New York Gun Case Verdict

What happened to government by the people, for the people ? The more I sit here and think about what's to come the more I sadden. If you ,or I , became sick and the dr. said it's cancer. You have two choices cut it (cancerus tissue) out, or do nothing and die, what would you chose?
There will sooner or later come a time when simpliy "wishing" for the best isnt going to be enough.
The longer the "cancer" grows the stronger it gets, and the weaker the body becomes.
....God help America....
Don't know about out west, but insurance rates in the east are already higher becuase of the "increase" in SUVs and P/U trucks. If course, they don't give a discount to the people int he larger vehicles who are safer, they just rasie everyone's rates becuase the large. tall vehicles can cause more damage to the miniture cars that the EPA has made so popular.
Just when you'd think people would see this as rank idiocy, I find this pearl in a newsgroup. Does anyone have time to educate?

Re: Do old people deserve safety? How about invalids? Pregnant women?
Fri, 12 Feb 1999 05:07:49 -0400
"James A. Chamblee" <>
Jekyll Jeriatrics
1 , 2

CLScott101 wrote:

> What would actually happen is that the thug would take the gun away from her
> and use it on her. That is what happens most often with those who carry.

Correct;l plus the danger of having it around the house multiplies the
chance of being shot.

I'm so glad a NY jury found that gunmakers were partially liable for
some shootings in NY, because gunmakers intentionally flood the gun
States with guns, knowing that surplus guns will find their way to
States where guns are illegal.

I certainly hope the firearms retail community (that's ANYBODY with a FFL) stops selling anything to the NYPD or any other city that has this type of pending litigation. Please realize that these people want to put you out of business by bankrupting the weapons manufacturers. I don't know about the rest of you, but I just rejoined the NRA and paid for a membership for my 11 year old daughter!
Here's the <a href="">newswire</a> with which manufacturers were found negligent and which were not.
THanks Morgan, I had a similar list in the mail this morning. Due to the fluidity of news links, I'm putting the list herer, for future referrence:

Negligent and liable in one or more shootings:

-- American Arms Inc.
-- Arcadia Machine & Tool Inc.
-- Beretta USA Corp.
-- Bryco Arms
-- Colt's Manufacturing Co.
-- Glock Inc.
-- Phoenix Arms Inc.
-- Sigarms Inc.
-- Taurus International Manufacturing Inc.


-- Calico Light Weapons Systems Inc.
-- Freedom Arms Company
-- International Armament (Interarms )
-- Jennings Firearms Inc.
-- K.B.I. Inc.
-- Sundance Industries Inc.

Not negligent:
-- Browning Arms Co.
-- Charco Inc.
-- Davis Industries Inc.
-- European American Armory Corp.
-- H & R 1871 Inc.
-- Navegar Inc. (Intratech Firearms)
-- Para-Ordnance Manufacturing Inc.
-- Smith & Wesson Corp.
-- Springfield Inc.
-- Sturm, Ruger and Co.

I still haven't heard what the determining factors where between the different categories, but Ihave heard from seveal sources that there was no rhyme or reason to the verdict. Of course, both sides are claiming victory.
It chaps my hide that the pro-gun side claims this is a victory. A few more "victories" like this and HCI will have nothing to do but go after knives and sharp sticks. :(
So, I suppose this means that if a person is runover and killed with a snowmobile in Los Angeles, the family can sue the snowmobile makers for flooding the market?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Watch a Saab commercial, see the car zipping around those winding mountain roads at high speed.

Go out and buy one,get maimed in a crash.

Better call your friendly neighborhood trial lawyer, because you have just become a victim of "Negligent Marketing Practices".

Anybody else see where this is going?
Gee... and here I thought in a FREE market economy that the law of SUPPLY and DEMAND ruled.

This should serve as a wake up call to everyone, when common sense and logic would tell you that it is the people doing an action that are responsible for it, and yet, for some reason a jury can be convinced that the person pulling the trigger isn't at fault it's somebody who sold the gun 10 states away.

Between this and the Clinton aquital, I don't know who passed out the drugs, but they missed me, because none of this makes any sense.

First I fail to see how the marketing practises of any product , make the manufacturer liable for misuse. After all isn't that what the cheesy warning lable is for- socities stupid?

