New Way of Thinking

I am also a Christian and understand that we are all born into sin. But I don't see how that affects children in a way that makes them predisposed to evil actions. Evil, like good is a part of us all. What brings out either side is as three five seven put it, positive or negative parenting. Garbage in, garbage out. Although I certainly don't believe that in every bad kid is a good kid waiting to come out. Once a kid has been taught things one way or another, it's practically impossible to unlearn him/her from those things.

I seem to remember that our justice system was much more harsher on parents when their kids under 18 broke laws than it is today. Presumably the reasoning was a common sense one. If the kid is bad, it is due to bad parenting, therefore the parents have to suffer the price. Nowadays though I notice more and more kids being tried as adults even under the age of 18. Does this mean the laws have changed?

According to Christian theology (which I hold to), we are born totally depraved. We are not good in any way. This is a genetic trait, if you will, passed on by Adam (which is why Christ could not have an earthly father). To simply say we are born in sin, but then say we are partly good is to contradict yourself.

To this day I can remember the first time I ever lied. I pushed my sister down a flight of stairs (something no one taught me to do) and when I asked if I had done it, I said, "No." Cruelty and deceit, these are not vices I was taught. They came naturally to me. By God's grace alone, can I hope to overcome them.

To put the sole blame on parenting is also wrong. I have seen many good families produce a bad kid. I have seen one brother in a good family go bad, while the rest became honorable salt of the earth type folk. I've also seen good kids come from situations where they had no coming out as good kids. Parenting plays a large part, but it is not the only answer to our dilemna.
Shoot a 12 year old? If need be. Car salesman packing? His or her choice while in compliance with the law. The parents fault maybe yes, maybe no.

In the late 70's I had the opportunity to tour the Middle East compliments of Uncle Sam. There was little crime. It was supposed to be dangerous in the Pakistani slums of Bandar Abas, Iran. I got turned around and ended up lost there and I am still here and no one took anything from me. I was always aware of my surroundings, compliments of a buddy from Chicago that grew up that way and taught me.

The bottom line is we as a free society have come too far from our founding principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In all societies that I am aware of if you cannot live within the rules you are out cast. We have become too liberal in what we consider a rehabilitatable person.

There was no crime in that era of Islam because there was swift and complete punishment. I do not remember the day of the week, but Saudi Arabia had a public execution day, weekly. If you stole they cut your hand off. Your right hand. Adultery? It was your head.

I am not advocating an adoption of Islamic Law in this country, although Islamic crime and punishment law is not too far from Old Testament Law. An eye for an eye. There will an accounting some day, but no one should have to live in fear of these heartless little kids. And society should not be held in hostage, an incorrigable should be removed from society regardless of the age.
I think I have to agree with youp on this one. Overall whether or not it was the parent's fault or the kid just turned out to be a worthless little demon, harsh and strict punishment would ensure a cessation to any repeat offenses. I agree our justice system, in some respects, has become decadent and weak. Radical reforms are necessary, including in my opinion, new supreme justices that serve only several year terms rather than life terms. New eyes and new opinions may get some of the more unnecessary laws on the books taken out. Such as laws saying you can't eat an ice cream cone and ride a donkey on a Sunday, take them out, and create new ones along the lines of like, you kill someone, you get the needle. Or you kill someone, you get life and hard labor to pay for your own housing and upkeep.:cool:

Last week, I heard an update on the murder of the car salesman. The 17 year old apparently bragged to some friends about the details of the event. They say the salesman pleaded with the 17 year old not to shoot him, since it wasn't even his car and he would let the 17 year old have it. The 17 year old responded, "Dude, it's a BMW!" And then he shot the salesman.

Yes, it seems like parenting plays a huge role. We do seem to be born with a nature bent on evil and we need someone (parents, grandparents, the Village) to drive it out of us. But there are so many things that keep parents from doing it. When you take away moral absolutes, then you are left to argue your own personal beliefs, and they are usually selfishly motivated. If there is no God, then why is it all that wrong to shoot someone over a car? So more than good parenting, we really need a return to the concept that each of us will one day give an account of our lives to our Creator. Children must learn that there are consequences to every action, either good or bad. They must learn that an action is not right or wrong because of the consequence, however; it is right or wrong based on how it conforms to the character of God. In other words, stealing a car is not wrong because it is not your car; it is wrong because it violates God's character.

But people cannot mention God anymore. We cannot even buy Christmas trees in some stores! Parents cannot spank their children, even if done in a loving manner. And we cannot mention God and science in the same sentence. Children are taught that they are an accident of nature, a byproduct of evolution. And yet they are supposed to treat other accidents of nature with respect. Evolution is the survival of the fitest, so why do we restrict these "survivalists" who think it will be easy to reproduce their DNA if they can steal an awesome ride to impress the girls? Children must learn that they were created by a loving God for a special purpose, and He created a way of life that is best - conforming to His character.

There. I am finished with my sermon. I only get to preach once this Sunday! ;)

So to return to the original topic, the 17 year old was the one with the gun. And, sadly, he chose to take the life of another man for a BMW. Texas has lethal injection.
