News Shocker: Anti-War Right Boosts Ron Paul to Top GOP Q4 Fundraiser

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Maybe instead of dragging out a crotchety old relic like Paul, the republican party could find someone younger, just as constitutional, and without the dangrous foreign policy ideas

I am afraid we will have to wait til the Baby Boom generation finally dies off. About 99% of the problems we currently face were started by baby boomers. I am fairly certain the next generation will be somewhat more conservative, if for no other reason than they have to be because of the way boomers are leaving things.
Well, it’s official, ladies and gentlemen. Believe it or not, Rep. Ron Paul, the 72-year-old Texan who hardly ever gets mentioned in Republican political news and the one-time libertarian who always gets the least time on TV debates if he isn’t barred completely, was, in fact, the most successful Republican fundraiser in the last three months of 2007.

While it may be official that Paul raised the most money, it doesn't mean squat in regard to the delegate clout he isn't raising.

Dr. Paul is well on his way to exceeding his goal for the first quarter of this year, go Ron.

Too bad his goal wasn't to raise delegates.

That's not true, he won LA and has come in second, what, 3 or 4 times.

Ron Paul won Louisiana (LA)? Really, that is truly amazing. Have you been talking to the people at the Psychic Friends Network? The LA primaries aren't for another 2 weeks.

You seem to think that place means something. It doesn't. Only delegate mean anything. Coming in 2nd means even less when you are beaten by such a large margin that you get zero or very few delegates compared to the winner.

Paul came in 5th in NH, but in delegates, came in tied at 4th with 0 Delegates

5th in Florida, but tied for 2nd in delegates with 0 Delegates

5th in Iowa, but tied for 3rd in delegates with 0

Paul did well in Maine, coming in 3rd in votes and tied for 2nd in delegates with 0 delegates

Michigan, 4th by vote and tied for 4th in delegates with 0

Nevada was good, 2nd overall with less than 1/3 the votes of Romney, but picked up 4 delegates.

South Carolina, 5th by vote, 0 delegates

Continually a spinster bridesmaid, but not a bride.
Ron Paul won Louisiana (LA)? Really, that is truly amazing. Have you been talking to the people at the Psychic Friends Network? The LA primaries aren't for another 2 weeks.

That's really nice, but the delegates in Louisiana are chosen by caucus, the LA primaries don't mean diddly squat. Paul isn't going to win the nomination, IMO, but this effort to downplay how well he's actually doing is unseemly.

He's doing a darned good job of demonstrating that his message has considerable appeal, the Republican establishment has got to be terrified at the thought that somebody who's a better messenger will take it up 4 years from now.
the Republican establishment has got to be terrified at the thought that somebody who's a better messenger will take it up 4 years from now.

I think this is an important point. Ron Paul is a poor messenger for a good message. He is the only Republican carrying the conservative banner at this point. The rest have been consumed by neo-conservatism. The ideas of limited government, low spending, minimal welfare, small bureaucracy, local control of education, preservation of civil liberties, and strong defense (as opposed to offense), have been totally lost on the neo-conservatives. If it was not for Ron Paul the flame of paleo-conservatism would have died.

I don't know when the right person will come along. It could be that we have to wait until the Baby Boom generation, with their sense of self-centered sense of entitlement, dies off before a new conservative will emerge.

What this country needs is another Barry Goldwater.
Listen to some of his campaign speeches before you write RP off as a bad messenger. Most are on You Tube. It's awful hard to make your points in an extremely slanted debate forum. Seems like he has so much to say, and 6 minutes out of 90 to say it in.

Personally, I really like the idea of him staying in the race while the others drop out (an unfunded Huckabee, and "move on to the next thing" Romney) then seeing McCain called on the carpet in the coming debates. At some point the extremely Smug McCain will have to acknowledge him.

Do you honestly think John "Bomb Iran" McCain is going to fare better in the debates with his democratic opponent?
Maybe they need to send the of the "baby boomers" to the mideast to keep fighting our open ended wars. That would thin the herd.
Listen to some of his campaign speeches before you write RP off as a bad messenger. Most are on You Tube. It's awful hard to make your points in an extremely slanted debate forum. Seems like he has so much to say, and 6 minutes out of 90 to say it in.

I don't think he's a bad speaker, I just think he's got some history which makes it easy to smear him. You can explain most of it, but in a campaign like this, you rarely get the chance to explain things that look bad at first glance. The limited government message needs a messenger who's been a bit more careful of who he's associated with, and what got published under his name. You can't get away with that sort of thing if the establishment is united against you, and Paul has definitely got the party machinery fighting against him.

That said, now that the field has been winnowed out, and Paul has serious money to spend, it's going to be interesting. Paul can't win the nomination, but he could play king maker at a brokered convention.

