New President Bush Coins!!!

this kind of thing could have been funny about any president. I can imagine some Clintstone humor with lewitsky and the stained dress on the coin...ect. It just happens to lampoon the pres we have now. It should be enjoyed by people from left and right. We are a group that goes from far right to far left on social policy, but we all stand firm on the bill of rights, especially #2.

I saw a Family Guy that was making fun of the NRA the other day. It was really funny. As a NRA member, I still laughed, "Guns don't kill people, dangerous minorities do." yuk yuk.
I think some who have posted on here are taking this waaay to seriously.
No, it's just that everyone doesn't think the same thing is funny. Not everyone has the same taste in clothing, food, art or humor.
Do we live in the same planet? Last time I checked gas was at record highs, food prices are soring, the dollar sucks, our deficit is ballooning, we torture people, we trample on civil liberties, we're stuck in a no-win Civil-War situation in Viet-raq that we can't afford and Afghanistan isn't far behind. And you think these are the hall marks of a great leader (remember Bush was always taking credit for the economy when it was good)? And thats not even bringing up Katrina......

Wow and I thought Michael Moore didnt own guns, let alone post on firearms website. Liberals with guns are like illiterates with Shakespeare collections.
Wow and I thought Michael Moore didnt own guns, let alone post on firearms website. Liberals with guns are like illiterates with Shakespeare collections.

Wow. That was a lot of facts and truths rather than inuendo.......:rolleyes:

Silly me I forgot that God is an American and a Republican.

P.S.- Which one of those things isn't true? Was it the economic stuff or us losing strategically in Viet-raq?
Dont forget it!

Hey, there High-Speed, you still didn't explain how Viet-raq is wonderful, the economy is just buzzing along or or how our civil-liberties are protected?

I know that "God did it" often serves as an acceptable answer in Limbaugh-land, but could you please use some facts?
:eek: I thought Cheney was the president

The real bush coin. The Amero

Bush as a great president ...

Do we live in the same planet? Last time I checked gas was at record highs, food prices are soring, the dollar sucks, our deficit is ballooning, we torture people, we trample on civil liberties, we're stuck in a no-win Civil-War situation in Viet-raq that we can't afford and Afghanistan isn't far behind. And you think these are the hall marks of a great leader (remember Bush was always taking credit for the economy when it was good)? And thats not even bringing up Katrina......

Of these things ... all but Katrina relate to Iraq. And while the Feds definitely botched up New Orleans relief operations in a big way ... they are not as much to fault as the locals. And the Feds (bush) did come through in the end.

As to Iraq ... if Bush pulls out a victory in this war ... like I have said before ... he may be remembered as the strong president who managed to stay the course and bring a new era of peace and low oil prices to the world when all the nasayers and spineless whiners abandoned him. I would not be surprised to see his face gracing Mount Rushmore someday. ;)

It all comes down to how history judges him. We can judge him a failure for now, but history gets the final word.

Stranger things have happened. Who would have though a year ago that stability in Iraq would have been increased to the level it is now by the surge?

Liberals with guns are like illiterates with Shakespeare collections.

So someone who believes in secular government and social freedom shouldn't possess firearms because it's a sin against the lord to own guns while not believing in him?


EDIT: Guess that means I'm going to hell then, if I believed in one.
I like how Dubya's defenders still try to claim the title of "conservative". :D
This is a pretty funny video. Some of us should lighten up a bit.
Voted for Bush twice and I thought it was funny as all get out. If anybody is taking this a little to serious, just remember, nobody likes to poke fun at Bush and Cheney more than Bush and Cheney. At least they've got a sense of humor. :p
Hey, there High-Speed, you still didn't explain how Viet-raq is wonderful, the economy is just buzzing along or or how our civil-liberties are protected?

I know that "God did it" often serves as an acceptable answer in Limbaugh-land, but could you please use some facts?

Look slow and chunky, I am not the one with the cute sayings like Viet-raq. How long did it take you and your spoon fed lib buddies to come up with that? Hopefully not as long as it takes you to elect your CONidate(since your into cute little word plays). I am not saying Bush presidency has been perfect, but your hate filled comments all over these boards is a sad statement on the type of person you are. News flash if you dont like it please leave the country immediately. However I am sure you are more like hemroid and it wont be the last time we have to hear from you. Good day Sir!