I'm not saying Ron doesn't have a challenge, but I think you'll be surprised when he wins some states.

First is was substantial states, now its some states.

Where are you getting this information that suggests that Paul will come in anything but dead last.
Yes...upon more research, I found that he's getting states, not substantial states... thanks for the useful post.
Maine GOP released the results...I swear the two of you just watch FOX for all your news. You've made up your mind, so no use in wasting my time. If you wanted to be resourceful and read news from more than one source, you'll find RP is doing just fine, as good as anyone else in the race.
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