Well last night at work. The subject of handguns got brought up. I told everyone that I was in the market for another .357 mag or a good inexpensive .45acp. This young guy spoke up and yelled out get the .45 it has much more stopping power and better range than a .357 mag. Im looking at him thinking to myself yeah right. And he began telling these wild stories like one would read in a novel about the .45 and it's remarkable stopping anti tank and airplane shots. lol! I advise him that Im just looking for a Self defense carry gun not a super weapon. I mentioned the Ruger 345 .45acp and he said NO! that is junk buy an ATI 1911. I will admit I have never heard of an ATI 1911 until he mentioned it. But I see that they are made in the SE Asia. While my new Ruger will be made in the USA. Other choice will be the Springfiel XD 45. .357 mag choices will be a Ruger GP100. Your thoughts or story book adventures.