New President Bush Coins!!!

The pointless Bush bashing is getting nausiating. Like that old uncle telling the same lousey joke AGAIN.

It didn't miss a single lie the left loves to tell did it.........
Every week end I go Gold panning. I have two HOMFIRESTONIA coins. Yep Looking better every day!:D

$959,00 a Oz. Ok there only 1/4 oz.
I stand virtually 180 degrees opposed to the makers of this video ... and yet it was clever enough to make me laugh. Took a shot at just about every well known "conservative" (note quotations) currently in the spotlight.

IT's worth watching.

And I am definitely not a Bush basher. I think he still may be remembered as a truly great president.

But this was fun anyway.
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lol. Sounds like all you Bushies lack a sense of humor (or just hate people pointing out what a miserable failure he's been and the repudiation of neo-conservative/chickenhawk-ism).

Besides, since our glorious leader certainly hasn't been very conservative (nor compassionate), all you conservatives have plenty of excuses to distance yourself from him and his failed policies. So why are you people still carrying his water? :confused:

I think he still may be remembered as a truly great president.

Do we live in the same planet? Last time I checked gas was at record highs, food prices are soring, the dollar sucks, our deficit is ballooning, we torture people, we trample on civil liberties, we're stuck in a no-win Civil-War situation in Viet-raq that we can't afford and Afghanistan isn't far behind. And you think these are the hall marks of a great leader (remember Bush was always taking credit for the economy when it was good)? And thats not even bringing up Katrina......
I like George Bush... voted for him twice, I thought the video was funny as heck!!

I'm sorry but I fail to see how any reasonable person could still like Bush, I also voted twice for him however I know it was a mistake but I do agree the video was good simply I enjoy a good laugh.
"I'm sorry but I fail to see how any reasonable person could still like Bush"

Okay, everybody is an idiot except you.

It had its amusing points; I liked the measures of volume for an oil-based currency.

But it falls victim to the standard "our side is always right" BS; if you're going to include Presidents who had disastrous effects on the economy, LBJ and Carter deserve their own place. And did anybody else get the feeling that the folks behind it were 9/11 Truthers?