New Colt Python?

I was on the Colt Forum & read that Colt is coming out with a new Python. Has anyone heard about this? If so what are your felings in this?
All comments are welcomed.
I remember also when there were rumours a few years ago, that an Italian manufacturer of replica S/A revolvers was going to manufacture the Python again and am still walting for that. I think it was Pietta.

The Python action had a lot of handfitting but the main feature was the midnight blue that came from experienced gun smiths that polished the pistols on walrus leather buffing wheels. While a lot of the handfitting can be eliminated with modern CNC machinery, the polishing will still be labor intensive and costly.

Korth in Lollar had tried to bring the old line of traditional Ratzeburg Korths back in late 2008 and it was not commercially successful until they completely redesigned the gun and dropped the hand finishing and going to a matte finish. Korth in Ratzeburg had handpolished the guns with sanding blocks and the resulting cost was not competitive. If Colt comes up with a traditionally made Python, the cost will be staggering and most likely at the same level of the traditional Korth revolvers.
I’d be surprised if they jump from their current offerings right to a Python. They’ve been taking baby steps with the new models. I would think the Python would be the culmination of their offerings. They know a Python would sell, but it’s in their best interest to sell a bunch of other stuff first. I just wish they’d step up the pace of the new offerings.

I would bet a new Python would be introduced as a stainless steel model rather than a blued model at least at first.
The New Cobra and New King Cobra are in size, a beefed up Detective Special.
If they put a vent rib and adjustable sights on that frame, they ought to call it a New Diamondback.
The New Cobra and New King Cobra are in size, a beefed up Detective Special.
If they put a vent rib and adjustable sights on that frame, they ought to call it a New Diamondback.
This may be their next step, but they are not going to call it the New Diamondback; it's just going to be a plain ole Diamondback for marketing purposes.
I bought one a couple of days ago. Beautiful gun. Best trigger I've ever used. Locks up tight as a tick. I'm not crazy about the grips, but I've seen much worse. They'll probably stay if for no other reason than I like my guns to look "stock out of the box."

I've seen the Hickok45 video. The fact that his malfunctioned didn't bother me too much. It happens. I'd be disapointed of course, but if it breaks I'll send it back and get it fixed. I haven't fired mine yet, but I have gone through four or five hundred dry fire cycles (with snap caps) with no problems.

I would have preferred the 4.2" barrel, but I said I wouldn't turn my nose up at a 6" one if that's what turned up first. That's what turned up first.

The price was at MSRP, $1499.99. Maybe that's too much for some people, but I've wanted a Python since I had to sell the last one I had when I was out of work for a year or so, some time back now. I figured with prices over $2000-3000 and up I'd never get another one. I might could have waited for the price to drop, but I'm an old man and might not live that long. :D



I understand the internals are different. Considering one of the grips against the "old" Python was that their lockwork is weak, that might be a good thing. As I said above, the trigger on this one is VERY, VERY good. I handed it to my wife, who frankly wouldn't know a good trigger, from one on a garden hose. Her eyes just got big and she said "WOW! That is NICE." And that's in both single and double action. And no, there is no stacking at all.
That's a gorgeous gun. I'm looking forward to a 4.25" one sometime next year, with any luck.

I think it's good that they've updated the internals. Everything new is always going to have some kind of teething issues, it was a really good idea for them to not try to remake it exactly with dozens of internal parts. Manufacturing has come a long way since then, and I'm glad the mechanisms weren't left in the past.

My favorite quote so far is the Ken Hackathorn video, "People keep saying, oh, it had such a good trigger... the trigger was crap!" Haha.

I've been torn for a good-sized .357 for a couple years now, and just wished A) a Python was cheaper and B) no longer considered an investment piece. Looks like I got my wish :)
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Here is the thing. Remakes are usually always disappointing. And most NEVER live up to the quality and performance of the original. I don't care what type of gun, or who the manufacturer is. The reasons are really quite simple, and become self explanatory. You have to look at WHY the original was discontinued in the first place.

In most all cases it was due to the cost of manufacturing them. The original Colt Python was so desirable, because it's lockwork was hand fit by people who were all but of gunsmith talent. Colt could no longer charge what was required, in order to turn a profit by keeping it on the market. So, like many original firearms, it was discontinued.

Then, like clockwork, once discontinued the value of the originals began to skyrocket. Colt saw this and immediately wanted to capitalize on it. So the first thing they looked to accomplish is how to make them, and still turn a profit on them. They then redesigned the lockwork to be simpler, faster, easier, and above all CHEAPER to produce. And in the process eliminate all the hand fitting that made the gun so desirable in the first place. This is NOT a Colt Python. It is a redesigned facsimile to look like a Colt Python.

