New Home Defense Shotgun. Help a newbie out?

Actually only one staff member participated in this thread.
And he was pretty sedate compared to posts by some here...
do not get a .223 for home defense like parabellum says, unless you want to shoot through walls and maybe hit your family
gee, I missed that one, a .223 for H.D., really?

I didn't see that post...this thread is getting scary. So a high powered rifle for interior distances of what, 20' max typically, humm, interesting (bad) advice. If you could put that .223 on full auto (know it's against the rules) and shoot from the hip as an earlier advice was given, guess one could eventually get the B.G. , some fire fighting skills maybe in order if one is going to "hose" down the area *LOL*
What did I start here? Looks like everyone is having fun. Just so you guys know I was never planning on getting a pistol grip, just the regular old stock that comes on it will be just fine. I already have plenty of pistol grips......on pistols. Thanks for all the useful advice though and keep it coming.
Hey, have ya'll seen Grand Torino movie yet?

Clint Eastwood, inside his garage chasing the bad guy around with what looked like a Garand, at any rate a rifle, I thought that was about as stupid as it gets!
Well.... I've got my 500 with 00 and slugs, my Glock 22 and for flushing out the bad guys - the Ultimate weapon: Boston Terriers!

They may not bite like a Pit but you can bet there's nothing more annoying than little ankle biters!

I'll have no problem knowing where the bad guys are & none of the Home-owners Insurance headaches...
The tight enclosures of a garage, with a car parked inside,

And the choice of weapons is a rifle, you really don't think that is stupid???
Then I reckon, the reasoning would be only use a handgun if you think a bad guy is in your closet.
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