I'm laughing pretty hard at the folks who think "profiling" is a useful idea -- yeah, round up all the ones with brown skin and A-rab soundin' names, 'cos there have never been any pale-skinned bombers, especially no fair-haired, blue- or green-eyed guys with names like "O'Toole." Oh, heck no. That would never happen. The IRA was a happy chowder-and-marching society and the Oklahoma City Federal Building never got blown up.
You don't think the mad bombers of the world wouldn't trade favors to dodge a profile? That there aren't any hard-core radical Muslims who look and talk just like J. Average American from down the street? Hah!
Thing is, for a really determined idiot, there are still plenty of ways to make a mess of an airliner barehanded or using objects that can still be brought aboard. We should be grateful that the terrorist bad guys du jour seem to be sorely lacking in idiots that determined. (And don't ask me for a list of ways and means. Do your own homework).
It's very long odds that bad things will happen when you fly -- but they are not helped by the muddle-headed insistence that we all fly unarmed. For years, this idiocy was fed by sappy faith that if airborne baddies were only given what they wanted -- which was, more often than not, a free trip to that worker's paradise, Cuba -- everything would be Ohhh Kaaaay. Yeah, well, we were shown differently and some of us reacted to that information with blinding speed, so rapidly as to thwart one of the hijackings while the plane was still in the air. A sane government would have figured out that Americans can take care of themselves, and cheered such efforts on. But it didn't happen that way, did it?
Nope, our Great Leaders are taking their cues from the British -- and readers here know what good friends to self-defense the UK's government is. Makes a person wonder just what the future might hold.