New Orleans Begins Confiscating Firearms as Water Recedes

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At the orders of New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, the New Orleans Police, the National Guard, the Oklahoma National Guard, and U.S. Marshals have begun breaking into homes at gunpoint, confiscating their lawfully-owned firearms, and evicting the residents.
What on earth is with you?
Why isn't this being reported by the DOZENS of reporters on scene?

You're bringing us a Right Wing Colorado "Think Tank's" essay as proof of what is happening 1200 miles away on the same day written?
You guys are missing the little known clarifier to the 2nd Amendment. "The right to bear arms......". "Except during panic mode by the government, after hurricanes". This is an ugly precedent!
What on earth is with you?
Why isn't this being reported by the DOZENS of reporters on scene?

It is being reported. Just not to the extent that we would like. It is happening, did you see the video on O'Reilly, remember the little old lady getting thrown to the ground. She was removed from her home. Hell, ABC news had a video with the POLICE Chief of NO saying no one would be allowed to have guns except the police. Video footage of people being handcuffed, weapons were seized, people then released. Hell, if you take a persons means to defend themselves in a situation like this, then leave them at the location, you may as well have forced evac them, you have left them no other choice but to evac, so its defacto forced evac. What part of that is hard to understand. The reasons forced Evac is not officially happening is because the microscope is on NO for the firearms seizures.
did you see the video on O'Reilly, remember the little old lady getting thrown to the ground.
TWO days ago and not another incident since....that doesn't look like "sweeps" to me.

Video footage of people being handcuffed, weapons were seized, people then released.
SOURCE PLEASE, or I'll shut this trash down right now. Turn on FOX or CNN dude; it IS NOT happening; nor is FORCED EVACS....should it happen in future, I'll be right with you. Should Blue Helmets appear on Bourbon St. with full auto weapons and APC's, I'll be right on it. But it IS NOT HAPPENING at this point.

Hell, if you take a persons means to defend themselves in a situation like this, then leave them at the location, you may as well have forced evac them, you have left them no other choice but to evac, so its defacto forced evac.
You're right about that. Similarly, if fedgov disarms me they turn me into a potential slave and I have a Right to rebel......but, what if they HAVEN'T DISARMED ME? What if I just saw them take someone's gun and then listened to a whole lot of internet types and THOUGHT THEY'D DISARMED ME?

I'd be pretty much the fool, wouldn't I?
With respect to Rich Lucibella, this type situation just makes me PISSED!

ONE cop in charge and ONE gov't official saying what they said is enough. Following though even ONCE is sufficient. Sufficient for what? Sufficient to show that our "leaders" do not respect our rights. Not just our 2d amendment rights, but ALL our rights.

Someone with the NG (I didn't catch who/what rank) was filmed (I saw it) saying that they will follow the orders to force evac and confiscate arms. Good enuf for me to believe that our NG is a bunch of follow-orders sheep. Good enuf for me to believe that our "saviors" in times of trouble have no thought to saving ME - only themselves and their position.

Gentlemen, the 2d amendment is OUR RIGHT and it cannot be rescinded since it was never within the powers of the gov't to give it to us. We specifically withheld that from the gov't in the first place and we forbade the gov't from doing anything to limit or remove that right. The emergency order in Louisana has NO EFFECT on Federal Constitutional Rights.

This not about "cold dead hands" either. It's about all that little thing called The Bill of Rights and what it means. It means that we have the Right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure. The Right to own property. Right to peaceably assemble. Right to free speach and worship. Right to be compensated whenever the gov't takes our posessions for public use. Right to freely travel. The Right to be left alone (implied in the B of R's by SCOTUS). These are our RIGHTS which we were born with. And they are being trampled and obliterated in the name of "helping" the victims. To the detriment of those victims who need protection and to the benefit of those who have wealth and power enough to not.

At some point, we, as a nation, need to stand up to our government. That point is now. We NEED the NRA to organize a series of demonstrations in every city of gun owners who will PEACEFULLY and CAREFULLY and WITHOUT THREATS protest against the actions being taken in New Orleans against U.S. citizens. Not gun waving or sabre rattling, just peaceful and calm protest. We need this NOW at the first hint of oppression and not after it's "confirmed" as being ongoing. It is easier to stop this stuff before it gets going and has momentum. So what if we look like a bunch of overzealous madmen reacting to a "simple thing". It'll get the point across to not mess with the rights of the people. And it'll get the point across that WE THE PEOPLE are watching and that we will act when we feel the need.

This is where a strong leader will take charge to organize and stand up. Not as gun owners but as AMERICAN CITIZENS. So far all I've seen is political fluffys say wait & see. Seems to me that what they're really saying is wait & see if they get to keep their cushy job and political/social benefits by doing nothing.
ONE cop in charge and ONE gov't official saying what they said is enough. Following though even ONCE is sufficient. Sufficient for what? Sufficient to show that our "leaders" do not respect our rights. Not just our 2d amendment rights, but ALL our rights.
Oh, absolutely....and let's look at one lawful firearms owner. Shall we expand from his beliefs to the entire population of firearms owners?
I give you, Tim McVeigh.

Did you think the Media would deliver a report from "one" National Guardsman who might be quoted to say, "I don't know anything about the Mayor. I don't have the time nor the interest to enforce the Mayor's orders. I was asked to come down here and assist in Search and Rescue and that's what I'm gonna do"......snip....."what's that on the cutting room floor?"......"oh, nothing important".

My point is that it's REAL easy for firearms owners to appear as much the nut-case as The Brady Center.....I need only point to threads like this to prove my point.

Thread closed until such time as someone can provide us with current and credible reports that firearms sweeps are going on in NOLA.
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