New Henry Dirty Barrell

Haven't got a 60 gr powder recipe for a 350 gr cast in any of my literature where IMR 4895 is used. Where would I find such a powder charging?
Try cleaning your cleaning rod and jag. More crap gets carried right back into a barrel from the rod and jag (and thread points of the two) than people realize. I would hold off on the JB, more barrels are ruined with that stuff than are helped (my opinion only).
Looking at the Load:

- Although I can't find an I/H4895 "book" cast load either, Quickload tells me that you are in the mid-high 35-37,000psi+ regime ("CUP" may show lower)
- You are [way] overdriving the lead bullet (OOC, is it plain-base or gas-checked?)

Slow it down and use a softer alloy (#2 Lyman at most)

Let us know.....

postscript: Lyman does have an H4895/55.2gr/350gr jacketed load for the 95 Marlin action. Calibrating off that for 60gr/IMR4895, you're closer to 40ksi
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I am shooting a Meister lubed bullet. No literature out there for my load. Probably need to reduce load down about 5 grains but just guessing at this point.
You are only a grain below Hodgdon maximum for a jacketed bullet and you are 10-15 grains over anything Ken Waters loaded.

That bullet is just a big pistol bullet, same lead alloy, same hard lube.
It might do ok at black powder velocity but you are pushing it way too hard.
Try using degreaser then flushing with water. Run patches till dry, then oil it, and a few more dry patches. The rust inhibitors can be hard to get with standard cleaner. I tend to start with a patch soaked in Coleman lantern fuel, then some dry patches, then oil.
New Henry Dirty Barrel

One more thought. If you are shooting of a rest hold down on the forearm like you would with out a rest. It's a light gun and the jump up off the rest can result in a pattern in my H101 rather than a group.
All the best,
JB bore cleaner arrived the other day so I tried it following the instructions. I worked on the bore for for a couple of hours. Patches still coming out black as charcoal. Unbelievable never seen anything like this. Went through about a third of the container. Used just a little bit for each pass, ran oil patch each time before application. Ran patch with JB and then 15 passes with bronze brush. Patches are not coming out any cleaner, still jet black.
JB bore cleaner is a light abrasive and ALL patches will come out "BrassoBlack" when using it.
That has nothing to do w/ the barrel condition.

Have you shot it... then cleaned it yet ?
Clean out all the JB paste with a good solvent. Denatured alcohol or acetone will help but just about any solvent will be good. Then dry out the solvent. Then fire the rifle a few times, then clean the barrel. You'll see it's squeaky clean. Finish up with a lightly oiled patch.
Are you using an aluminum cleaning rod? Not only can they load up and carry gunk back into the bore, aluminum can react with some cleaners, turning the patches black. Those patches are never going to come out clean.
You used way too much JB, shouldn't need more than 10 or so patches, followed by regular cleaning processes.
I don't think I've ever used more than 10 JB patches each on my Mosins when first acquired, and those have always needed the most initial attention of any rifles I own.

As noted, JB will NEVER come out anything but black.
And with it being an abrasive, even a mild one, you're scouring away the bore surface if you use it for a couple hours.
You may possibly have rounded off your lands somewhat.

Run your regular cleaning process now, try some factory ammo through the gun, see how it shoots.

Never judge a gun by jumping into it cold with handloads as a benchmark.
Use a known quality commercial load or two.
And understand lead bullets will just about always be dirtier than jacketed.

I'd suggest you stop obsessing over the bore & just get down to shooting the gun.
Try some 45-70 factory ammo from different manufacturers. If you can't get a good group from any of them then send the rifle back while it is still under warranty.

If you do get good groups from the factory ammo, then take a good look at your reloads to determine where the accuracy problem lies.

I would not worry about a patch coming out of the bore with a little discoloration.
I am using a Dewey rod. I cleaned out all the JB and then tried some Pro Shot cleaner. Patches still coming out black. Has anyone used Shooters Choice Lead Remover?
Seriously, just go shoot the damned thing with some commercial jacketed stuff.

See what it does at 100 yards.
Do a reasonable cleanup afterwards & go from there.

It IS quite possible to ruin a bore by excessively screwing around with it & you're steadily working your way into that.

I don't mean to be offensive, but this is getting to the point of ridiculosity.
I have never seen or heard of anybody, with Henry or any other brand, going to such lengths in cleaning a new barrel.

If you can't SEE obvious lead buildup in the bore with either a flashlight or a borelight, I wouldn't bother endlessly trying new cleaning fluids to remove it.

Did you buy the gun to shoot, or merely to clean as a hobby? :)
When I first bought the gun, I gave it a cleaning and shot some Buffalo Bore bullets. The bullets were copper jacket with a lead flat nose. These bullets also would not group. Given that the gun won't group and extremely dirty barrel, I suspect there is a weird issue with the barrel.
Try a couple more jacketed brands.
If dismal accuracy, just send the thing back to Henry.

You're not helping that bore any by continually scrubbing it.
You may easily have already damaged it.
Well that did the trick. Patches now coming out absolutely white just like my custom 6.5 x 284 with Bartlein barrell. This beauty ready for the range. BTW Brownell states that the JB bore compound is absolutely safe even for the finest target barrells.
JB is safe, but NOT in excessive amounts like you did.
It was never intended for 2-hour sessions.
When I suggested trying various factory loads, I meant standard factory loads like those from from Winchester, Remington or Federal, NOT specialty loads like Buffalo Bore.

Please don't get the impression that I'm knocking any manufacturer of specialty ammo, especially Buffalo Bore. They make a very good product but they may not be what your Henry likes to shoot.

I also understand that Henry has a lifetime customer satisfaction guarantee, but I would still recommend sending the rifle back to them as soon as possible if the accuracy problem persists.