New way to sabatoge Iraq

Am I misreading something or are people not actually fighting over this? :confused: Maybe I'm a little confused.

Let's stop all of this foolishness about how Iran is no different from Turkey. We have a military base in Turkey. We supply our troops in Iraq from that base. We conduct military opertations against terrorists from that base. Turkey is our ally in the war on terror.
Obviously there's a difference however the point is that Turkey shouldn't be an ally because their official policy regarding the deaths of millions - by their government's own hand - is a lie.
As stated in this article, even ultra-liberal democrat Murtha warned Nancy Pelosi about pressing the silly resolution:

Some Democrats say Pelosi couldn't have anticipated the backlash. Yet Representative Jack Murtha of Pennsylvania, one of her closest allies, said he had warned her in February that the resolution could erode U.S. support in the Middle East. ``This is not a way to help us in an area where we need allies,'' Murtha said.

Murtha's warning was ignored by Pelosi, and the consequences were immediate:

One day after the House Foreign Affairs Committee approved the resolution, 27-21, Turkey withdrew its ambassador for consultations, and Turkish legislators on Oct. 17 authorized the use of military force against Kurdish rebels in northern Iraq, a step that may further destabilize Iraq and disrupt oil supplies.

Excellent decision there, Nancy. We're engaged in a war on terror, we need the help of our ally Turkey, and Nancy wants to condem Turkey with a useless resolution about something that happened 100 years ago. But as long as it makes things more difficult for President Bush and our troops, I guess it is worth it to Nancy. :rolleyes: