New way to sabatoge Iraq

Turkey is a vital ally on the war on terror
Why? Aren't they guilty of the same crap that Saddam was doing? Why haven't we invaded and brought freedom to the Turks?
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Turkey has been in NATO since 1952.Most of that time we were in a cold war with the USSR.Look at the map.

Somebody tell me what the benefit is for re labeling something that happened 90 years ago.Will it bring any body back to life?Embarrassing the Turks helps how?

Closure and healing,the two most over used words in the English language.
I don't think it is a matter of conspiracy; instead, it is an issue of terrible leadership by Nancy at a time when our country is at war. A war in which Turkey is an important ally to the United States. Nancy's timing is terrible, and placating MoveOn to make the war on terror even more difficult for our country is irresponsible and illogical.
Listening to an expert on the area - expert said that this sort of resolution has been floating around in Congress since 1918.

It was pushed big time in California by GOP reps who had Armenians in their district. When the resolution was quashed them for similar reasons, the GOP reps lost to the Democrats. It seems that this is a targeted instance for a specific subgroup that each party wants to placate to keep the seat.

It is politically correct for both parties to denounce Genocide. Since the Dems have the seat now, they went along with the single issue voters as the GOP did before.

Then, reality intervenes that we have to keep the Turks on our side. So the Dem. rep. from the district will get beat. Then the GOP dude, then the Democrat - as long as we want support from the Turks.

Sorry to dispell the Tin Foil hat folks.
Somebody tell me what the benefit is for re labeling something that happened 90 years ago.
Recognition of the truth? :confused: That and the fact that survivors and their descendants have vowed to continue their fight.

Why exactly are we allies with a country that lies about the deaths of millions as official policy?

Isn't that one of the things people hate about the Iranian president, that he denies the holocaust? How is this different?
How is this different?

I don't think Turkey wants to destroy Armenia.

If the Armenians will get some compensation because of the label,fine.If it's just some historical housecleaning,as if changing the name will somehow change what anybody with internet access already knows,forget it.
Well, for starters, Iran wants to wipe Israel off of the face of the world (apparently, 6 million murdered Jews in the 30's and 40's isn't enough for Iran). Turkey doesn't want that. Iran provides material training, support, and resources to terrorists, specifically to terrorists who like to blow up American troops in Iraq. Turkey doesn't do that.

And oh yeah, Turkey is an ally to the United States, and Iran is not.

So there are a couple of differences between Iran and Turkey.
I don't think it is a matter of conspiracy; instead, it is an issue of terrible leadership by Nancy at a time when our country is at war. A war in which Turkey is an important ally to the United States. Nancy's timing is terrible, and placating MoveOn to make the war on terror even more difficult for our country is irresponsible and illogical.

What does MoveOn have to do with this? I didn't realize they had any part in this Turkish issue, perhaps I've been reading the wrong sources. I assume you can point me to something establishing MoveOn's part in this?

Or is MoveOn really just the new boogeyman for conservatives?

If the Armenians will get some compensation because of the label,fine.If it's just some historical housecleaning,as if changing the name will somehow change what anybody with internet access already knows,forget it.

Well, part of it is to put pressure on Turkey to change their official stance on this. You might think that anybody with internet access already knows this, but having talked to a couple Turks about it their educational system is doing a pretty good job whitewashng it for their people. In fact, unless I'm mistaken people have actually been criminally charged in Turkey merely for mentioning the word "genocide" in relation to this.

They say those that do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. How can future generations of Turks learn from history if they're not even learning the history period?

Also, the placating of Turkey on this issue predates the "war on terror."

So there are a couple of differences between Iran and Turkey.

Yet those differences don't address the issue he brought up. President Ahmadiramadamadingdong is heavily criticized for denying the holocaust...yet the entire nation of Turkey has officially been denying this genocide in their history for years, and that's okay? Because they're our allies?
I don't think Turkey wants to destroy Armenia.
You sure about that?
If the Armenians will get some compensation because of the label,fine.If it's just some historical housecleaning,as if changing the name will somehow change what anybody with internet access already knows,forget it.
Yes, let's just forget the truth because it's inconvenient. Why couldn't we have just forgotten about Saddam's ethnic cleansing? Would have saved us about half a trillion bucks, eh?
Why couldn't we have just forgotten about Saddam's ethnic cleansing

Because Saddam was still in power.If the men who ordered the extermination of the Armenians were still alive your argument might make some sense.
Because Saddam was still in power. If the men who ordered the extermination of the Armenians were still alive your argument might make some sense.
Yet the men in power still deny the killings. It's just as wrong especially since that denial continues to be a source of death and destruction for many.

Bottom line, we shouldn't be allies with a nation that denies a genocide. Period.
"Well, for starters, Iran wants to wipe Israel off of the face of the world (apparently, 6 million murdered Jews in the 30's and 40's isn't enough for Iran)."

Let it go, it's in the past, it's history.
Let's stop all of this foolishness about how Iran is no different from Turkey. We have a military base in Turkey. We supply our troops in Iraq from that base. We conduct military opertations against terrorists from that base. Turkey is our ally in the war on terror.

Iran is a state-sponsor of terrorism. They build and supply IEDs to terrorists, who use them to blow up our troops in Iran. Iran also trains, arms, and supports Lebanese Hizballah, HAMAS, the Palestine Islamic Jihad, and Ahmad Jibril's PFLP-GC.

Nancy Pelosi's game of the silly, irrelevant resolution is designed to strain the diplomatic relationship between the United States and Turkey. And it appears that Nancy has realized that the gig is up, which is why she's retreating from pushing the resolution to a vote.

Nice job there, Nancy. :barf:
Let's stop all of this foolishness about how Iran is no different from Turkey. We have a military base in Turkey. We supply our troops in Iraq from that base. We conduct military opertations against terrorists from that base. Turkey is our ally in the war on terror.

Iran is a state-sponsor of terrorism. They build and supply IEDs to terrorists, who use them to blow up our troops in Iran. Iran also trains, arms, and supports Lebanese Hizballah, HAMAS, the Palestine Islamic Jihad, and Ahmad Jibril's PFLP-GC.

I don't think anybody would claim that on the whole there is no difference between Iran and Turkey. However, I wouldn't put Turkey on the same level as, say, the UK. For instance, as mentioned they wouldn't even allow us to stage a portion of our initial invasion from that base in Turkey. Even though it might have led to a swifter and more decisive victory. Last I checked, they are contributing no significant forces in Iraq (though that's a long list, and getting longer daily). In general, it seems to me they're a pretty crap ally.

In other words, proving that Turkey is "better" than Iran is neither difficult nor impressive.
I fail to see how labeling history properly is "insulting" to more than recognizing the holocaust as a genocide is insulting to Germany.
As long as the Turks react to the "label" by being insulted, it is what it is. Whether or not you understand the Turks' reaction is irrelevant.
You might think that anybody with internet access already knows this, but having talked to a couple Turks about it their educational system is doing a pretty good job whitewashng it for their people.

Well the Japanese whitewash the "comfort women" rape camps and widespread use of slave labor in their textbooks about WWII, and the Russian schoolbooks probably gloss over the Katyn forest massacre or the widespread rape of women in freshly captured territory as they rolled the Germans back in WWII. So it's not as though the Turks are alone in covering up ugly parts of their past.

As for Pelosi's leadership qualities, I'm sure she got where she is by sucking up to the Democratic Party bigwigs for a lifetime and never, ever letting go of the party line. She is where she is because she is a Democratic Party lifer, proof that scum- like cream- rises to the top. The irony is that as politically tone deaf as she is she was able to become Speaker of the House. I mean, honestly, is she better or worse than Denny Hastert was?
Well the Japanese whitewash the "comfort women" rape camps and widespread use of slave labor in their textbooks about WWII, and the Russian schoolbooks probably gloss over the Katyn forest massacre or the widespread rape of women in freshly captured territory as they rolled the Germans back in WWII. So it's not as though the Turks are alone in covering up ugly parts of their past.

Yes, and ask me about my opinion on these. It's little different.
Here's all anyone needs to know about this topic.

Mesrob Mutafyan, patriarch of the Armenian community in Turkey, has stated that his community is opposed to the resolution.

He said that they will do everything in their power to prevent passage of the resolution by the full House.

Aren't there more important things to occupy congress’ time? Don’t they still have some budgets to pass? Apparently madam speaker has other priorities.

The article is here