I took four pistols with me today; My Sig 210, my Browning custom high power 9mm, my tricked out Glock 19, and finally my NEW S&W 952. I put a total of 200 rounds of WIN USA 115g through them all at 25 yards. I concluded that the 952 is by far the best 9mm I have ever owned and shot with. It was the most accurate and had the most consistant groups. Also it was by far the smoothest with least fealt recoil. Now as far as this post goes, please, If you have anything to say about S&W post it in the correct forum. This is a post about pistols and only pistols. As far as walt, feathers and Gewehr98, thank you for your support. Anyway, I will do more tests especially with low velocity target ammo soon. Oh by the way you guys should have seen what happend at glocktalk when I posted about my new S&W. The moderator kept deleting personal attack posts, it was brutal.