New York Gun Case Verdict

Doc- I'm just a little bit behind you in years, 62, but I think I feel about the same way regarding the current state of affairs in this formerly free land of ours. Some days I wonder where it's all going to end up.
Probably about like Britain I suppose, where handguns are outlawed, and only the rich folks can afford all the red tape just to have a double shotgun locked up at the gun club.

When I was a young boy, guns were thought of as tools. A fine gun was appreciated by everybody, just like you would appreciate a good pair of boots or a good Stetson hat, or maybe a good car. There was no stigma whatsoever attached to a gun or the people who owned them as there is so many places today. Even in the early sixties I could still buy a .22 handgun by mailorder from Sears, with just a statement that I was 21.

Ok, enough of the old timey stuff, what can we do about the situation today? I have long been a N.R.A. member and I give what I can afford to the I.L.A. I only vote for candidates who support the 2nd Amendment, and I call and write my Congresscritter and Senators, state and federal, so often I think they know me by name. Still, things seem to keep on going to hell in a handbasket. I've had my good times with guns and hunting, and maybe I'll have some more. But, I'm afraid my son and grandchildren may one day be living in a country where guns are "verboten", and people listen at night for the sound of jackboots on the front steps. Sounds like a country a lot of good Americans died to put out of business, doesn't it.