New Game in Legal and Political

What he's asking in his own humorous and sometimes smarmy manner is whether we can pre-check all postings for him in advance. My answer is, "Yes, if someone needs that much hand holding". You can submit your proposed posts direct to me and I'll respond as I'm able. Personally, I don't think anyone here needs to be baby-sat in that manner, but if some of you feel you do, I'll accommodate. Fair enough?

Actually I was trying to be humerus in my own smarmy way....I feel some tension trying for a giggle.....

If I need to have my posts checked I wouldnt be me. Each man is responsible for his won actions and must accept what he gets.

Will there be a daily roll-up, or a link page, or some other such tracking tool where we can see who received Clownies and why?
I was looking for a clownie smiley, but all I found was this.

Gaming The Forum

Decades ago, I worked for a creative detachment of a computer company that had just promoted a blue-collar Type A manager to be the vice president at our home office. His assembly-line mentality didn't allow him to realize that creative types tend to work long but flexible hours. He took to locking the plant doors at 8:30, and standing on the roof of the plant, taking Polaroids of people who tried to get in after that. He instituted a juvenile "contest," whereby the director of the group with the "best on-time performance" got a prize parking spot, while the director of the group with the worst had to park in the very furthest spot.

What he forgot to take into account was the ingenuity and the sheer cussedness of the creative individualist. Since our detachment was already about 2,000 miles further than the furthest parking slot at the main plant, our director made it a point to win "worst on-time performance" every month (didn't have to fudge the figures, either). He won many friends among his peers in the main plant, and made a monkey of the martinet VP.

That having been said, I have never posted here before, and probably will never post here again. I hereby offer you my account to mow down as your daily sacrifice so that a regular poster can survive another day.


You've obviously not been around long enough to recognize exactly what Mr. Lucibella is attempting to do.

He's not stifling creativity.

Far from it, in fact.

The types of posts, from the types of posters, that are receiving his attention are the polar opposite of creative, intelligent, discourse.

That said, I'm having a small problem seeing exactly how your quaint story is analagous to what is laid out in Rich's first message in this thread.

Oh, and I hate to tell you this, but your thread was, while off point, intelligently stated, well written, and actually had a point. While I cannot claim to speak for Rich, I sincerely doubt that you'll be successful in your attempt to "throw yourself on the grenade."

Bill the cat right back at you.
I sincerely doubt that you'll be successful in your attempt to "throw yourself on the grenade."
Affirmative, Mr. Irwin.

Welcome to TFL or "see ya" as you may choose. While I did get the point of your story, it might have been stated in two sentences, thusly: "Rich, those who seek to impose order, fail to recognize the ingenuity of others. Rules are meant to be broken; and they will be."

To which, I would have replied, "Well of course they will be Mr. Poacher. The Second Law of Thermodynamics demonstrates that the universe is in a constant March Toward Chaos. There is no preventing that; however, we can maintain some sense of order thru judicious expenditure of energy".

Stick around, though. You may yet have something of value to provide.