And there are obviously problems with it. Reports are coming in left and right about the gun locking up, cylinders not turning, or else going out of time. And in general not operating correctly. Hickok .45 has confirmed this. As have others.

Colt would have done their customers a much better service by doing what they did with the Single Action Army, and what Marlin did with the Original Marlin Golden 39-A. Make it a special order gun, and price it to match the same quality level it had before they discontinued it. But instead they chose to cheapen the gun up enough by changing it's design in order to make it profitable enough to warrant mass production in the first place. Much like Browning did with the "new" Auto V.

It is nothing like the original. It has an Aluminum receiver, and operates totally differently than the original Auto V did. No parts interchange between the 2..... Only the name. And it still costs a ton. This "new" Python is no different. I'm not saying it was wrong for Colt to do this. It makes complete sense from a marketing standpoint. Just as it does for Browning. But it's not the same gun, and it will never be the same gun. But it will satisfy a market for these guns that has developed. And at the same time, it will most likely increase the value of the originals....... Assuming they ever get the thing to work right.
^^^^bill460 is right on point. I'll add that the strike that started in 1985 and lasted until 1989-1990 did not help Colt one bit. They had non-union people doing assembly and it was down hill at high speed after that. By the time the strike ended the the old time journeymen were gone. Only have seen one good review and that was by Hackathawn.
CajunBass, glad you like it! All the power to you and I hope you enjoy your new revolver.

I have to agree with bill460 and DonP. I bet it was a long day at Colt after the Hickok45 video was released. I really want Colt to succeed, but there are just better alternatives these days. Speaking of alternatives, every time I fire my Kimber K6s I smile. I hope they make a full size one (looks like they make a DASA 4"). A blued full size offering would be a dream come true. For the price Colt wants, a good classic used Smith is a more sensible option to me.

We'll see how this develops, but I don't think I will be getting one anytime soon. The only colt I ever owned was an Anaconda. Timing went out after a few hundred rounds. Couldn't get anyone to work on it, left a bad taste in my mouth that I haven't gotten over.
I gotta say, NOTHING (or not much) is the same as it used to be in this world... I'm guessing there was extensive testing of pre-production Pythons (new) and the issues are more of an assembly/parts nature.

I, like Wheel-Gunner, hope that Colt succeeds and get the problems ironed out quickly and are back to supplying customers with high quality revolvers in a short amount of time. I'd give one a try, and may actually.... I have a Cobra (new) that i picked up when they first came out (i've actually been trying to find out the starting serial numbers for those early Cobras) and it's been a very good, reliable, revolver...

That the new Pythons aren't identical in lock work or dimensions doesn't bother me much... though i WOULD like to see one in Royal Blue finish but won't hold by breath on that... Colt probably couldn't manufacture them to the original process, even if they wanted to... (and probably the reason why no one else has reverse engineered and manufactured one either) I completely understand the purists and collectors feeling otherwise and that is fine too. Bottom line... time marches on... we just gotta deal with it best we can.
The hickok video does concern. It is just one, but the whole platform is new...

Take a bunch of 686s (like being sold right now). How many are posting about issues? I think I am the only one with a binding issue brand new. S&W returned it fixed in a week. Otherwise, I haven't heard anything.

Cost half that and had 7 round cylinder...just as pretty :)

Time will tell. I do think there is a market for these though.
Another Youtuber posted the exact same issues before Hickok did his review of the’s the identical problem that would be concerning to me.
Well, I took mine to the range this morning. I only went through one box (50 rounds) of Fiocchi 140 gr FMJ 357 ammo. (I did another 50 38's through my 2019 Cobra).

With the exception of a dud round (the very FIRST one I tried) no problems. The other 49 went bang as expected, and I was able to hit my own target. ;) No problems with the cylinder rotating or anything. Only 50 rounds, but it's a start.

Now, if you think having a dud round on the very first time you drop the hammer on a new, expensive gun, won't give you a sick feeling in the pit of your're tougher than I am. Two additional hits also failed to fire it, so into the "dud can" it went. The next one went BANG and all was well with the world.
Now, if you think having a dud round on the very first time you drop the hammer on a new, expensive gun, won't give you a sick feeling in the pit of your're tougher than I am.

Man oh man, sometimes a pair of Depends are needed at the range! Glad it is working fine for you.
“Another Youtuber posted the exact same issues before Hickok did his review of the’s the identical problem that would be concerning to me.”

Could you please post the link to this as it may be helpful to other members.