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New Rifle Forum Format (merged threads)

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Well, I guess that long post was largely for nothing...

Probably the truest fix?

Immediately ban anyone who posts in the wrong forum.

Of course, in about two weeks we'd probably cleave about a third of our membership away.
Interesting discussion. Its true you'll never keep everyone happy.

Either way it works out, I'll stick around. ;) Still the best gun forum on the net.
Agreed fully on the above.

For some reason I find the pistol split works.

Rifles, I liked the mix. Yea I can still get it, but its lost the flavor.

Understand its a tough one to manage, but would vote for the combined still.

Not a big hissy fit and walk off or anything like that, just a preference to be noted and maybe re-considered.

Let er roll and have a poll in 3 months?
I like the old mixed forum, I feel this way I am missing out on some threads.

Or maybe you could sticky thread some of the very common issues such as; Mosin Nagant sticking bolt, deer rifle cartridge .....or...... the best way to hit something with a mini14 is to throw it at the Target.:D

ADDED; with the general and semi auto forums, it seem almost as two semi auto forums.
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"with the general and semi auto forums, it seem almost as two semi auto forums."

It's only been a couple of days. Let's let things settle down a little and I'm sure that will change.
As I write this, according to the statistics on the main forums page, the following numbers of people are viewing the rifle and handgun forums:

General Handgun: 88
Revolver: 116
Semi-automatic: 349

General Rifle: 299
Bolt, etc.: 6
Semi-automatic: 8

This suggests to me that the split makes sense for handguns, where large numbers of people seem to be specifically interested in one or the other action type. But in the rifle forums, where almost all the interest seems to be in general topics -- I don't see the point of the division.

And anyway, I liked the old, inclusive forum better. I'm less interested in semi-automatic rifles, so I'm tending to skip over that forum -- but under the old format, I'd sometimes open such a thread and learn something I hadn't known. Now I have to open that forum page and scan a whole separate list, just on the off-chance something might catch my eye...

Put back, say I.
Those huge disparities in viewers for a forum?

Most of those "viewing" the forum are automated processes from Google, Bing, Yahoo, and the like.

They're pulling information for search engines.

They're not humans.
Personally I liked it better the old way also. Doesn't mean the old way was better, it's just that I liked being able to find any rifle related material in one place. I'm sure in time we'll all get used to the new layout as I'm sure the handgunners had to do when they split that section.

Please merge the rifle forums back together.

It's nice to just be able to read though the rifle posts without having to jump through 2 different forums. Especially when you aren't looking for something in particular, but are just browsing to expand your knowledge.
We're not going backwards any time soon.
Based on that It seems pretty much a done deal to me.
No point in commenting further as it is their forum & we're just guests so its their site their rules.
"Based on that It seems pretty much a done deal to me." -- WRONG!


My post, from which you picked a single sentence upon which to turn your entire focus, is not saying that the rifle forums are a done deal.

The post discusses the rational behind the handgun forums being split and the reason for taking the stance that we do in closing threads that are posted in the wrong forum as a means of addressing a previous poster's comment.

That post is NOT, in any way, shape, or form, telling people that the partitioned rifle forum is here to stay.

Please disabuse yourself of that notion, because it is absolutely 100% incorrect.

Just about any change to TFL comes with a "trial period" in which staff keeps track of user acceptance and feedback.

Right now, all we are asking for is that people DON'T reflexively scream "OH GODS WE HATES IT, OUR PRECIOUS HAS CHANGED WE HATES IT WE HATES IT!"

Give it a chance, work with it for awhile. If member consensus is negative enough, it could very well be changed back to a single forum.

But staff is NOT, based on the short-term impressions of what, about 20 members who have posted here, going to do a 180 reversal on something that has been rolled out for less than a damned week.
Do not equate that statement with "done deal". The key words in Mike's statement are "any time soon". We do want to give it a try for a while, but to go back to the old way immediately when we've only heard from a handful of members would be just as irresponsible as going forward with a change when asked to do so from only a handful. We got a lot of requests to breakout the rifles forums from many members over the years.

Nothing here at TFL is set in stone.

Mike and I were obviously simulposting, and so the message is now doubly clear.
Mike Irwin said:
Those huge disparities in viewers for a forum?

Most of those "viewing" the forum are automated processes from Google, Bing, Yahoo, and the like.

They're pulling information for search engines.

They're not humans.

The discrepancies in those numbers are quite consistent, over time. For example, there always seem to be about 10 times the "viewers" in the semi-automatic handgun forum as in Tactics and Training; how curious that bots find semi-automatic pistols so very interesting.

One wonders why that would be so, if it's not somehow correlated with the interests of the "do we not bleed?" crowd... :confused:
"The discrepancies in those numbers are quite consistent, over time."

So, how much time are you observing?

The simple fact that they are consistent is a pretty solid indication that these are, in fact, regularly scheduled crawlers and not humans. Human patterns would tend to vary considerably.

They will target the forums that are most active.

At least that's how I understand them to work.
Mike Irwin said:
So, how much time are you observing?
At least a couple of years...

[DIGRESSION]I started noticing those numbers, on the perhaps naive assumption that they reflected visits by actual humans, because I'm interested in the way that many people find hardware an end in itself: guns, woodworking equipment, whatever, are more interesting to them than the uses to which those things are put.

Even if you look at a different measure -- numbers of threads over time -- there's way more activity in the various hardware forums than in forums like Tactics and Training or Lock and Load, which tend to be more, um, process-oriented than stuff-oriented. Far more people have "what gun?" questions than have "how do I shoot better?" questions. Granted that the latter also show up in what I'm calling "hardware" forums -- there are still way more threads focused on which gun, ammo, or accessory is best for a particular purpose. (It's encouraging, though, that much of the time some Wise One jumps in and says "Duh! The one you shoot best," or "Don't accessorize it, just go shoot the heck out of it.")[/DIGRESSION]

They will target the forums that are most active.
So perhaps they are a valid measure of the relative popularity of those forums... ;)
Vanya said:
As I write this, according to the statistics on the main forums page, the following numbers of people are viewing the rifle and handgun forums:

General Handgun: 88
Revolver: 116
Semi-automatic: 349

General Rifle: 299
Bolt, etc.: 6
Semi-automatic: 8

I think the lack of viewers in Bolt, etc. and Semi-autos is due to the lack of posts. Note that General has over 56,000 posts, while Bolts, etc. has only 85 and semi's 112 (as of this post).

Given a little time, I believe you'll see that, as the number of posts increases, so will the number of viewers. I think it's worthwhile to give it a chance to build up steam.
I liked the mix. I own a mix and sometimes, it's nice when a post catches your eye that you wouldn't normally read. I kind of liked the 'one stop shopping' for rifles.
I still like the old way better.

But, what Mike days has some credence. I think back a few years, even before I became a member, I Googled different things and basically led to this forum and others. Since most of the older posts still reside in the general forum, then most of the Google searches and others are gonna lead to the general forum. That's the same way the 10 year old threads get resurrected.
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