New President Bush Coins!!!

News flash if you dont like it please leave the country immediately.

Yeah, that makes sense. I wonder what the world would look like today if a bunch of colonists in silly wigs had lived by your philosophy.
Don't we all know that?!?! :confused: They came to America :p

Well yeah, but America was a British Colony (or colony of some other European nation) at the time. The United Kingdom, love it or leave it m i rite?

Those pesky rebels should have just left if they didn't like the King's policies.

EDIT: I know you were likely kidding, but this is a serious response to the "love it or leave it" garbage.
A conservative person should support the bill of rights, that means they would have big problem with Bush's "Patriot Act", but they would love him for his support of the Right to Bear Arms. Its not a simple thing.

It gets tiresome seeing people who want to protect freedom of speech and freedom of assembly being labeled as "liberals" like it is some disease and like it should make them hate guns and be against the 2nd amendment.

I think my position makes sense, whereas I don't feel any of the parties represent my views well at all. So, the "liberals" hate me for supporting guns, and the "conservaties" hate me for supporting the other rights, like due process, not being tortured, and freedom of speech.

This site is really refreshing because sometimes I see others who don't follow the party line, and think independantly.

I laughed at Clinton and I laugh at Bush, but I agree with neither.
GarandIllusion said:
As to Iraq ... if Bush pulls out a victory in this war ... like I have said before ... he may be remembered as the strong president who managed to stay the course and bring a new era of peace and low oil prices to the world when all the nasayers and spineless whiners abandoned him. I would not be surprised to see his face gracing Mount Rushmore someday.

I was hoping you were kidding, but I know you're not. I do have a few questions, though, starting with this - where is this new era of peace and low oil prices? I thought oil was at record highs, perhaps I was mistaken?

You do a grave disservice to the gentlemen on Mt. Rushmore by including President Bush with them. These men were true champions of liberty, justice and America. Bush is the opposite of that.

I too voted for him twice but certainly disapprove of pretty much everything he's doing now.

He's a complete idiot who has taken away much of our liberty and made us the laughingstock of the world. We are less safe today than 9/11 because of him. Part of me wants HillaryObama to win just so we can try something different for a change.

Mr. Illusion (now there's an appropriate handle), sir - keep drinking that koolaid, apparently it's good stuff.