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New M/L Sub-Catagory Suggestion

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New member
I originally posted this under the Suggestion Forum and got no response. I hope I'm not out of line in the following suggestion. If so, my apologies.

Do Y'all think there would be any interest in a new sub-catagoy of:
Buy, Sell and Trade: Muzzleloaders & Gear
This would save us "Front-Stuffers" some time in looking for our interests.

"Respectfull asking and I thank You"
Now i come to think about it , i am going to
get myself a new pistol, i was thinking of a
open top. Lets hope there are others who
are intrested in your idear.:D

Sod Buster Tried To Pull on Willson.
Yeah, but how many of you guys are really out there?
I'm betting no more than 40 of ya.
now, heres how we move this along;
I'm betting 40 or less muzzleloaders on this site. I'm talking DEDICATED, dont shoot anything else guys/gals.
if you get 50 or more real muzzleloaders to reply to this post i will send, completely free of charge, a foward mount for a Phantom scope (which are no longer made and nobody wants) to the 50th post.
this is the mount that was offered for winchester model 94's specific to the phantom scope. nothing else will fit.
those of you that know about this combo know that the recoil caused the scope reticles to bend and sometimes the scope would fly off the mount.
so, this mount is essentially worthless but i paid 20 bucks for it so i could tell the story.
brand new in plastic case.
free to the 50th muzzleloader!!
show your support for a dying art!
:) tom
I think 40 is overestimating it by a good bit. I really don't think there's any people here on this forum that are dedicated to muzzleloaders only. They're all on some of the muzzleloading only forums.
I enjoy all firearms, not just muzzleloaders, but the idea sounded good as I will be in the market for a 58 remmy soon.
Here's my vote.

It's a real pita to page through lots of stuff I'm not interested in looking for bp or muzzleloading stuff only. Enough so that I haven't looked at the classifieds here in a long, long time. There's other places that are easier.
Hey folks!!!

Take my post at face value. It's not restricted to those who are into B/P either part time or full time, in small number or large numbers. In-lines or side locks. Just an easy place to list a M/L's for sale or looking to buy as well as the accessaries that go along with it. I can see that some are confused as to it's goal or purpose. Again, just take it at face value. There are always new guys coming on that are looking for this material and old guys, that want to get rid of their stuff.

It's really that simple !!! :confused::confused:
Understood, I was just replying to tplumeri's post about dedicated muzzloaders. I dunno how well it would go here. I know for a fact there's no interest in genuine Civil War relics here.
OK, forget "dedicated".
i'm just trying to help the thread along. I think its a good idea.
so, the 50th post that has ANYTHING to say about muzzleloader wins the prize.
Remember. this is a totally useless mount for a scope thats no longer made.
only one luck winner!
I bet we could get Ken (wildalaska) to throw in a comparable prize for say the 60th post.....
The TFL BP Forum has had folks posting on it from all over the world including Africa.
That's from where we watched how Heinrich machined and then fired his newly built mortar:


It would be especially accomodating to have a TFL sub-forum for muzzle loading related items like huntingnet.com has.
I sold a Knight muzzle loader on this forum some time ago, and I bought a bunch of round balls from a TFL member that were just delivered to me in the past week.
I also PM'd a TFL member recently about a muzzle loader that he had unsuccessfully advertised for sale on TFL for many months. Someone on huntingnet.com googled it up where I read about it, and then learned afterward that it had already been traded off. :(
So I'm willing to bet that a TFL "BP for sale" sub-forum would gain more attention once the word gets out. :)
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I think this is a great idea. I buy a lot of bp related items and I welcome any venue that caters to this growing subculture. Personally, I don't bother with the " Buy, Sell, Trade" forums on THR and other sites because there is no efficient way to filter out these products.
Yes it would be great

I am a dedicated BP shooter I have modern but when I goto the range or go out hunting I always take blackpowder.
To have a sub forum dedicated to BP gear for sale would be a great thing.

When 9-11 happened I thought, Oh boy this is going to have a poor ending, and decided to go blow the dust off my modern's and add a few.

The only modern I had that was a dust collector was a ccw carry piece.

So a little bird told me if I can some how post at the right instant I might get a prize! :D

Well I have no idea what that prize is as a scope ring for a Mod 98 Winchester, and I have one of those Winchesters too, but it will never see a scope.

Ah but then I ride a motorcycle and it has 1" OD handel bars and I might mount a watch to the scope ring. Would that be PC incorrect?

So I am in and I want this prize if newbies can qualify.

I will have to dig a little deeper around here, and see what's up too....

Maybe you should just send me that mount now as I have a wicked bad case of CABIN FEVER and I can't be exactly responcible for anything I do as of late.

I am an old re-enactor for ther French and Indian War, which just about qualifies me as a Pirate.

I could just drive my own post count up till I hit the magic numba! Ho Ho HO, errr Har...

No Body had better be laffin as I am not funny! :( Mac
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