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New Rifle Forum Format (merged threads)

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Rickyrick hit it on the nose concerning the numbers viewing the individual forums. At this time the numbers viewing are: Currently Active Users: 1887 (221 members and 1666 guests)

Of that 1666 guests a high percentage got here by following links from Google, Yahoo!, etc. Of the ones who followed a link to a rifle topic, almost all of them are going to be in the general rifle forum.

It doesn't matter what the numbers are anyway. We will not be basing a decision based in any way on viewer counts in the various forums.
I've recently seen a new problem. People ask about a scope for xxx rifle in general, and it gets moved to whatever action type that rifle is. Should scope questions either be left in general or moved to the gear section? I'm sure most the problems will get ironed out once everyone gets adjusted to the new way and a SOP gets set up.

And I take back my vote for the old way, at least if someone ask about an AR they wont get 4 "not another AR post!"
That's one of the things that we're trying to iron out, Semi. By the way, its not just a question in the rifle forums, either, we struggle with the same issue in the handgun forums.

We'll get there!

OK, that said....

We've had a lot of good feedback and discussion in this thread so far, and I want to thank everyone for it on behalf of all of the mods.

Right now it looks like there's overwhelming desire to return to the old forums.

But, I truly believe that at THIS time that's something of a mirage. People simply don't have enough time with the new format. As I noted above, we truly want feedback based on use, not a reflexive reaction to change (I'm VERY much a change is BAD BAD BAD! kind of person, so I can relate).

So, here's what's going to happen right now....

1. I'm going to close this thread. It's allowed everyone to get their initial thoughts about the new rifle forums layout (and more than a few of mine about the handgun forums layout!) off their chests.

2. Any new threads that pop up will be closed and the posters directed to read this thread.

3. There's going to be a trial period for the new format. We've not decided how long that's going to be yet, but it will be more than a few days. During that time staff is going to work on getting things ironed out with where posts will go when they're talking about gear and not just a rifle, etc.

4. At some point we'll post a poll open to all TFL members to get their feedback on whether the new forum arrangement works, or whether it should be reverted back to one big rifles forum.

So, bear with us, folks.
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