NEW OWNER OF A S&W 952 9mm ! help ?

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Wow, FUD, you're right. I mean, if *&* hadn't signed that agreement, they would have gone the way of Glock, Kahr, Kimber, and all those other companies that were sued out of existence?

Wait. What's that you say? Glock, Kahr, and Kimber are still around? They are actually doing well!? And *&* is withering on the vine? I can't believe it! I mean, the whole logic of the argument that's being made by *&* apologists is they did what they had to do to survive. Yet, companies that didn't sign off are doing well. Maybe that's because people like me are buying their products, and not giving money to *&*.
[Ad Hominem attack/reply deleted by Staff]

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited October 17, 2000).]
Hey buzz_Knoxx since you are using words like " I'll bend over and let you do what you want" and "bite me" I thought this was more appropriate.......
[Graphic deleted by Staff]

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited October 17, 2000).]
buzz, with all due respect, the companies you mentioned (Glock, Kahr, Kimber, etc.) are 'gun' companies and while S&W is also a gun company, they are owned by a larger corporation who isn't.

I believe that things happened the way that I outlined them. The British firm was approached and told that they either sign and some business will be thrown their way or if they don't sign, they will be sued out of business. Since 'guns' wasn't their primary focus, they were not knowledgeable about the gun climate and since S&W is one of their smaller companies, they did not wish to exert the energy to find out all of the details.

Glock, Kahr, Kimber, etc.; are more in tuned with gun owners and didn't go down this route.

I'm not trying to excuse what happened and I don't particularily like the company or the damn agreement but I do love their products and do not want them to change (as a result of the agreement) or go away (as a result of the company going under). Unfortuantely, it looks like one or the other is going to happen.

It's a no-win situation as far as I'm concerned UNLESS the company goes under and somebody buys the designs, copyrights, etc.; and starts making these fine products again.
I think that things are getting a little out of hand (things being said & displayed are a little inappropriate) and it's time to close this thread and NOT start a part two until emotions have calmed down a bit. Moderators?
FUD, respectfully, a parent company CANNOT order a subsidiary to enter into a facially illegal contract. Simple matter of contract law. You can't order a company to do that which is illegal. *&* had a choice, and it made it.

There is one final note, though. My comparison was more valid than you suggest. Several other companies (including Glock) have "mentioned" in passing that they had considered signing the agreement, until they saw what happened when *&* did. They didn't want the same thing to happen to them so they backed off. To that extent, the boycott worked.

By the way, I apologize, FUD, if I seemed to direct ire towards you. You've discussed your feelings on the matter and while I disagree, I can understand. I don't extend this apology, however, to those who intentionally try to start fights like this or refer to those who boycott *&* as being in the same vein as HCI.

[This message has been edited by buzz_knox (edited October 17, 2000).]

I didn't start anything. Check your fact buddy!

A member asked a GUN question in the HANDGUNS & PISTOLCRAFT forum and specifically requested that politics be kept out of it and you and you anti-freedom lovers jumped all over him because he dared to buy something that YOU did not approve of.

You're either for freedom or you're not! If you are, then those with information about his question should have presented it to him. That didn't exactly happen, did it?

And I'll compare you to HCI until you show me a difference! You both wish to limit a gunowner's freedoms but in different ways and for different reasons but the end result is the same.
buzz how about this I will start a new thread " experience with 952 9mm needed ?"
I will promiss not to say anything that will start a flam. All I am looking for is first hand experience. Is that ok ! And I Appoligize for the picture, the only reason I posted it because you attacked feathers. Hope this works.
No need to apologize buzz. This is a very emotional topic and you & I have had a histroy of agreeing on may things in the past, so I took no offense at anything that was said. Best regards, FUD.
[Post deleted by Staff due to inability to separate the wheat from the chaff]

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited October 17, 2000).]
lets talk about somthing else. I was wondering who will be the 100000 poster on handgun and pistol craft.
I would like to thank those of you (most of you) who showed restraint and civility in this rather contentious thread.

To the other few, I'd like to thank you for occupying the last 30 minutes of my life cleaning it up. After all, isn't that what Staff is around for? To clean up the mess after your individual little pissing contests. I mean, it's your birthright to expect this much of our time for just one of about 70,000 threads on this Forum.

I know we'll be accused of "overmoderating". Not so. It's just that we set out to do a job, with your cooperation. We ask nothing in return except that you keep to your word. That word was given when you agreed to the Policies of this Forum...they're posted on every page for the A.D.D. impaired.

So, where the message is appropriate, I offer these words of advice:
1) Check your email
2) Check the Policies rather than dash off a nastgram about how unfair we've been
3) Get Off My Frequency

Rich Lucibella

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited October 17, 2000).]
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