I find this interesting, Colt a while back started to line themselves with the anti's, well making statements that I found not in the best interest of real gun owners and at that ime I thought of a quote " you only appease the tiger in the hopes that he will eat you last" Looks like the tiger doesn't care in this case I hope Colt learned who to side with.
Cheer up Doc! You've been so Glum lately. Think of it this way.... You can spend the last half of your life fighting a good fight for the things you believe in.
If we are to interpret this case properly, if you are injured in a car accident you will be able to sue ALL of the auto manufacturers because of their marketing practices. If you have a heart attack, sue EVERY producer of meat products. Soon every industry in this country will find itself being sued because they produce a product and market it. Is it any wonder why companies move their factories out of the country.
DC, in reply to your post above, I fully understand that this is an attempt to subvert the Second Amendment. I was trying to postulate what mignt happen if the firearms industry is driven out of this country. Most of the members in this forum are probably too young to have served in the military during the Viet Nam era, when our troops were issued equipment that often was poor quality or downright dangerous. Ask a Marine about the first issue of M16's. Or a Cav trooper about the Sheridan tank. Right now we (the US Military) are the best because we have the best weapons ( I dont mean to put down our troops, they have always been the best). I distinctly remember some of the early M16"s built by the Auto industry that were of poor quality and jammed if you looked at them the wrong way. Remington, colt, and the other manufacturers have been there when this country needed them and have produced the weapons that made us what we are today. We cannot afford to loose them.
OK, off the soapbox and off to the range.

[This message has been edited by K80Geoff (edited February 13, 1999).]
In Argentina - why do we watch this case so closely? I'm of brit. roots (scots, irish and english - the People's Republic of the future?) and in this country we have complete gun registration - A license as owner and each gun has to have its own license, i'm also licensed as an instructor ... a walletful of cards we have to learn to live with - yet im also a life member of the NRA and will now probably upgrade, (as well as SASS, NMLRA, and will apply for WAS): Our rights here (as limited as they are, fairly generous as long as "they" dont go for confiscation) - stand or fall as yours do. Individual liberty in general - ditto. So please keep up the good fight! Have heart - these are minor setbacks: You have a judiciary (though it may sometimes turn against you) and you do have a Congress that can keep a President in check - thats much more than most have!

[This message has been edited by Elchimango (edited February 13, 1999).]
Rob, sorry for the long face. It's just that I can remember,as a boy, carrying my shotgun or 22 rifle across my handlebars as I did my baseball bat. The neighbors didn't look askance when I carried my guns down the street to the open areas where we hunted. I used to wear my handgun on my hip when deer hunting or fishing. People took off their hats when the flag passed. A man was as good as his word. The first presidential candidate for whom I campaigned was Wendell Wilkie. The first for whom I voted was Dwight D. Eisenhower. It was a diferent country, then, and I long for it, again. Thanks for the buck up, but I hope I don't have another half to go!:-) - Doc

[This message has been edited by Doc (edited February 13, 1999).]
Doc it wasn't but 25 or 30 years that i did the same thing in a little farming town in N.E.Arkansas. my friends and i always had our 22's and ride our bikes to the cotton fields to shoot rats and if we where lucky we'd get a rabbit every now and then. and like you, nobody in town thought no more about it than they thought about where they were gonna go drink coffee. now we grew up generations apart, but yet have some of the same childhood memories. as i grew i thought it was gonna be that way forever, America, land of the brave and home of the free. well, as we all know things change, some for the better some for the worst. Doc, we've got a fight on our hands, and we need folks that remember how it used to be, to guide us on the right path. I'm plannin' on fightin' and i sure would be honored to see you there beside me. so come on, we've got to fight so that children comming up now can have the same memories that we enjoy. you ain't ready to quit yet!!! :)

fiat justitia
here's a referrrence for how far we've come:

When I was a LOT younger, I used to walk around in New Jersey with various firearms, through the woods, in and out of sand pits, plinking along merrily. My guns of choice at the time were a Ruger mk II or 10/22 with a banana type mag.

Nowadays the HP .22s I was shooting are illegal outside of a home, the hi-cap mag has been banned (not just no new ones.. you can't have a 15 round mag or more in NJ anymore at all..), leaving the home without a special permit with a firearm is a felony. Furthermore, it is a felony (min 3 years no parole, max 5 years...) for a adult to transfer, give, assign, or otherwise dispose of a firearm to a minor. If a minor is not hunting legally or under the direct supervision of an his father mother or gaurdian and he has a firearm, there has been a felony committed.
Here's the kicker: BB guns, Paintball guns, and pellet guns are firearms under NJ law. If a parent gives a 16 year old child a Daisy Red Rider for Xmas, they are setting themselves up for a 3 year min. jail sentence.

"Gee, mom, I don't know why I don't like to visit very often.. perhaps because you live behind the Iron-freakin-curtain ??"

When I lived in the USSR, much of the info we had about America came from books of 50s or 60s vintage and magazines of 70s and 80s. We thought this country was free. What a f-cking disappointment.
Oh, well...if this goes as far downhill as Doc fear it will, I won't be the only one out huntin'