I'm amazed how much people hate change whether it's good or bad....
Guess which "anti-war" candidate has the most money donated by the MILITARY?
One reason this is such an uphill battle is Americans overall no longer believe in fairness. They turn a blind eye to RP being ignored by the corporate media and the games his own party plays to keep him marginalized. Anyone remember the seniment "I may not agree with what you are saying but I will fight to the death to defend your right to do so"? What happened to you my fellow Americans? We used to do what was right above all. That isn't saying RP is what's right but if you believe he is you wouldn't support someone else with your vote. All it takes for your candidate to win is get the moste votes=delegates. I think Obama would destroy the country in his ignorance of how reality works, but I would be just as upset if the same thing happened to him. If all the religious folks and "Americans" really believe in the "All men are created equal" line why can't they be heard equally? Why would you let the liberal media manipulate you into who to vote for or others scare you into
NOT voting for someone? This may be the very last semi-free election we ever have. Between the total cor[porate control of the media nad the coming Internet control, easily manipulated electronic voting etc., public schools who teach the founders, freedom and the Consttution are outdated or evil it's time to choose. Obama McClinton on the path to socialism and 1984 or a last chance to restore this country to what it was founded to be.
Rant mode off...
I am afraid we will have to wait til the Baby Boom generation finally dies off. About 99% of the problems we currently face were started by baby boomers. I am fairly certain the next generation will be somewhat more conservative, if for no other reason than they have to be because of the way boomers are leaving things.

Now that is funny however sad if you believe it.
Is Paul actually spending this money?

The reason I ask is that I have never seen a Ron Paul t.v. ad.

Romney, McCain, and Huckabee started their ads here in Virginia weeks ago. Where are the Paul ads?

If he has more money than the rest why isn't he using it? :confused:

I wonder if he isn't saving his resources for a third party run.
For better or for worse, the people don't like Paul. Maybe instead of dragging out a crotchety old relic like Paul, the republican party could find someone younger, just as constitutional, and without the dangrous foreign policy ideas.

As opposed to the dangerous foreign policy ideas and course of action the current administration has been taking since 2003?:rolleyes:
As opposed to the dangerous foreign policy ideas and course of action the current administration has been taking since 2003?

Yes. Those same ideas that have prevented an attack on american soil. Those are the ones that concern me.
If Al Qaeda wanted to attack us again they could with ease and without question. Nothing that has been done would prevent it. How much more liberty are you prepared to give up for perceived security.
Fact is, we're less safe than ever!! I have friends in security and in shipping/receiving. We're so understaffed in security that instead of checking all freight containers coming in from sea, they check a few at random!
This war simply is not about terrorism anymore. It's about building bases and a stronghold in a region we intend to control in the future.
Yes. Those same ideas that have prevented an attack on american soil. Those are the ones that concern me.
Um, didn't prevent the other attack after 9/11/2001.

The Anthrax attack where 22 people developed anthrax infections, with 11 of the especially life-threatening inhalation variety, of which five died of inhalation anthrax.
If Al Qaeda wanted to attack us again they could with ease and without question. Nothing that has been done would prevent it. How much more liberty are you prepared to give up for perceived security.

I see. We are the great satan, and have been killing them wholesale for several years now, but they just cant be bothered to attack us again. What a bunch of bull.

But just for my edification can you please list the freedoms that YOU PERSONALLY have lost over the last 7 years.

The Anthrax attack where 22 people developed anthrax infections, with 11 of the especially life-threatening inhalation variety, of which five died of inhalation anthrax.

I must admit I'm consistently impressed with your ability to argue your way into absurd corners.
xnavy said:
Ron Paul has a big first what. He is done. He hasn't won a state primary and he is not going to. It appears that McCain will be the nomination at this point. Ron Paul can pack up and go home, he has no chance at all. He never had a chance.
Duty, Honor, Country: Those three hallowed words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can be, what you will be. They are your rallying points: to build courage when courage seems to fail; to regain faith when there seems to be little cause for faith; to create hope when hope becomes forlorn. - General Douglas MacArthur
xnavy, take a look at your signature, then compare that to Ron Paul's campaign, then compare it to your statement...
RP is showing courage by telling people exactly how he would lead the country, never changing his policies, all the while looking as if he can't win.
He has faith that we can still preserve the Constitution while the other candidates don't give it a second thought.
He gives hope to those that believe he is doing the right thing by staying in the race with his ideas. This is evident in the continued support and contributions by his believers.
While on the other hand, you recognize neither hope nor faith by your comments. However, I can not doubt your courage since you do exercise you rights to freedom of speech. I hope we keep that right for us and our children.
He may not win the nomination, but he is offering all those things you supposedly cherish, to the voters.
The reason we haven't been attacked again has nothing to do with the increased US meddling in the Middle East since 9/11. If they wanted to attack us again there is absolutely nothing stopping them, our borders are still completely unsecured.

The reason we haven't been attacked again is that the whole terrorism threat is blown ridiculously out of proportion. The worst they can do is blow up a bus here and there, and they have a hard enough time even pulling that off. 9/11 was a fluke, made possible in part by government enforced victim disarmament laws. It won't happen again.
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