New changes to Az Gun Laws "No Dry Ice"


They have inserted a new clause stating that you cannot have "Dry Ice" near your weapon. Why would this be? I can't find anything on the web and hope someone might help. The bill was signed into law just a couple of days ago which also changed the law about brandishing your weapon if you are being threatened with physical or deadly harm (among other situations.
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I read it 3 times LOL thinking I was missing something, but what really matters is the change to the brandishment ( if thats a word) conditions which was sorely needed (not to get off the subject) but I always thought Dry Ice turns to Vapor instantly under the extreme conditions of primer and exploding gunpowder *smile* I did kind of think that they might know something that I didn't. They probably saw some stupid movie and believed it, IMHO
That is what the law pertains to, the dry ice bomb.

3. Manufacturing, possessing, transporting, selling or transferring a prohibited weapon, except that if the violation involves dry ice, a person commits misconduct involving weapons by knowingly possessing the dry ice with the intent to cause injury to or death of another person or to cause damage to the property of another person; or

Full law link
This is so totally bizarre.

I would also very much like to see a link to the article.

There appears to be two potential bills the original poster is talking about, neither of which have passed yet, to the best of my knowledge.

The first is HB 2439, and the other is SB 1243.

What gets me is that that neither bill has anything to do with dry ice, or dry ice bombs.

I call shenanigans. 1richochet, where on earth did you hear about this?

I don't think you (or I) can find anything on the internet about it because it just isn't so.
13-3102(A)(3) Manufacturing, possessing, transporting, selling or transferring a prohibited weapon, except that if the violation involves dry ice, a person commits misconduct involving weapons by knowingly possessing the dry ice with the intent to cause injury to or death of another person or to cause damage to the property of another person;

Don't see a problem here. You have dry ice? Mens rea attaches to any supposed offense - This means that a prosecutor must prove that you intended to make an dry ice bomb. No (assembled) bomb? No Intent? No crime.
In GA you can't carry an ice cream cone in your back pocket either, but thank goodness this law only applies on Sunday or I don't know what I would do. I'm not sure if you can carry the ice cream cone on Sunday if you keep it consealed or if you have a Ice Cream Cone Carry Permit and when I called to ask they just hung up on me.

Stupid laws are a direct reflection of the people who made them.

You know this law is the result of some dummy doing something stupid that resulted in something bad happeneing and of course politicians came to the rescue to make it all right.
OK so when are they gonna outlaw the Mentos in a Pepsi bottle "bomb" ?

Or the 'tater gun' ??
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I was once acquainted with a guy who was disallowed from purchasing dry ice as part of his probation. In three states!!! He had some good stories and knowledge.

They are extremely dangerous at close range, very easy to make and the ingredients are very available. Hard to get exact timing on them, but easy to make them go off in 15-20 minutes.

You know that pocket behind the drivers seat you can put maps and such into? Check it everyday before you get in your car to commute to work:)
This may pertain to the lead post. The boys from Mythbusters did this in the desert. Dry ice and gunpowder and one hell of an BANG! It sure looked like one nasty bomb.
The boys from Mythbusters did this in the desert. Dry ice and gunpowder and one hell of an BANG!

That was thermite, not gunpowder.

In GA you can't carry an ice cream cone in your back pocket either...

Stupid laws are a direct reflection of the people who made them.

Not a stupid law exactly, just meant to prevent a very specific crime. Think about it, it's about horse thievery without the use of ropes or anything else incriminating. A horse will follow you anywhere on its own if you have an icecream cone in your back pocket.:)

Probably happened a few times and they coudn't do anything about it under the existing law.
Because it is an unnecessary restriction on individual freedom.

Really? Can you tell me how it is a restriction on individual freedom?

WildorshallisuspectwehavelittlemorethansloganeeringhereAlaska ™